Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 16)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 16)

NSW Camp

The weather was good for the annual New South Wales camp at Elim Heights. Meanwhile, we prayed for rain—the latter rain of the Holy Spirit—as we shared in the spiritual messages on the theme, “Gathered for Eternity.”  Topics such as these were presented: “Atmosphere of Heaven,” “Ripening for Harvest,” “Throwing Out the Lifeline,” and “Counsel from a True Witness.”  A highlight of the camp was the Elim Missionary College graduation, where another 16 young people completed the four-month training program.…

Dudley Foord House Visit

A great opportunity opened to present a mini Focus Singers concert at the Dudley Foord House at The Ponds where Sister Catharina Sas resides. So, on Sabbath 19th May 2018, Focus Singers along with a small number of our church members, friends and EMC students assembled for a lovely afternoon of singing and instrumental items.   We were truly blessed, as I am sure the residents, their families and staff members were also, as we all joined together in singing old…

EMC Summary

Elim Missionary College  This year marked the 10-year anniversary of the Short Intensive Missionary Training Program run by Elim Missionary College. A four-month seminar series, the program is open to church members from around the globe. This year’s program was the sixth such program and was attended by 17 students.  From Australia, Brazil, Canada, French Polynesia, Philippines, and the United States, the student body were diverse but also energetic. With an average age of just under 20 years old, they…

Elizabeth Olive Brittain

Elizabeth Olive Brittain  18/05/1933 – 9/05/2018  Our deepest sympathies and Christian love go out to the Brittain and Southwell families as they mourn the loss of their loved one, Elizabeth Olive Brittain (Southwell).  Elizabeth (also known as Mum, Nan, Betty, Aunty Betty, Bet, and Sr. Brittain) was a remarkable person, an inspiration to many.  Her thoughtfulness towards others left an indentation in the lives of many.  She will be remembered for her adventurous spirit, her kindness, helpfulness, hard-working, cheerful personality,…

Condolences to the Allen Family

Condolences to the Allen Family  It is with deep sorrow that we express our heartfelt sympathies to the Allen Family.  Brother David Allen fell asleep in Jesus on 19th March 2018.  Susanna’s memories of her Dad  I always knew this day would come, but secretly I hoped it would be many more years away. I can’t thank you enough for all the things you have done and taught me over the last 28 years. Your passion for life and positive…

Baptism – Coleambally

12 May 2018  On Sabbath 12 May we were blessed to gather together for the baptism of Lucy and Caleb Wiseman and Sarah McMahon.  It was inspiring to listen to the testimony of these youth as they committed their lives to God.   After Brother Graham gave words of advice and encouragement, we met on the banks of Channel 9, Coleambally, for the baptism.  A number of students from the missionary school and visitors from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane were present…

Amariah & Jamie Engaged

Few moments in life are as special as the day of one’s engagement. Congratulations to Amariah Payet and Jamie Squires who were engaged in Western Australia on April 2. You are both very much loved by your church family, and we are so happy you two found each other. You both share a love for God and His cause, and we wish you God’s guidance and wisdom as you plan your future together.   “…as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride,…

GC Circular: Canvassing Work

Roanoke, Virginia, July 11, 2018 To All our brethren and leaders of God’s Church around the world, we extend warm Christian greetings with the following inspired words: “Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days,” Ecclesiastes 11:1. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion Thy God reigneth,” Isaiah 52:7. The purpose of…

Acquiatian Family Welcome

We welcome to Australia Brother Randy Acquiatan and his lovely family—wife Adrilyn, three sons, Kevin, Ian and Randy Jr., and daughter Diadem. Brother Acquiatan has been serving the Lord full-time since 2000. He was ordained to the ministry minister 6 years ago and served two terms as the President of the Philippines Union Conference.  In 2016 Brother Acquiatan was invited to assist the AUC in carrying forward the Lord’s work in the Victoria-Tasmania Conference and he currently serves there as…

VIC Camp 2018

Over 100 people gathered for the annual Victoria camp, held again this year among the rolling hills of Alexandra. The theme was “Are You Ready for Eternity?”. Held over the Easter long weekend, the camp featured presentations and workshops on the general theme of a relationship with Jesus and daily walk with Him. A highlight of the camp was the contribution of the Elim Missionary College students, who were responsible for a large part of the program content. Youth also…

Highlights From NZ Field

Song Service at Avondale Rest Home, Auckland, New Zealand  Sabbath, 14th April 2018  We have been blessed in recent weeks with the return of Brother Doug Thirkettle and Brother Sam Batger and his family to New Zealand.    On the Sabbath morning, prior to the rest home visit, Br. Doug gave a sermon on “The Bible, Its Counterfeits, and The Struggle for Supremacy.”  He stressed on the reliability of the Bible and preservation of its manuscripts throughout the ages.  “God had…

Melissa Brown’s Baptism

It is a wonderful blessing when youth give their hearts to God, as they have so much to offer Him with their enthusiasm, vigour and strength.  “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them”.  Ecclesiastes 12:1.  Melissa Brown has done just that.  On Sabbath, the 24th March 2018, at the edges of the main canal in Coleambally…