Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 50)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 50)

Stewardship Seminar – Schofields Church

9-11 April 2010 It was a great privilege to have Br David Zic, General Conference Stewardship Department Leader visit Australia and have a financial seminar at the AUC Headquarters Schofields NSW.  The Schofields centre was full for all the meetings with many visitors attending. The opening meeting on Friday evening was: “Setting Your Priorities.”  Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” All our means belong to God; we are only custodians of some of…

Spirit of Prophecy Seminar – Schofields Church

5-6 March 2010 A Spirit of Prophecy Seminar entitled “The Spirit of Prophecy Today” was a seminar designed especially for our church members and all the believers in the Advent message.  This seminar was held at Schofields Church for all the members in the Sydney and surrounding areas, Friday evening and Sabbath.  The meetings were taken by Brethren Peter Lausevic and Nathan Tyler. The importance of having a present-day prophet was highlighted. Throughout this world’s history, going right back from…

Missionary Training Program 2010

Sunday, February 7 marked the beginning of a new experience for the nine enthusiastic students who enrolled in the Australasian Union Conference Missionary Training Program 2010.  This four-month missionary training course was held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. For the first month, all students and teachers resided at the Elim Heights Youth Camp, located about one hour’s drive from the AUC headquarters.  This time was rather intense as the students went through the book “Gospel Workers” by E. G.…

Vanuatu WH5 Missionary Seminar and Outreach Meetings

    17 May – 30 May 2010. By the grace of God, Br Johnny Araya, his wife Rachel and I have just finished a wonderful two weeks in Vanuatu – from touchdown in Port Vila till our last evangelistic outreach meeting last night (Sunday 30th May) we have been non-stop. We arrived in Vanuatu on Monday afternoon 17th of May and commenced our first series of meetings – The Fourth Angel's Message Seminar that night. It's a seminar for…

New South Wales Missionary Seminar 2010

  Schofields, 26-28 February, 2010   This seminar was held by the AUC Missionary Leader Br Paul Chapman. The meetings took place at the Schofields Headquarters, NSW, throughout the weekend, commencing Friday evening with a meeting entitled: "Why Am I Here" taken by Br P Chapman. Sabbath Service was entitled “Ten Times the Power”. God can multiply our talents if we use them to His glory. It is overwhelming how much power we can have when we unite our talents…

New South Wales Women’s Health Seminar 2010

  Sydney, 12-14 February 2010.   The opening meeting on Friday evening, 12 February 2010, went down in history as the very first Women’s Health Convention to be held in Sydney, NSW, Australia. Sister Susan Lausevic, health leader for NSW, welcomed all who were present. Although it was geared and focused on women’s health needs, there were a number of men who also attended. The first meeting was entitled: “Protecting the Heritage of the Lord” taken by Sr Catherine Robles.…

New Children’s Building at Elim Heights

Elim Heights Youth Camp is a magnificent rural property situated on the Putty Road near Mellong, NSW, about 45 minutes north-west of Windsor. At this venue we hold many of our conferences, youth camps, seminars, quarterly combined Sabbath meetings, etc. Brother Neville and Sr Elizabeth Brittain and Keith Brittain are the current caretakers; we thank them for the endless amount of work they do on a day to day basis. Sister Elaine Weymark has always had a soft spot for…

New South Wales “Springs Into Health” 2009

  Spring into Health NSW Health Convention 31 Oct – 1 Nov 2009 By Peter Lausevic   At the end of October (October 31-November 1, 2009) we held a health convention at Balcombe Heights Estate Community Centre in Baulkham Hills (Sydney). The title of the conference was "Spring into Health." We began on Friday evening speaking on the fact that children can be vegetarians under the title Veggie Kids presented by Alasdair Pow who is the Vice President of the…