Latest News (Page 17)

Latest News (Page 17)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

VIC Camp 2018

Over 100 people gathered for the annual Victoria camp, held again this year among the rolling hills of Alexandra. The theme was “Are You Ready for Eternity?”. Held over the Easter long weekend, the camp featured presentations and workshops on the general theme of a relationship with Jesus and daily walk with Him. A highlight of the camp was the contribution of the Elim Missionary College students, who were responsible for a large part of the program content. Youth also…

Highlights From NZ Field

Song Service at Avondale Rest Home, Auckland, New Zealand  Sabbath, 14th April 2018  We have been blessed in recent weeks with the return of Brother Doug Thirkettle and Brother Sam Batger and his family to New Zealand.    On the Sabbath morning, prior to the rest home visit, Br. Doug gave a sermon on “The Bible, Its Counterfeits, and The Struggle for Supremacy.”  He stressed on the reliability of the Bible and preservation of its manuscripts throughout the ages.  “God had…

Melissa Brown’s Baptism

It is a wonderful blessing when youth give their hearts to God, as they have so much to offer Him with their enthusiasm, vigour and strength.  “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them”.  Ecclesiastes 12:1.  Melissa Brown has done just that.  On Sabbath, the 24th March 2018, at the edges of the main canal in Coleambally…

The Divine Human Family – Part 1

THE DIVINE-HUMAN FAMILY – NO. 1 W. PRESCOTT GCB, Feb 4, 1895 pp.8-11 THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY THE one object in all our Bible study should be, not to establish theories, but to feed upon the living word. And it seems especially desirable to call attention to this principle when a large number of us who are accustomed to teaching the word come together to make a special study of it. Hence the principle should not be to learn…

Melissa Brown’s Testimony

I got my first Bible on my seventh birthday, and I remember promising God that I would follow him all the days of my life. As I grew up, I had some experiences in my life that I wished never would have happened. I was slowly drifting away from God due to the influence of a friend, but God was not finished with me yet. On two memorable occasions, God brought me back and closer to him. When I was…

Condolences to the Villagra Family

Condolences to the Villagra Family  The parting of a loved one is something that no one is ever prepared for.  When it happens, it really tugs at the heart-strings.  With sad hearts, we wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the Villagra family, who early this year, have gone through the great loss of both their parents.  May your faith in our Heavenly Father give you comfort and strength as you go through this time of sadness.  Both Patricio and…

Condolences to the Sabo Family

It is with sad hearts that we extend our condolences to the family of Sr Katica Sabo.  May our wonderful God give you strength and peace during this time of sorrow. May the hope of being together again with your loved ones keep your hearts alive and looking forward to that great reunion where there will be no more parting, where we will live with our Saviour for ever. What a day that will be! “And I saw a new heaven…

VIC: Winter Food and Clothes Outreach

Matt. 25:40 “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  On the 22nd of April, Maranatha church had a letterboxing programme. As we know that winter is around the corner we were requesting donations for those that face winter on the streets of Melbourne. Our purpose was to involve brothers and sisters and…

Vegan Cook and Eat

A vegan “Cook & Eat” event was held at the Guildford Church function hall on the 15th of April in Western Australia. The program is one of a few run by a small family-owned charity called “Familia” managed by Gerson and Catherine Robles as part of a vehicle to increase member participation in missionary activities and social networking within their church community.   “We’ve run cooking demos in the past where we teach people and they learn by observation,” Catherine explained.…

Condolences to the Foaese and Ah-Ching Families

We wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the Foaese and Ah-ching families on the loss of their loved one.  May God continue to strengthen each one of you throughout this difficult time.  Our dear Sister Vaovai Foaese had in her heart a wonderful missionary spirit.  Her desire was especially to spread  the good news of the gospel to those of her homeland, Samoa. May she rest in peace until the coming of Jesus when we look forward to seeing…

WA Field Youth Camp – 2018

 Friday About 35 eager campers arrived at the Kirup Valley Farms camping site early enough to setup tents, prepare for Sabbath and welcome the Sabbath in with singing at around 6:15pm.  The WA Field Youth Camp got off to a beautiful start in a lovely bush setting. The theme of the conference was “Victory in Christ” and brother Luke Kneebone opened Sabbath with a meditation about temptation. Luke first defined what temptation is – a strong enticement to do…

Baptism in Queensland

“Baptism is a most solemn renunciation of the world. Those who are baptized in the threefold name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit … declare publicly that they have forsaken the service of Satan and have become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.” Lift Him Up, p. 302. “Christ has made baptism the sign of entrance to His spiritual kingdom. He has made this a positive condition with which all must comply who…