Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 28)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 28)

Soup Kitchen – Brisbane QLD

Sunday 24th July 2016 Sunday afternoon: Someone gets a call from Sister Monica Balarezo, who received a call from a volunteer soup kitchen she and her family help out. Today, no one turned up except the assistant cook. Fortunately, God had seven of us young people ready to stand in with Monica, Fernando and the assistant cook. It was such a blessing! At 3:00pm, we met up at a hired commercial kitchen, where we set about peeling, chopping, boiling, blending,…

Condolences to the Family of Br Jacques Payet

Brother Fred Egbert We would like to extend our condolences to Brother Jacques Payet and his family on the loss of Br. Jacques’ uncle, Br Fred Egbert. Brother Jacques together with his uncle Fred were instrumental in starting the work and opening our first church in Seychelles over 20 years ago. Brother Jacques would like to share how the work was established in the Seychelles: SDA Reform Movement – Seychelles Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be…

Community Health Education (ongoing) – Victoria

Ongoing Community Program Reminder that cooking demonstrations in Victoria are ongoing. Each month there are two events: In Sunbury on the 2nd Thursday of the month In Shepparton on the 4th Wednesday of the month Look out for more information on these programs in future issues of Good Tidings e-newsletters! Please keep these on-going educational programs in your prayers. ~ Lidia Voncina                          

Wentworthville Cooking Class

July 19 2016 On Tuesday night, July 19th Wentworthville Church held another cooking class in Wentworthville Community Centre, and the theme was, “Boosting the Immune System, the Vegetarian Way.” We had over 20 people from the public attend our class which was great. Susan Lausevic did the health lecture, talking about the immune system and the various symptoms that are seen that tell us our immune system is either down or not running properly. She shared that when thinking about…

Sacred Musical Concert – Queensland

From My Heart – Clayfield – 10 July 2016 Only two weeks? How did we end up with only two weeks to plan a concert, practice and organise everything that we would need? But two weeks was all we had. Missionary school was fast approaching and with so many other things to think about, the concert had slowly crept up on us. But with God’s help and a herculean effort from everyone, a concert came together which ended up being…

Church Building Project – Kalkallo, Victoria

The moment has finally arrived! We have started the building of another church in Melbourne. It has taken quite a few years, and many prayers, to come to this point, but once we received the green light to proceed there was no delaying. On the 6th July 2016 we gathered at the building site for special prayers for this project, to ask for God’s blessing and guidance. The ground has been prepared for the foundation. This was not an easy…

Container to Papua New Guinea

Shipping Container sent to PNG A large shipping container filled with Bibles, spiritual, health and colporteur books, hymnbooks, tracts, felts, clothing and other items, left Schofields headquarters to go to Papua New Guinea on the 6th of July 2016. While the students were here at Elim Missionary College earlier this year, they helped to sort out the clothing and other items, filling every available space of the container. It must have been quite heavy, and it was interesting to watch…


RLPA is now online! Your source of Adventist literature, Bibles, Hymnals, Sabbath School Lessons, and much more. Browse today to see what is available.     Orders can be placed online, and the option for pickup at Schofields is available. Purchases can still be made via phone, post, or email directly to RLPA. Please note that not all items in stock are listed as yet, more stock will be added regularly.   DVDs now available: NSW Conference 2016 and Elim Missionary…

NSW Camp and EMC Graduation 2016

ELIM HEIGHTS YOUTH CAMP – 9-13 June 2016 “Deliverance – Free at Last”  Praise God once again for another opportunity to attend the wonderful NSW Spiritual Conference where we could gather together in fellowship in the midst of the peaceful bushland of Elim Heights Youth Camp to commune with God and learn of Him and see our missionary students graduate. Our camp meeting this year held a different format in that there were two separate programs: one for the adults…

Update on Fiji Appeal

Cyclone Winston – 20 February 2016 In the February e-newsletter of the Good Tidings, we posted an appeal for Fiji. We asked for your prayers and also financial support for our brethren who suffered much after Cyclone Winston left the islands of Fiji extensively damaged. During that time, sadly, one brother was killed and his wife suffered great injuries, whilst many others were left homeless. Many villages were totally destroyed by the winds and floods. The amount we needed to…

Sunshine Coast QLD – Winter Outreach 2016

SUNSHINE COAST WINTER OUTREACH 2016 25-28 JUNE 2016 The members of Woombye Church had looked forward to the Sunshine Coast Winter Outreach 2016 which commenced on Sabbath 25 June 2016 and ran until Tuesday 28 June 2016. This was to be a time of fellowship and missionary work combined over four days, and God blessed us with beautiful weather to match. On Sabbath we had some visitors attend, and they helped us letterbox the little town of Woombye in the…

Condolences to the Mandic Family

Teodor (Teso) Mandic – 24 June 1926 to 14 June 2016 Teodor (Teso) Mandic – known as Teso or Theo, was hit by a van at 6:30am on the 14th of June 2016, in the very street where he lived. His life was cut short due to that accident. He was much loved by those who knew him, and his absence will be truly felt by many. We extend our condolences to his family and friends and hold on to…