Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 36)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 36)


RLPA has printed a new flyer – “Your Free Gift”. Have you ever wondered how to explain the way to salvation? Give your loved ones or friends “Your Free Gift”. Price: Singe copy – 25c Bundles of 100 – $12 Order RLPA: (02) 9627 7553 RLPA PO Box 132, Riverstone, NSW 2765

AUC Welfare Deparment

AUC WELFARE DEPARTMENT ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH PACIFIC UNION WELFARE DEPARTMENT REPORT – John Lausevic Huahine Island, Tahiti August 2-7,2015 Throughout all the South Pacific Islands the call for aid and assistance is great. With cyclones, tsunamis and Global Warming a great concern among the peoples of these islands is gardening as it provides their only source of food and income. After patiently waiting for more than two years for a visit from the Welfare Department of the Australasian Union, the…

Building Project – Educational Centre at Roanoke Virginia USA

Educational Centre – Roanoke, Virginia, USA We praise God that the work has finally begun on the Educational Centre at the General Conference headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia. Funds are still needed for work to continue on this project. Your donations will be much appreciated. This can be given through the AUC SDARM treasurer. For further information contact: Joe Voncina on (02) 9627 7553 or “Christ will perform wonderful miracles if men will but do their God-given part”. Christ Object…

Present Truth Perspective on The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Encyclical

The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Present Truth Perspective on The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Encyclical On June 18, 2015 Pope Francis released an encyclical on the environment entitled, Laudato Si’. The document calls for discussion and dialogue on environmental issues. Francis stated, “There are certain environmental issues where it is not easy to achieve a broad consensus. Here I would state once more that the Church does not presume to settle scientific questions or to replace politics. But I am concerned to…

Winter Outreach – Woombye Qld

Winter Outreach 2015 – Sunshine Coast – Sabbath 27th June to Tuesday 30 June 2015 The Sunshine Coast Winter Outreach for 2015 was held at the Woombye Church in Queensland commencing on Sabbath 27th June. The Divine Service inspired the congregation for missionary work and provided the impetus for the next two days of outreach. After a combined lunch everyone spread around the small township of Woombye and letterboxed every home with the Great Controversy free book offer flyer. We…


These books are ideal for outreach and also for colporteurs. They make a lovely gift as each book is beautifully illustrated with colourful pictures. Paperback (magabook – magazine style) These books are also available for purchase at colporteur price.  Please call Lizy on 02 9627 7553 for colporteur prices and purchases. More Choices Cookbook $19.95 7 Secrets Cookbook $19.95 Plants that Heal $ 9.25 Foods that Heal $ 9.25 Desire of Ages $ 8.85 Great Controversy $ 8.60 Lessons for…

NSW Spiritual Conference 2015

NSW Conference – Strangers & Pilgrims 5-8 June 2015 Our recent NSW Spiritual Conference, Friday 5th – Monday 8th June 2015 at Elim Heights, as always, proved to be a blessing to all, both young and ‘young at heart’ alike as we explored the theme ‘Strangers and Pilgrims.’ It was a time of physical and spiritual refreshment, especially for our young people. It was also a good opportunity for brethren from far and near to meet up. We were all…

Vanuatu Cyclone Aftermath – As Reported by the Clements Family

March 19th we flew over to Port Vila not knowing what we were walking into. Trudging off the plane, we were faced with crates of aid from various countries, all waiting to be slowly distributed. Brother Charlie picked us up after the arduous process of collecting our luggage from a non-operational baggage carousel, as the power was still off in certain areas. Driving out of the airport pick-up area, I can only describe the scene unfolding in front of us…


God’s purpose for Adam and Eve at creation was to populate this world with faithful and obedient children who would love and praise Him. Unfortunately, sin entered this perfect world and brought sorrow and suffering. Eve was to experience pain in childbirth, but a child to most mothers is still a wonderful gift from God. To many their ‘Mother’ is the world to them, the one who fulfills all their needs. Mothers love unconditionally, and children know that they can…

NSW Youth Sabbath

Youth Sabbath – Elim Heights Youth Camp On Sabbath 30th of May, young and old gathered from far and near (and even interstate) to Elim Heights Youth Camp for our 2nd “Youth Sabbath” with the theme being “At the Crossroads – What Do I Decide?” Various youth were chosen again by each other to take responsibilities and lead out for the day. The Sabbath School meeting was taken by Vivian Cosson as Sabbath School superintendent with Kiara Hake being assistant…

Vegetarian Way Cooking Classes – Schofields

Schofields Church – 11th, 18th and 25th May 2015 It is such a pleasure to report on our recent cooking demonstrations that were held at Schofields Church recently in May 2015. We had three sessions held on Monday nights, with each session delivering about 4 food demonstrations. Proceeding each session there was a health talk by Amos Thiel on various interesting topics. Our competent cooks namely Lidia Voncina, Amy Gules, Rosetta Ilic, Vivian Cosson, Stela Gules, Denise Gules and Rosemary…

Mother’s Day Outing – Queensland

“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12. On the 10 of May, the Pimpama Group held a very special Mother’s Day picnic at Underwood Park, in Queensland. What a kind, thoughtful attitude of all the fathers that planned to give their wives and mothers a relaxing day off in nature, in fellowship with all the other mothers. It was a very beautiful sunny…