Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 29)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 29)


The Christian’s Experience  “God offers us seven means for transforming us into His likeness: prayer, faith, the study of His word, the gospel of health, Christian education, sacrifice, and Christian service. He expects us to use these means, and He sends His spirit and angels to guide us in doing so. He will not use these means for us; that is our part. As we use these means we are not trying to ‘save ourselves by works,’ because every effort…

Despise Not Small Beginnings

Despise Not Small Beginnings The worldly are chasing the easy return. Most dream of quick success – but few put in the effort proportionate to the reward. In this world, those who capitalise upon the dreams and desires of those seeking quick fortunes, make fortunes. Yet, in the game of life, only those who diligently apply the rules in sweat and tears will reap the reward. There is no deception here. You can play truant from school. You can take…


Our apologies for the misspelt name in the last issue of Good Tidings e-newsletter, in the section “Outreach in South Australia”. The name of Alecia Thiel should have been ‘Alyssia Thiel’.

Gospel Concert – Woombye Church – QLD

GOSPEL CONCERT held at Woombye Church, Queensland 21 May 2016 It was the planned combined churches day for Queensland Conference, which was held at the Woombye Church on 21 May 2016.  The Sabbath School was taken by the Conference Sabbath School Leader, Br Fredy Reyes and divided into three groups to study the lesson. Br Paul Chapman took the Divine Service and brought out that our young people are not to look in the world to find their partner.  God…

New Zealand Camp 2016

EPWORTH CAMP, HORA HORA, NEW ZEALAND APRIL 24 – MAY 1, 2016 The theme for this camp was ‘Making Eternity a Priority’, vitally important to all of us in these last days. We looked forward to the presentations on ‘The King is coming’, ‘What are you doing with your life?’, ‘A life-changing experience’, ‘Redirecting your life’, ‘Preparing for Heaven’, ‘Opening the heart to Jesus’, and ‘Reprioritising’. Sunday, 24 April This was a busy day – my husband William and I…

Foundations of Manhood – WA Field Men’s Camp

May 20-22, 2016 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity.” 1 Corinthians 16:13, 14. The bush called us, and the men and boys of WA Field gathered together from May 20-22 at a beautiful forest a few kilometres south of Dwellingup. It was muddy, the weather was very cold, and it rained most of the time we were there. A cold front was forecast, and it…

New Zealand Church Renovations Appeal

NZ church building repairs needed As time goes by, buildings need to be repaired and maintained in order to continue their usage. Our centre in Auckland is no different; the time has come that many things need to be fixed or replaced on the building. Due to a small membership there, funds are very limited, so we ask if you can please find it in your heart to join the Australasian Union Conference (AUC) and donate towards the church renovations;…

Now I’m 80

Mervyn Southwell Sister Elizabeth Brittain wishes to dedicate this poem to her brother Mervyn Southwell, who reached the ripe ‘young’ age of 80 on the 26th May 2016! Congratulations on this special year of your life Br. Mervyn. May God continue to bless you throughout the coming years! Now I’m 80 To-day Dear Lord I’m 80, and so much I haven’t done, I hope Dear Lord you’ll let me live till I am 81; But if I haven’t finished all…

Prophecy Seminar – Sydney NSW

Schofields – 20-29 May, 2016 – Unlocking Bible Prophecy A Bible Prophecy Seminar was held at the Schofields Church function Hall over two weekends during May. The meetings started Friday night, May 20, and finished Sunday, May 29. These meetings can be watched on YouTube on the following links: Friday, 20th May, 7:30pm “Glory Laid In The Dust” by Br. Domenic Polistina. Saturday, 21st May, 11:00am “Right On Schedule: The Coming Global Kingdom” by Br. Larry Ah-ching. Saturday,…

Guildford Vegetarian Cooking Class – WA

Foods That Heal The theme for the cooking class was “Foods That Heal”. Advertising was done via door knocking, flyers and Facebook, and we were blessed with a good number of visitors. Jason Williams presented a short talk on the theme of the class, and one of the things we learned was about purple-coloured fruit and vegies. “Anthocyanins are flavonoids in fruits and vegetables that render them vivid red to blue. It has been suggested that anthocyanins possess anti-inflammatory and…

Guildford Church Visitor’s Day

May 14th 2016 Guildford Church members decided to run a visitor’s day at church on this particular Sabbath. Invitations were printed, and visitors’ packs were made. The choir prepared 3 special hymns for the day, and members and friends invited various contacts to come along and fellowship with us. After a very interactive adult Sabbath School lesson where we enjoyed discussing on the topic Incarnation of Christ, the Youth Explorer class presented a special praise item entitled, “My Tribute” together…

Amariah’s Experience

God is always in control! “Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city” – Psalm 31:21. This psalm proclaims a personal truth for me, for God has surely revealed his marvellous kindness in my life! This is what the Lord has done for me. Just over two months ago I began experiencing severe and seemingly unexplainable abdominal pains. I had experienced similar pains prior, however they were never as prominent or recurring…