Latest News (Page 24)

Latest News (Page 24)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

An Appeal for Prayer

An Appeal for Prayer This story has been edited to protect the privacy of the family – Editor. Greetings from South Australia. We have a very small church here in Adelaide, and we have been praying for some time for visitors and new families to come to church. In February 2015 we were contacted by a refugee family from Sri Lanka, wanting to come to our church. The husband, Brother A, and his wife have three children, the youngest of…

Baptism Sr Taiva Fuimaono and Farewell of Polistina Family

Saturday 11th March, 2017 was a special Sabbath in Sydney as the two local churches combined for the day at Schofields church in support of a dear sister that had decided to dedicate her life to Christ in taking the next step of baptism. The church was filled with members and plenty of visitors alike to witness Sister Taiva Fuimaono profess and testify of her love for the Lord and her willingness to live faithfully for Him. Divine service was…

NSW: Depression Recovery Program

Depression Recovery Program: Wollongong March 28th-April 4, 2017 Last year, the missionary school students participated in as well as facilitated a Depression Recovery Program in Wentworthville Church. The results were very encouraging, as we had over 10 participants who experienced great results and lasting changes in their lives after going through the program. Needless to say, the students also had a great experience and gained the skills needed to facilitate the program in their local areas as well. This year,…

Queensland Youth Choir 2016

Last year, while completing a Chorale Conducting university course, my lecturer offered to assist me in the formation of a choir and act as an ongoing mentor. I accepted, and by end of year, 25 young people joined the group. By God’s grace, we were on our way! The experience was challenging but worthwhile. As the rehearsals progressed, the group found their unique sound. It seemed that we had practiced only for days, instead of all the weeks, by the…

2017 NSW Conference Delegation Report

On the 5th of March, 2017, about 26 Delegates from around NSW gathered at Schofields Church in Sydney to make plans and discuss propositions for the NSW Conference for the next two years. We were blessed by God’s Spirit when we opened with the hymn: “Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine”. After the reports from the previous two years were accepted and notes taken on the minutes from the last session, we started nominating those who were to be on the…

Cooking Class – Victoria

The last cooking demonstration of the year had everyone in high spirits as surprises were rolled out one after another bringing good cheer and developing ties of friendship.  Almost every chair in the room was occupied as regular visitors encouraged their friends and family to join in the educational fun.  As a result there were twice the number of usual participants, the added interest adding to the enjoyment of the evening. There was a little murmuring among some when only…

AUC: Summer School

In the first week of January of this year, we met together for Summer School, at Elim Heights. We began on Monday, 2 January, with about 20 students of various ages. We covered the topics of Budgeting, How can I have the Assurance of Salvation, and Influence in the morning. In the afternoon, we covered more discussion-style topics such as Developing a Life Mission and Standing up for Your Faith. The discussions were very interesting, and it was really lovely…

AUC: Workers Wive’s Seminar

This year from 8th to 9th January, we were able to run a session for the workers’ wives. We had a similar session several years ago and have felt the need to have another like meeting for a while. When we were planning the meetings, we were trying to find a time when the wives would be free. This was a challenge since most of our workers’ wives have young children. So we decided to run the meetings after the…

Sermons We See

I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way. The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear, Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear; And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds, For to see good put in action is what everybody needs. I soon can learn to do it if you’ll let me see it done;…

Worker’s Seminar Report

The Australasian Union Conference workforce met for four days as part of our regular ongoing training undertaken by all our workers. First, we continued our study of the book Pastoral Ministry, with discussion on a portion of the book. On the second day we enjoyed a Communication seminar, taking us through important concepts in communication and how different personality types relate to one another. On the last day we had an update on visual communication and a discussion forum on…

NSW: Youth Focus Meeting – February 4, 2017

Many thanks to Sr Weymark for hosting the first focus evening at her home for 2017.  Many young and young at heart enjoyed an evening of small group discussions and socialising combined with a delicious dinner. It was also so lovely to see our tiny tots have the opportunity to play together and enjoy special times together. May God continue to encourage those who attend. ~ Anonymous

GoodTidings is on Social Media

GoodTidings has for years been the official news brand of the SDARM in AUC. Recently, together with the Media Department, we’ve branched out into social media. We see this as an important move as we harness the power of social media to reach the world with the gospel. If you use Facebook or Instagram, you can follows us there. Our handle is @goodtidings4life. Follows us on Facebook, on Instagram and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.