Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 40)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 40)

Elim Missionary College Graduation

On Saturday night, June 7, 2014, a Graduation Ceremony was held for the four month missionary training program conducted by Elim Missionary College in Sydney, New South Wales. Students participating in this year’s program were Ryan Belu (USA), David Dumaguit (Australia), Denise Gutierrez (USA), Melissa Mota (Brazil) and Leonardo Rojas (Spain). We wish the best for each of the students and trust that they will be a blessing to the church wherever they go as a result of their experience…

Baptism of Astina Borovnica

On Sabbath the 26th of April, the churches of Melbourne gathered in Sunbury for a combined Sabbath meeting and the baptism of Astina Borovnica. Although it had been rainy and overcast through the day, the clouds parted in time for the sun to shine as Astina entered the chilly water to publicly affirm her commitment to her Lord Jesus Christ. After the service of baptism, we all gathered back at the hall for the fellowshipment into the church. The members…

Coleambally Baptism

We thank God for giving us the opportunity to share in a very memorable day as Nathan Wiseman, Jane Wiseman and Hannah Pow committed their lives to God. The day was cool, but the sun shone warm and our hearts rejoiced. On Sabbath afternoon we had the Profession of Faith where Br Alasdair spoke to the youth about their decision to join the army of God. “In God, we can turn our weakness into strength.” As they meet temptation in…

Passing of Neville S. Brittain

It is with much sadness in our hearts that we say goodbye to our dearly beloved Brother Neville Stuart Brittain who fell asleep in Jesus on Friday morning 28th March 2014 at the age of 85. Born in Victoria, Australia, Bro. Brittain came to the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement in his youth. As a young man he attended the Missionary College at Hebron. Bro Brittain married Elizabeth Southwell on 12th April 1953. He was also trained as a naturopath…

Wedding – Josie and Etienne Decuyper

What a happy occasion a wedding always is… the weather looked a little grim on Monday morning the 24th March 2014 as guests started to arrive at the stunning venue in Mt Eliza, Victoria; but we are thankful to God that the rain kept away during the time of the wedding and afterwards while pictures were being taken.  In the beautiful gardens of the vineyard with the ocean as a backdrop, Josie and Etienne Decuyper affirmed their vows to each…

Special Gifts from God – Birth Announcements

It has been wonderful to receive news of three new babies who have been born within the last month into God’s family.  We extend our congratulations to families De Souza, Gordon and Polistina and wish them God’s many blessings as they bring up their children to love and serve the Lord. “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD” Psalms 127:3 first part. Baby Lucas Daniel de Souza Jacob de Souza, a Bible worker in the Queensland Conference, and his…

Pope’s Call for Unity – Is Protestant Reformation Over?

On February 25, 2014, the Catholic News Agency reported that Pope Francis sent a video message to a gathering of U.S. Pentecostal leaders, voicing his “yearning” that separation between Catholics and other Christians may end. “We have a lot of cultural riches and religious riches. And we have diverse traditions,” he said. “But we have to encounter one another as brothers.” “Let’s give each other a spiritual embrace and let God complete the work that He has begun,” he said,…

Missionary Training Program 2014

Report from Missionary Training Program Six very excited students gathered together at Elim Heights Youth Camp on Sunday 9th February 2014 for the start of another Missionary Training Program (MTP). Unfortunately, due to an accident, one had to go home, but five very enthusiastic students have remained for the full program. I asked the students to write a paragraph expressing their thoughts on the MTP thus far and here are some of the thoughts expressed by them: On Sunday you will…

Engagement – Josie Allen and Etienne Decuyper

Congratulations to Josie and Etienne on their Engagement. Josephine Joy Allen, the middle daughter of David and Rebekah Allen has recently got engaged to Etienne Decuyper. Etienne is from France and was recently baptized into Christ on the Sunshine Coast, QLD. We wish them God’s blessings as they plan their future lives together. They will be married in March, in Melbourne, Australia.

History of the South Pacific Union Mission

The twenty fifth of December two thousand and thirteen, proved to be a very important day in the history of the Australasian Union Conference (AUC) of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. During the thirty third delegation session held at Elim Heights Youth Camp, forty six AUC delegates were present in session and voted unanimously for the formation of an Islands Union Mission. We thank the Lord that the spreading of the gospel throughout the islands developed in such a…
Sr Maria Rodriguez

God’s Hand Even in Tragedy

On Sabbath the 15th of March an unfortunate bushwalking accident occurred at Elim Heights Youth Camp. Sr Maria Rodriguez, visiting us here from Spain, experienced a very serious fall, breaking several vertebrae. She was transferred by helicopter to hospital and spent several days in intensive care before undergoing emergency surgery. We are pleased to report that the operation was successful and Sr. Maria is now recuperating. She has been able to walk and the prospects are good for her recovery.…
Baptism QLD - Etienne Decuyper

Baptism QLD – Etienne Decuyper

On a beautiful Sabbath afternoon the 15th February 2014 at the Eudlo River, Maroochydore in the lovely Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Etienne Decuyper publicly declared his commitment to God by allowing his old self to be buried in the watery grave and resurrecting to a new life in Jesus. Many members and friends from churches and groups in the Queensland Conference gathered to witness this joyful occasion. We praise God that another young person has made a decision to follow in…