Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 43)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 43)

RLPA Book Sale: The Sealing of God’s People

       Do you have questions about the sealing of God’s people, and the 144,000 saints of Revelation chapters 7 and 14? What did the Adventist Pioneers believe and teach? Is there a sure Biblical foundation—confirmed by the Spirit of Prophecy—for the doctrine of the sealing of the 144,000? Why is it called a life or death message? If you have doubts and questions regarding this message, then The Sealing of God’s People, by A. C. Sas, will be…

New Media Website: RainDrops Christian Media Library

  Guildford Church Media Ministry has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the members’ desire to be part of the action under the Latter Rain experience. Since 2011, the production of DVDs has been its main object. The DVDs are still being bought…

Baptism of Jamie Squires – Queensland

    On Sabbath afternoon, the 18th of August,  2012, family, members and guests at the QLD Conference Camp Meeting gathered by the shores of Ewen Maddock Dam to witness the baptism and fellowshipment of Br Jamie Squires. As the sun was fast approaching the western horizon, it served as a beautiful emblem of the setting down of an old life and the rising up of a new one. Br Jamie’s testimony was an inspiration to us all, and eight…

Queensland Conference Camp Meeting 2012

During the weekend of August 17-19, 2012 the Queensland Conference held its annual Camp Meeting at Ewen Maddock Dam Recreation Centre, near Landsborough on the Sunshine Coast. In harmony with the AUC declaration of 2012 to 2013 as the “Year of Revival and Reformation”, the theme of the camp focused on “Reviving Primitive Godliness”. On Friday afternoon members and friends from the north, the south and the west gathered at the camp grounds to welcome in the Sabbath day. The…

Solomon Islands – February 2012 Visit

The following news was received from Br Csongor Matyas, SA Field Leader, who assisted the AUC by accompanying Br Brian Jaksic last February on a pioneering trip to the growing interests in Solomon Islands. “In February 2012 Br Jaksic and I spent 12 days visiting and encouraging the growing little church in Solomon Islands. Despite the hot and humid weather we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren. During our stay Br Jaksic and myself presented a series of…

PNG School Project Update

Many weeks of phone calls, emails and preparations came to a climax on Wednesday, 25 July, 2012, when the first shipment of over 5000 pieces of educational materials were sent from Brisbane, Australia to Papua New Guinea. It was encouraging to finally load up the delivery truck with 71 boxes of Christian based school curriculum materials and 72 x 45 litre Plastic Storage Containers that will be needed once the shipment arrives in PNG. This material is one years supply…

Baptism – Sifu Tamua & Masiki Uaita – NZ Field

On the 15th of May, 2102, church members, family and friends gathered in Invercargil (situated at the bottom end of New Zealand’s  South Island) to witness the baptisms of two dear brothers in Christ. Despite the icy cold weather (with snow falling at 300 metres), Br Sifu Tamua (left image) and Br Masiki Uaita (right image), both of Samoan heritage, braved the watery grave in making public their stand with Christ. These dear souls had been visited and studied with…

Back to the 80’s Day – SA Field

In the 1980’s the SDA Reform Movement church in Adelaide was blessed to have a large number of young people in the congregation. Every Sabbath the church was full of children’s voices joining together in praises to God. There was also a choir that was making the Sabbath services more interesting and beautiful. There were a lot of camp-outs and youth activities carried out.  But slowly over the years these young people grew up and either moved away or became…

AUC Strategic Plan for 2012-2014

On the 8th – 9th July, 2012, the Executive Committee in conjunction with Departmental Leaders confirmed an Australasian Union Conference Strategic Plan for the next two years.  All present at the meeting recognised that our great need as a people is entire consecration to Christ and His cause. More importantly, all believe that to encourage consecration in all our Fields and Conferences requires a concerted effort from workers, ministers and lay members. Solid steps must be taken by all of…

Invitation to QLD Conference Annual Camp Meeting 2012

The Annual QLD Conference Camp Meeting will be held 17th – 19th August, 2012. Location: Ewen Maddock Recreation Centre, Landsborough, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.  The theme entitled, “Reviving Primitive Godliness”, will be dedicated to seeking the Lord for a revival and reformation that measures with the primitive godliness of the apostolic church. Guest Speaker: Br Alasdair Pow. The camp will commence Friday evening on the 17th of August and conclude Sunday lunch time on the 19th of August. Following lunch, a Sunday afternoon…

Baptism – Chantelle Broughton – NZ Field

On Monday April 9, 2012, members and friends gathered at the local Auckland Church to hear Chantelle Broughton  give her profession of faith.  All then drove to a nearby fresh water stream to witness her baptism which was followed by a fellowshipment ceremony and a combined lunch. The lovely weather filled all present with praise and thanksgiving to God. We pray the Lord will help our dear sister Chantelle to be true to her covenant as she begins her new…

New Zealand Field Camp Meeting 2012

Over the holiday weekend of April 6-8, 2012 church members and friends of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement throughout New Zealand gathered at the local Auckland church for the annual spiritual conference. The theme of the weekend was “With Diligence Make Your Calling and Election Sure.” Br Matthias Thiel took Friday evening’s study entitled “The Need of Diligence”—diligence to search the heart in a decided, determined effort and renounce anything not relative to godliness; a carefulness in labour for…