Keilor Park Rebuild

Keilor Park Rebuild

Originally constructed in 1972 with volunteer labour, the Keilor Park Church sanctuary was showing signs of wear. Additions had been made to the rear of the building since first constructed, but over time, the complex was shown to be inadequate for the number of people who attended. More and more maintenance items were identified, and several years ago, cracks started appearing in the structure.

At first, it was thought that the building could be repaired. However, the foundation around the sanctuary had been settling, and it came to light that the wall and roof structure were not properly constructed to withstand the shifting of the foundation. This would be a difficult and costly repair. The church members concluded that rebuilding would be the best, simplest and most cost-effective solution.

After plans were drawn up and ratified by the church, application for building was made to the Council. This process was long and faced many obstacles, but eventually the new building was approved. The old building had to be demolished, and the site cleared for building. In May 2023, after a lot of work in preparation, the concrete slab of the new church was poured.

Concrete slab, May 2023
Roof framing, October 2023

Today the rebuilding has progressed well. The frame, roof, exterior brickwork, windows, doors and lining have all been completed. Most of the lighting is in with just a few external lights remaining to be installed and connection needed.

Things remaining to be done include:

  • Fit-off
  • Lighting
  • Flooring
  • New pews
  • External works
  • Car park

We are appealing for money to finish the rebuilding. We need AUD$50,000 to finish the project. 

With your help, the Church can reach this goal and complete the work we’ve set out to do to the glory of God.

Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference. 


Please send all donations via the Australasian Union Conference:

BSB: 032-274
Account: 498391
Name: Trustee for SDARM AUC Trust
Reference: Keilor Park Building

Or donate online here: