Latest News (Page 10)

Latest News (Page 10)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Prayer Seminar

Prayer Seminar

On the first weekend in November, 2020, a special prayer seminar was held at Schofields Church and livestreamed for participants further afield. 
Friday evening’s meeting was entitled “Prayer in Days of Conflict,” where we learned lessons from Israel’s experience as recorded in 2 Chronicles 20:20.
 Sabbath morning, “Catching the Vision” we were shown how prayer has played a key role in the history of the church, and what that means for us today. 
The Sabbath afternoon session was occupied with…

Discovering Stewardship

October 2020 was designated as the Month of Stewardship. Readings and other material were prepared to share various aspects of Christian stewardship. Churches around Australia and New Zealand shared this material throughout the month. The “Discovering Stewardship” magazine and presentations can be downloaded over at the Month of Stewardship event page. And in case you missed them, here are three short videos that you might find interesting:

WA Field Camp Meeting 2020

25-30 September 2020 Another year had passed, and here we were again at the Barbers’ farm, for our yearly field camp meeting. What a year it had been for all of us, especially for those in other parts of the world and for our brethren in the eastern states. We have been very blessed here in WA throughout 2020 and feel especially blessed that our camp meeting could continue as planned. Friday September 25th and Sabbath is approaching. The marquee…

AUC Studio Hosts History Lesson

A project from Brazil saw Brother A. C. Sas prepare and record a history lesson on the origin and early history of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. The presentation was delivered in the Portuguese language.
 Since the start of pandemic restrictions in March, we have put a lot of work into upgrading the AUC President’s office to also function as a studio, enabling video recording on demand. One window was blacked out, lighting installed, and studio equipment was donated,…

Children’s Online Programs – Positive Reviews

Some thoughts received by the Education Department from mothers of young children regarding the children’s on-line programs: 
“We are in the USA in a church without other young children. For us, the interactive Sabbath School class begins Friday evenings, and my children now look forward to the opening of Sabbath as they never have before. It’s been a great blessing and encouragement for them to see other children like themselves studying to follow the Lord. Thank you so much for…

Reflections on Ninety Years of Life

Br Aca Ilic, at a recent prayer meeting, had some words of reflection after his 90th birthday.
 Dear Brothers and Sisters, the time has come for me to say a few words at the end of my ninetieth year. Yesterday was my birthday. 
I was born in September, 1930 in Metkovic, Yugoslavia. I was baptised when I was 13 years old in May, 1943, during World War II. We heard about the Reform Movement in the third quarter of 1945,…

In Memory of Our Brother Duraisamy Sureshkumar

On behalf of the Australasian Union Conference, we wish to convey our deepest sympathies to the Sureshkumar family: Sister Chandra, her children—Janet, Johnson, and Joan; son-in-law Emmanuel Roshan, and daughter-in-law Jasmine Johnson; and grandchildren: Hannah, Samuel, and Danielle—we also send our sincere condolences to other family members spread around the world.
 We were shocked and very sad to hear the news of the passing away of Brother Duraisamy Sureshkumar, who fell asleep in Jesus on Thursday, 27th August 2020. Although,…

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Sister Alexandrina Silva

The Australasian Union Conference extends our sincere condolences to the Silva Family.  May God comfort each one of you through the loss of your loved one. It is with great sadness that we wish to inform you that our dear Sister Alexandrina fell asleep in Jesus on the 6th August 2020 in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.  In faith, we look forward to the resurrection morning, when we will once more be with our loved ones.  “For if we…

Dedication of Eleanor Dammasch

They wanted to come to conferences, but those were all cancelled. They wanted to go to Queensland, but the borders closed. Finally, the parents of little Eleanor Dammasch requested that we have her dedicated right in her home.
 It was not to be a small affair, however. With a several church members in the area, and friends and family gathered, quite a few people came together on Sabbath the 5th of September.
 Br. Nathan Tyler presented a Bible study for…

Elim Heights Working Bee

Ahead of the anticipated rebuilding of shed and hall, the Elim Heights committee has identified a number of maintenance and repair items that need attention. A working bee has been scheduled for the 4th of October, with all available hands needed to help.

AUC Hosts Online Week of Prayer

Australasian Union Hosts Online Week of Prayer The AUC had the privilege of hosting the Pacific edition of the online Week of Prayer, August 21-30, 2020. Collaborating with the Pacific regional secretariat, items were collected and posted along with the sermon content from the General Conference. Hundreds of viewers from around the Pacific joined via YouTube stream and in some cases, downloaded videos which were taken by Bible workers to remote areas. Highlights included musical items from around the Pacific…

Ordination of Miguel Mendoza

We would like to welcome Br. Miguel Mendoza to the ministerial team. He was ordained as a minister at Schofields Church on Sabbath the 25th of July. Originally the ordination ceremony had been planned for the Victoria camp in April. However, with the cancellation of the camp, the plan shifted to a local service at the Maranatha church at a future date to be determined. Then the situation changed again, with metropolitan Melbourne going back into lockdown. At this point…