Musical Outreach

Musical Outreach

To those who may not be aware, a few families with a passion for music and sharing the good news of salvation have been providing online praise. For God’s honour and your enjoyment, these are available by clicking the different links below.

Ah-Ching Family Sing-along

For several Sabbath afternoons we were blessed to join ‘Live’ for a Sing-along session with the Ah-Ching family together with Br. Isaac Foaese. This has been a time of praise and thanksgiving. During the sing-alongs, Sister Tanya gave opportunity for individuals to request their favourite song, and at future
sessions they fulfilled these requests.

Feel free to click on the links below to view these sessions:

Scripture for Kids – Weekly

The Kneebone family hosts a YouTube channel called “Scripture for Kids” where each week they have delighted many with a song. Most of them are written specifically for the memory verse from the Children’s Treasures Bible Lesson for the week. The words for the Bible verse songs are taken from the KJV Bible.


Sounds of Scripture – Weekly

The Tyler family hosts a YouTube channel called “Sounds of Scripture” where they diligently prepare a beautiful musical rendition for each week’s Junior Searcher Bible lesson memory verse. The words are also taken from the KJV Bible.


We praise the Lord for these talented families. Thank you to each family member for sharing these very enjoyable musical items of praise to God. We appreciate the sacrifice, time, and effort which each have put into providing these occasions of joy. May God continue to bless their talents and efforts!