Latest News (Page 31)

Latest News (Page 31)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Cooking Demonstrations – Schofields Church NSW

Schofields Central Church, Sydney Australia. Firstly, I would like to thank our heavenly Father for the opportunities that He gives us to be able to further His work in some way.  We have been conducting cooking demonstrations in our church for quite a number of years now; and with some effort put into these programmes, we can see that the Lord is helping us to let our light shine in the local Sydney community. Various members help with the distribution of…

Western Australia News

Ordination Brother Luke Kneebone – Elder On Sabbath 16th April 2016 Br Paul Chapman ordained Br Luke Thomas Kneebone as an elder of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church with the laying on of hands. The duties and responsibilities of the position were brought to our attention as set out by the apostles in the early church. It was with solemnity that all present gave their support to Br Luke as he was formally recognised for the work that…

EMC – Sabbath School Seminar

5-8 April 2016 During the EMC missionary training program students study a variety of subjects; one of these is the Sabbath School (SS), its purpose and function. During the scheduled week of SS training, classes were divided into two parts, morning and afternoon. Mornings were delivered by Br Paul Chapman, General Conference Sabbath School Secretary, in which he addressed: the functional role of the Sabbath School program, how it is structured, how it should function, and how to present the SS…

News from the Pacific Islands

Samoan Field Last February 11-15, 2016, a camp meeting was held in our church property located in Faleasiu, Apia, Samoa. Many visitors came from protestant churches as well as from IMS brethren. During the day we had doctrinal presentations while in the night we had public meetings; and around 45 persons attended the meetings. Our three Bible workers are very active in their missionary activities, which has resulted in a missionary awakening in that island. They prepared four souls for…

Ecuador Earthquake Appeal

Ecuador Earthquake Appeal – from General Conference Dear Brethren in the AUC, We have just received the following urgent appeal from the General Conference Welfare Department: ECUADOR EARTHQUAKE APPEAL “There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.” Acts 4:34, 35. To the dear reform family throughout…


Pathways of the Pioneers Stories of the men and women who founded the Adventist Church.  An exciting way for kids to learn church history! Pathways of the Pioneers is a series of 115 historical stories about the development and growth of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Dramatized by the creative team of Your Story Hour, brings to life the stories of the men and women who were led by God to spread the gospel and establish the Adventist Church. This series…

Condolences to the Cristea Family

Dumitru Cristea – 16 October 1928 – 20 March, 2016 It is with sad hearts we announce our dear Br Dumitru Cristea passed away on Sunday, 20 March, 2016. He was born in Romania on 16 October, 1928. When only 20 years of age, his spinal cord was seriously damaged, and he was confined to lay on his back for 12 months. At the hospital, he met a nice young nurse, Maria, who became his wife three years later. Three…

Victoria Camp 2016

Victoria Camp 25-28 March 2016 “I Will Come Again” We arrived at camp early Friday afternoon and settled in. We then went to catch up with people we knew and to meet people that we didn’t know. This year’s Victoria camp was held at the same location as last year: a beautiful setting with a small lake and hills rolling along the horizon. The theme of the camp was “I Will Come Again,” and the meetings covered various aspects of…

Bone Health Outreach – Wentworthville NSW

14th March 2016 A community health program once again took place at the Community Centre, Wentworthville. This time Brother Domenic Polistina took the lectures on bone health.  Foods that help maintain healthy and strong bones were demonstrated by different people.  Once again it was lovely to have the students here in Sydney, and they were of great help. We pray God will bless this important work. Kitchen Staff Above photo from left to right: Liliana Escobar, Stela Gules, Elisabeth Balarezo,…

Container for Papua New Guinea

Packing Shipping Container for PNG – 11 March 2016 On a Friday morning, the missionary college students were scheduled to help sort and repack a shipping container full of clothing and books; these are to go to Papua New Guinea. The morning was overcast; and as they began to work, it started to pour rain… but that did not deter the eager youth from achieving their goal. Tarps were soon put up as shelter.  Later, as it cleared up, they…

Baby congratulations to the Thiel Family

Amalia Thiel What a wonderful gift from God; another little girl born to Naomi and Ben Thiel! Amalia has brought much joy to her parents and siblings, Heidi and Emmett. We would like to extend our congratulations to all. May God’s richest blessings be upon your family as you continue to serve Him. “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalms 139:14.      

South Australia News

South Australia News Sabbath 5th March 2016, we enjoyed a rather typical once a month nursing home outreach, followed by church members’ and friends’ social get-together! A great time was had by all. We in South Australia are generally a happy little company who need a little ‘stoking up’ as it were to get the missionary spirits ‘fired up’, but, thank the Lord, He has given us little opportunities to start ‘spreading the ‘Reform message’ here in Adelaide by simple…