Latest News (Page 14)

Latest News (Page 14)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.


“No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.”  John Donne John Donne’s opening lines to his famous prose-poem was written during recovery from illness. In reflecting on the nearness of death to each of us, he expressed the view that it didn’t really matter if the “bell” was tolling for him or another. Each person’s death affects us all. We are all “part of the main” and an essential part…

GoodTidings eNews Editorial 65

Recently I received a phone call from a sincere soul who I love dearly, telling me that probation for the church will close sometime in March next year. We only have a few months to go. And they appealed to me to watch a video by David Gates – Uncle David as he is affectionately called. So I watched the video. Now after watching the video I want you to know that I believe David Gates is a sincere and…

Praise the Lord for all His Wondrous Works!

We held our first cooking demonstration in the Riverina since moving to Wagga on Tuesday 16th of October at a Uniting Church Hall in Glenfield Park, an outer suburb of Wagga. We had limited spaces specified on the flyer for about 25 spaces, which we had a lot of calls and interest shown exceeding that number. Although on the night only 15 that registered came, we were still thankful, especially with the interest, interaction and feed back shown by them.…

WA Field Camp

The WA Field conference this year was entitled “From the Head to the Heart”. At the beautiful seaside Baptist camp ground we gathered to consider the relationship between what the mind knows and the heart believes. Some of the topics presented where: How to change your belief system, How to receive and know I have a new heart, Intrinsic or extrinsically motivated and The passion of a new heart. The meetings were greatly enjoyed by all, as was the delicious…

Dudley Foord House Visit by Focus Singers and Friends

We praise the Lord that we had the opportunity to visit Sister Sas and the residents of the Dudley Foord House on Sabbath afternoon of the 22nd of September, 2018. After a successful mini concert a few months back, Focus Singers were invited once again with their friends to present another singing program. Although we were limited in numbers this time round, our songs and instrumental items were very much appreciated by all. It was great to see a full room of…

Schofields Cooking Demo

Schofields Cooking Demo 8, 15, 22 October 2018 How quickly the time came for the Schofields Church to once again hold another series of Vegetarian Cooking Classes.  These took place on three consecutive Monday evenings during October. It was nice to see once again many familiar faces present and was awesome to meet new ones too.  They all enjoyed listening to the health talks that were presented by Domenic and Danica.  The attendees were then eager to see-how and to…

QLD Camp 2018

Friday 28thSeptember – Monday 1 October 2018 It was a clear, sunny day as we all arrived at the beautiful Minden Retreat camp grounds.  After opening Sabbath, we all enjoyed a delicious meal from our wonderful cooks – The Brown Family.  The camp theme “Now is the Time” focused on our great need of being prepared for the close of probationary time and coming of Jesus.  How can we prepare for these great events? The studies presented revealed the fact that…

QLD Baptism

Markus and Camille Dammasch, and Michael Godwin. On the 27th of October it was a beautiful warm day in Queensland for the baptism of Markus and Camille Dammasch and Michael Godwin. Starting out with a timely message for Divine Service from Brother Paul Chapman on Reconciliation with God, we then conducted the Profession of Faith service.  Each candidate gave a hearty confession of faith followed by a testimony of thanksgiving to God and their church family.  It was a blessing…

NZ Youth & Children’s Camp

October 10-13, 2018 The highlight for the last quarter was our NZ Field youth conference where we focused on the theme “To Know Jesus.” We looked at John 17:3 and used the theme song “Everybody Ought To Know.” The youth and children enjoyed character building stories, singing choruses and hymns, and composing a welcome song in different languages. We were privileged to take part in the opening sabbath program, singing a few medley choruses and reciting the quote from Education…

PIE Youth Camp

On Friday, 14th of September 2018, a group of NSW youth headed down to Lake Wallace Campground near Lithgow for the annual NSW Field Camping Trip. Leading up to the weekend, we had been praying for good weather as it had been raining. God answered our prayers with a sunny Friday and  a foreast of sun for the entire weekend! The campsite was a beautiful place close to the lake which some took advantage of by waking up early to…

He Was the Promised One

He was the promised one, The son of an old man. The delight of a grey-haired Mother, He was God’s well-thought-out plan.   The old man was Abraham, He and God were friends. But t’was heard Take now thine only son And of his life, You will make an end.   But this was the son of promise, The boy that had taken away their pain, If his line should be destroyed, There would be no hope again.   But…

Elim Health & Book Store

We at the AUC Headquarters in Sydney are delighted to announce that a very exciting development is taking place in the Schofields Union Centre.  A decision to open an RLPA Book Store in conjunction with the Elim Health Store was passed and renovation work immediately commenced on the 8th of October. With many thanks to Branko Ilic, Robin Gordon, Joe Voncina, Larry Ah-ching, & Jeremy Gordon, the work is steadily progressing.  A dream has come true for Sister Elaine Weymark,…