Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 11)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 11)

End of Year Stocktake

The end of the financial year can be a nightmare to many businesses in Australia, and it is no different here at the headquarters. A careful account of all stock items on hand for the Elim Health and Book Stores is taken on the last day of the financial year, 30th June. This is required from us by our accountants and the government; so, it is all-hands-on-deck for the day! Like most things in life, there must be some drama…

Children’s Zoom Meetings

We have been richly blessed by children’s Bible classes, kids’ groups and youth Bible classes, which we are currently running on Zoom on a weekly/fortnightly basis. A range of topics have been covered, and it has been beautiful to see the enthusiasm and participation during the meetings. We pray that these will continue to bless and encourage families and youth in their walk with God. We know there is no greater education than that obtained at the foot of the…
Clayfield Renovation Appeal

QLD Renovation Appeal

[Update 29th of July 2020] So far, nearly $15,000 has been raised from this appeal. With this assistance, work has been able to continue. We ask for your continued assistance to reach our goal of $30,000 for this project – see donation details below. The Queensland Conference has an urgent need of funds to carry out repairs and renovations of the residence situated at the Clayfield property. The restoration work has already begun with repairs to the roof both structurally…
Adelaide Building Project

Adelaide Building Project

Through the generosity of one of our members, a small residence is being built next to our church in Somerton Park (Adelaide), South Australia. It was the desire of one of our sisters in Christ to give back to the Lord what He had given to her. In consultation with the local church, she decided to enter into an agreement that would see a unit being constructed for her next to the church, which would be used by her and…
Elim site cleared

Elim Heights Recovery Progress

Update from Joe Voncina, AUC Secretary-Treasurer, regarding the progress of recovery and rebuilding at Elim Heights Youth Camp. The Elim Heights Management Committee have been working very hard on the rebuilding plans, and we have some good news for you. The New South Wales Government has pitched in and has paid for all our cleanup. All the debris, all the buildings, all the burnt-out caravans have disappeared from Elim Heights, and it’s all nice and clean, ready for the next…

Asylum Seeker Family Update

UPDATE 6/5/2020: A GoFundMe Page has been set up. You can also donate through church channels if you prefer to do so (see below). We have reported in the past (here and here on the plight of a Sri Lankan asylum seeker family who were caught up in an unfortunate series of events that saw the husband and father held in immigration detention. As we write, he is still in detention. “Brother A” and his family came to Australia on…

Elim Missionary College Programme

Twelve energetic students gathered at Elim Heights for the 2020 Missionary Training Program. Coming from around Australia and the USA, they entered upon their studies enthusiastically. We started with Bible Research and Gospel Workers classes, and then moved into how to conduct home Bible studies. After the first intensive month at Elim Heights, the program moved to Schofields. The canvassing program got into full swing, with many books sold and contacts made. But just as the canvassing program was finishing…

Organic Practices taught across the South Pacific Union Mission

The fight against poverty and climate change has been an ongoing battle across the entire South Pacific Region. Scientific studies have shown that best practice organic agriculture is a win-win situation. Research has shown that organic farming systems are more resilient to adverse weather conditions such as increased number of tropical cyclones and drought patterns over the last few years. Due to the increase of these types of incidents the Australasian Union Welfare Department has been assisting the South Pacific…

SA Baptism – Brett Wilcox

It was with great joy and refreshingly cooler weather that the baptismal drought in South Australia was broken on Sabbath, the 18th of January 2020. Brother Brett Wilcox has finally decided to make the ‘plunge’ and join Jesus publicly. After studying, on and off over the years, the reasons for our little company’s existence and the Present Truth, he is uniting with God and the church. He has studied with our brethren at Brisbane (Clayfield), in Perth (Guilford), and now…

LIttle Ones…

Gurduiala Family Grows Congratulations to the Gurduiala and Newman families on this wonderful news.A little bundle of joy arrived at the home of George and Shelley on Wednesday the 15th January 2020. How thrilling must it have been for these parents when God’s precious gift entered their family! We pray the Lord will richly bless George and Shelley with wisdom and knowledge, as they bring up little Eva Victoria to honor and love her Creator! Baby Boy Arrival It is…

Wedding Congratulations to Ashley and Benjamin

There is always an element of excitement in the air when it comes to weddings—whether for the couple themselves or for the guests attending it. The dream of nearly every girl is to grow up and one day be a beautiful bride. How fitting it is that the church is also compared to a bride adorned for her husband. Marriage—what a beautiful gift our Maker gave to mankind! How wonderful that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding feast.…