Latest News (Page 23)

Latest News (Page 23)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

VIC: Health Seminar

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayst prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John vs 2. Our mission is to preach the gospel to every creature. For sure the greatest desire of God’s heart is that His children should spend eternity with Him. However, His love doesn’t stop there. He cares for the health and happiness of His sons and daughters in this life just as much as He does for the life…

Combined Sabbath & Busy Bee at Elim Heights

Elim Heights has always been a wonderful place to spend time together and to praise God while being surrounded by His wonderful creation; so, when an Elim Heights combined Sabbath and a Sunday Busy-bee was lined up on the same weekend, many took advantage of this social time and the opportunity to be together. Over the Sabbath many came from Schofields and Wentworthville churches and were privileged to hear Br. Domenic Polistina take the Divine Service. This was followed by…

A Silent Witness

In Daniel 12:4, last part, we read: “… many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” As a young person, I wondered: how will it be possible for all the world to hear the good news of the Gospel? Today with technology advancing by the second, through the world-wide web and other media options, the message can be given to the whole world with a click of a button. We should take advantage of this and make…

WA: Youth Canoe Day

The WA Youth came together on Sunday, 26th of March to enjoy a day of canoeing at Lake Leschenaultia, east of Perth. The day was cold and windy. While a small part of us took some cover under a picnic table shelter, the rest of the youth actually went out canoeing with enthusiasm—and even went swimming in the frigid waters. Those who were looking on only became colder with the sight. Despite the chilly weather, old and young enjoyed themselves,…

Poem: What Does it Mean “To be in Your Likeness”?

What does it mean, ‘to be in Your likeness’? In heaven You were perfect, No Scars marked Your brow, No tears of pain and grief fell down Your cheeks, Your hands had no nails driven in them, Your side was not run through. In heaven You were perfect, Your visage unscathed, Yet You chose the path to pain, And death put You in the grave. You did this because You didn’t want me to lose Your likeness, My sins—my life—were…

Wanted: Operations and Sales Coordinator – Christian Publishing

An opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated, consecrated and business minded person to coordinate the operations of our publishing work within Australia and New Zealand. Religious Liberty Publishing Association is dedicated to the production and distribution of Christian publications in a variety of multi-media formats including print, electronic, and audio/visual, that support and facilitate the mission of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, Australasian Union Conference. Recently, the retail publishing operations of RLPA were assigned a new brand, “Elim…

WA: Amariah’s Baptism

Sunday 9th April had dawned bright and clear. It was a perfect morning as members and friends of Guildford and Stratham churches headed down to Lake Moyanup in Waroona, WA to witness the most beautiful of ceremonies. On this day another soul would be making a public commitment to give themselves over to the Lord and serve Him for the rest of their life. This time it was Amariah Payet. The profession of faith was held by the lake along…

Dumaguit Family Farewell

On the 4th of March, all the Sydney churches came together, and we held a farewell at Schofields Church for the Dumaguit family. We spent the afternoon in a praise and fellowship meeting, and after the closing of Sabbath, we enjoyed a delicious dinner that all contributed to. After eating, we watched a short PowerPoint presentation of photos taken during the Dumaguit’s time with us and then presented them with a gift from all of us at church: a book…

Lessons to Remember

It was touted as the War to end all Wars…yet in the years since WW1 ended, millions of lives have been sacrificed in hundreds of wars fought all over the globe. It is as if humanity has never learnt the lessons that so many paid the ultimate price to teach us. Each year on the 25th of April in Australia and New Zealand, many take a moment’s silence to remember their sacrifices–men and women who died to protect the freedoms…

Condolences – Family Devai

Francisco Devai – 30 August 1927 – 16 April 2017 We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of our late brother Francisco Devai. Br. Devai fell asleep in Jesus on Sunday, 16 April 2017, after suffering a massive stroke. May God comfort his family and all those who are feeling this great loss. Br Eli Tenorio, current General Conference Secretary, shares the following: “Brother Devai was born in Brazil of Hungarian descent on August 30, 1927, and was raised…

Guyana – Building Project

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. To begin expressing our need, in the solemnity of the days we are living now, we want to borrow the pressing words of our Lord, which are found in the twenty-first chapter of the Gospel of Luke verse twenty-eight, He said: “And when these things begin to come to pass,…

WA: Field Youth Camp – Life’s Choices

After this youth camp, I can say that I understand just a bit more of why God placed Adam and Eve in a garden. Being surrounded by God’s handiwork ultimately magnifies His greatness and works to reveal His plan for us in our lives. This wonderful experience all started on the 14th of April when families packed their cars and headed off for a four-hour drive east of Perth to Wave Rock, in the wheat belt region. Though the journey…