Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 18)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 18)

A Reconciled World

I have tried to make it clear that at the place which is called Calvary a work was done which set the human family-you and me-free from the penalty incurred by the sin of Adam; that Jesus of Nazareth assumed all the liabilities which were the result of that sin, and met them; and that no one ever has been or ever will be punished for that sin. I wish now to consider the cross as the way of reconciliation…

Elim Missionary College: Month 1 Concludes

Seventeen students from 5 countries gathered at Elim Heights Youth Camp for Month 1 of the Missionary Training Program 2018. The main study classes were in Bible research, home Bible study presentation, and the content of the book Gospel Workers. Students also assisted with practical work on the Elim Heights campus, including building, woodcutting and working in the vegetable garden. Teachers were Peter D Lausevic, Larry Ah-ching, Daniela Balarezo and Nathan Tyler. Catering by Cati Szabo and Moenau Holman provided…

Letter From GC President

December 19,2017  Dear brethren of the Reform Movement around the World May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you as we approach the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018! Inspiration brings to us these timely warnings: “The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and…

Declared Righteous & Made Holy – Part 3

The plan of redemption is amazing – it is not only reactive, but proactive. God not only removes my guilt for sins that I’ve already committed, but he also removes the corrupt dispositions and defective ideologies that have the potential to lead me to further guilt! Where is this process of cleansing described in the Bible? Look at these verses. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts,…

Final 3 Days of Music Camp

Thursday With the final concert only two days away, there was much preparation and many last touches to add to the music that the choirs and ensembles were rehearsing. After the previous day of fun and games, all settled down once again to practicing diligently. In the morning, Br. Liviu gave another lecture in his series and Sr. Barbara also gave her final presentation on music in the afternoon. The choir had already made the sound recording in a stoic…

AUC Youth Music Camp 2017 – Introduction

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”     — Colossians 3:16 Here is an interesting verse where Paul associates “teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” with “singing in [their] hearts to the Lord.”  I truly love this verse because it briefly explains what the AUC Music Camp was…

Music Camp Report – Day 5

Wednesday 26th December, 2017 We woke up to a promising day of sunshine and warmth, which we had been praying for. With the rain clearing out and the sun smiling down on us, we began our day with worship, then breakfast and then prepared ourselves to leave for white water rafting at Penrith. I was really excited because this was the first time I had ever done anything like this. We had been told that we would leave camp at 10am, but…

Music Camp Report – Day 4

Tuesday 26th December, 2017 Tuesday was another big day of the 2017 Music Camp entitled, “Light the Way”, which started with the usual exercise routine at 6am sharp, and some early risers made it there. This was followed by the youth mentor groups meeting at 7am. In my group, led by Br. Nathan Tyler, we were discussing the Lord’s Prayer and how each phrase has a deeper meaning than what we read on the surface. “Thy Kingdom Come” was discussed…

Music Camp Report – Day 3

Monday 25th December, 2017 Monday morning dawned cool and wet, a contrast from the heat of the last couple of days.  Despite the weather, a few brave people met at 6am for exercise.  At 7am the young people met with their respective mentor groups, followed by worship, which was taken by Br Larry Ah-ching.  Worship was entitled “Shine the Light,” and we were reminded that ALL who receive the light of Christ are ordained to work for the salvation of…

Music Camp Report – Day 2

Sunday 24th December, 2017 We awoke early to a beautiful, sunny morning. At 7:00 we split into groups for the meetings with our youth mentors, who had prepared great activities for us. Br. Nathan Tyler had prepared a beneficial worship for us, which was at 7:30, after which we had a hearty breakfast. Br. Liviu Tudoroiu had prepared an educative lecture on the story of Jonah, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the congregation. Then the choir, led by Sr.…

Music Camp Report – Day 1

Sabbath 23 Dec 2017 We awoke this morning to a beautiful, warm day.  Br Luke Kneebone led worship with a very encouraging message entitled, “Trust in the Lord.”  He reminded us how easy it is for us as humans to place our trust in ourselves or others around us and how important it is to shift our trust completely to God.  Anxiety comes when we take responsibility upon ourselves for things we have no answers or solutions for.  Worrying cannot…

Ordination of Miguel Mendoza – Victoria

On the 9th of December 2017, Br. Miguel Mendoza’s ordination took place at 20 Dornoch Dr, Sunbury at 2 pm. Br. Paul Chapman and Br. Nathan Tyler were in charge of the ordination ceremony. Scripture passages were read from the 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 11. Br. Miguel Mendoza, after being ordained as an elder, read 1 Timothy 1:15, 12 as words of thankfulness for the privilege to work for the Lord in this new responsibility. “The greater the responsibility, the greater God’s grace”. Amen!