Posts from June 2024

Posts from June 2024

Solomon Islands Property

Solomon Islands Project

The Project Resumes The original date didn’t work out due to pandemic travel restrictions, and several years have gone by since the Solomon Islands building project was supposed to be completed. But now, after a long delay, the project is about to get underway! It is scheduled for the 24th of June to the 25th of July, 2024. Fly and Build Your assistance is needed to help build a church sanctuary for service as a lighthouse in the South Pacific.…

Timor Update & Fundraiser

Over the past few years our readers have followed the developing mission in East Timor. East Timor is a country very close to Australia, with a difficult recent history, and with many opportunities to help people and share the love of God. The Australasian Union has been officially supporting missionary workers in East Timor for the past couple of years. This is on top of many volunteer efforts that have gone into the work there in the last decade or…

Aussie Families Assist in Vanuatu

Bringing their combined experience in media production to assist the South Pacific Union Mission, the Thiel and Tyler families travelled to Vanuatu in December, 2023. The main mission was to assist in filming several doctrinal presentations, cooking demonstrations, and musical items, and to help take photos for a new edition of a South Pacific vegetarian cookbook. The local brethren helped out by constructing a special “bush studio” which we used to film most of the content. The SPUM held a…