Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 47)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 47)

NSW Spiritual Conference

Elim Heights was a busy hive of activity on Friday afternoon June 10 as preparations were underway for the opening of the 2011 NSW Spiritual Conference. Many hands make light work, so while sound and recording equipment was being set up in the church hall, the kitchen was also full of helpers preparing the evening meal. Soon we were welcoming visitors from across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia—it was wonderful to have so many attending this special…

Fly and Build Project – Vanuatu (Update)

As you read this, work will already have commenced on the first of two fly-and-build projects in the Vanuatu Mission Field taking place from the 16th of June to the 15th of July, 2011. Eager and dedicated volunteers have arrived in Vanuatu to help out. We look forward to receiving reports of their success. I am reminded of the following testimony: “My soul is stirred within me as the Macedonian cry comes from every direction, from the cities and villages…

Coleambally NSW Outreach Meetings

The Following Report was received from one of our young people, Sam Wiseman, two weeks ago: “Bro Alasdair Pow has just started a Prophecy Seminar here in Coleambally. In the first meeting, entitled The Time is Fulfilled, we had one new lady come plus the majority of our local church members which was great. In this meeting Bro Alasdair proved from the Bible and non-Biblical history the year, month, day and hour that Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, came. The…

Baptism VIC-TAS Field – Ligia Lupoiu

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:16 On the 21st of May 2011, Ligia Lupoiu made her covenant with the Lord, becoming the youngest member in “Maranatha” church. It was the sunniest day of May so far when members, friends and all heaven gathered to witness her baptism. Someone once said that we all have a gap in us in the shape of…

New Zealand Field Camp Meeting & Baptism – Auckland

Our Spiritual Conference was held at the Auckland Church April 22-24, 2011, with the theme being “Knowing Christ”. Many members and friends attended (60 over Sabbath) and were blessed by the studies presented and fellowship with one another.   On Sunday we all rejoiced to witness the baptism of Br Raphael Giles. (Look out for the full report in the print edition of Good Tidings Magazine.)

Fly and Build Project – Vanuatu (Update from the AUC YPD)

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matt. 28:19. Many times I ask myself if it is worth investing and spending a lot of money to do missionary work in the islands. I know that this money could be spent here, locally… but while reading the book “Faith  I Live By” I came across THE answer. “Christ gave His disciples their commission. He…

Infant Dedication VIC-TAS Field – Jemima Ella Szabo

On May 21, 2011 the brethren of Maranatha Church, Victoria witnessed the dedication of a precious baby. Jemima Ella Szabo was born to Br Joe and Sr Brigita Szabo on 6 November 2010, 100 days premature and weighing just under 500 grams. The next five or so months were very hard for the family as little Jemima had to live at the hospital until she was strong enough to live without support. This meant daily trips to and from the…

Vanuatu Field News

Br Andrew Pakoasongi reports that they have just finished a two week long series of open air evangelistic meetings in Port Vila. The program commenced on the 24th April and concluded on the 8th of May, 2011. The meetings resulted in a good response by mostly young people. Two couples are ready for baptism. One of them was an interest from a previous series of meetings held during the last Field Camp Meeting. This year’s camp meeting is now underway…

South Australian Field News

Using our Talents – Large or Small The church membership in South Australia is very small compared to other fields in Australia, but that doesn’t mean that the Lord has forgotten about this part of the world when it comes to the blessings He is willing to share with us. Once a month  as part of our missionary work we all go to different nursing homes and sing songs for about an hour. It is a great time for us…

Special Appeal – Vanuatu Building Project

12 April 2011 To All Members and Friends of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement RE: SPECIAL APPEAL for Church Building Funds on Malakula Island, Vanuatu   In the early 1800’s in the city of Boston USA lived a very young man. There also lived in that city a Minister of the Gospel whose congregation exceeded the size of the little church building he preached in. It was resolved to build a new larger building. Meeting after meeting was held, but the…

May 2011 First Sabbath Offering – Allocation Update

Bro Peter D Lausevic writes to us on behalf of the General Conference Missionary Department: Dear Brethren of the Sabbath School,   We trust that all is well with each of you as we all work together to hasten our Lord’s second coming. Greetings to you with these words from Acts 16:9: “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” From all parts of the…

Baptisms Queensland – Jordan Chapman & Naomi McMahon

  Sabbath April 23, 2011 was a glorious autumn day in Brisbane, just right for another special occasion when two young hearts made their covenant with the Lord in baptism—Jordan Chapman and Naomi McMahon.   Family, friends and church members from every Queensland group and church, and some from as far north as Mackay gathered at the Pine River, on the northern outskirts of Brisbane, to witness the event. When news of the planned baptism spread, a busload of young people from Rockhampton and Bundaberg decided to make the trip…