Posts by Lidia Voncina (Page 3)

Posts by Lidia Voncina (Page 3)

NSW Youth Focus Meeting

4 April 2015 April was here and some were off to China, Victoria & Umina, but many were still left locally to hold another Focus evening.  Thank you to Brethren Craig & Murray for hosting the evening at their small cosy place. To begin the evening we all read together Matthew 13:3-23… The Parable about the Sower and the Seed. David then gave every young person a question sheet on the reading.  The young people then had to choose another…

WA Camp 2015

“Getting to Know God” – 3-6 April 2015 Good Friday dawned bright and sunny after a cold evening and Lake Navarino, Waroona, WA saw the arrival of Perth and Stratham families coming together for a youth camp entitled “Getting to Know God.” After setting up camp, we started the program with the opening Sabbath Worship entitled “What is your picture of God?”  We explored how each one of us view God through a pair of glasses.  How we view Him…

Victoria Camp 2015

Christian Life Skills – 3-6 April 2015 Despite a sad-looking weather forecast, the opening day for camp was a beautiful warm sunny day. No doubt many were relieved as the weather near Melbourne can be proverbially cold.  As midday approached, the campground began to fill with people from as far afield as Queensland, Perth, Sydney and Coleambally. This year’s camp was held in a new location, Alexander Adventure Resort. This quaint but beautiful campground sits on top of a knoll,…


Practical Home Healing Winter is almost upon us!  Learn how to beat the flu with these clear and simple instructions. An ever increasing interest is being awakened in finding out how to treat physical problems without having to take all these difficulties to the medical profession.  What is needed is a handbook on treatments which can be easily learned and successfully applied, which really work, and which are inexpensive. Practical Home Healing has clear and simple instructions illustrated by photographs…

Werribee Meetings

7th March 2015 Regular services have commenced in Werribee (for directions see below). The first meeting was held on Sabbath the 7th of March, 2015. Some of the attendees on the first day are pictured. We look forward to many Sabbaths to come. The group has begun advertising for a Depression Recovery Program as part of their strategy to reach out and be a blessing to the community. Please uphold them in your prayers. Saturdays: 9:30am – 12:00pm 55-57 Kookaburra…

Skype Conference – AUC Workers

Virtual Prayer Breakfast For the very first time in the history of the Australasian Union Conference (AUC) of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM), on Wednesday 25th March 2015, all the AUC workers were blest to hold a conference call together on Skype.  Each was able to share the progress of the work within their fields and also gain strength and ideas from other workers.  Sharing experiences, encouragement, and discussion about the progress of the work as well as…

AUC Health Department Website

We are really happy to advertise our Health Department Website which you can find at We envision the website to be a source of good information and resources for the public and church members alike, especially for those who are making the change from a Meat Diet to a Vegetarian Diet.  We also envision the website to be a place to advertise any health events that are going on in our fields and conferences around Australia and also to see…

Baby Girl Congratulations!

  Thank God, for another ‘little lamb for Jesus’ was born. Baby Belinda, born to Josie and Etienne Decuyper, brought much joy to the whole family especially to her eldest sister, Mikayla. May God give the parents wisdom as they bring up their family to honour and love Him.  “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6 Congratulations and best wishes to all of you!

Condolences – Ivastinovic, Stoyko and Voncina families

Joseph Ivastinovic – 5/6/1971 to 16/3/2015 ‘Little Joe’ as known to his family and friends although very tall, big and strong lost his battle with leukemia on Monday 16th March 2015.  Sadly cancer is not a respecter of any persons.  Joseph Ivastinovic was born on 5th June 1971 and lived a very short time of 43 years. Although not being able to be physically baptised due to his sickness, Joe accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour and died with the…

Vanuatu Disaster Report

Letter from South Pacific Union Mission President (initial appeal): 16th March 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may have heard via news and media the island nation of Vanuatu has been hit by one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Pacific on Friday evening 13th March 2014.  The result is major damage, devastation, some injury and loss of life.  Cyclone Pam has caused devastation in Port Vila, the nation’s capital, as well as in the outlying islands.…

Schofields Singing Outreach – Kings Langley NSW

Adventist Aged Care – 7 March 2015 Once again it was wonderful to bring some sunshine to the residents at the Adventist Aged Care Village in Kings Langley.  We thank God that we could return again in 2015. Numbers of our own members and friends as residents are increasing at the nursing home which this time included Br M Southwell, Sr Brittain, Br G K Brittain, Sr Sabo and her husband.  Many were happy to join in our presentation of…

NSW Youth Focus Meeting

“I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments….Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.”  Psalm 119:7, 9 Warm as the day may have been, our young people looked forward to another Youth Focus Meeting which was held at Sr Elaine Weymark’s home in McGraths Hill. With newly appointed NSW Youth Leaders, we all looked forward to what they had in store for the…