Latest News (Page 35)

Latest News (Page 35)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

The End is Here – Bible Prophecy Update on Turkey (“King of the North”)

The events of the last few weeks in the Middle East involving ISIS, Syria, Russia, Turkey, Iran, China, etc. have generated renewed interest in the prophecies of Daniel 11 and 12. There we find, in detailed prophetic vision, the history of those powers that were to persist beyond the death of Alexander the Great, down to their final destruction and the ultimate deliverance of the people of God from their enemies. Of particular interest is the details concerning the “king…

Queensland Conference Camp Meeting 2015 – Stand Up for Jesus!

  “The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” (Education, p. 57.) The call for such men and women formed the basis of…

Schofields Church Vegetarian Cooking Classes

Vegetarian Cooking Classes Once again the Schofields church offered the public another series of vegetarian cooking classes during the month of October. These classes took place during three consecutive Monday evenings, the 12th, 19th and 26th of October at 7:30pm at the Schofields Function Hall. Throughout this program, Br. Alfredo Carlos Sas, Br. Domenic Polistina and Sr. Susan Lausevic took the health lecture segment for these evenings. On the first night, Br. A C Sas spoke on the digestive system.…

NSW Youth Department Camp

Wombeyan Caves Campout   Greetings from Psalms 107: 31, “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” It never ceases to amaze me, especially in these last days as we near the closing scenes of this earth’s history, how our kind heavenly Father continues to manifest His presence among us as His people. Our recent Youth Campout at Wombeyan Caves, “Aim to Win,” Friday 2nd October, 2015 –…

Engagement Congratulations

Engagement Congratulations Adriana Stefanescu and Jade Wales announced their engagement on the 5th of October 2015. We would like to wish them all God’s blessings as they plan their wedding and future lives together. “And above all these things put on [love], which is the bond of perfectness.” Colossians 3:14. “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” John 15:12.


Halloween – What should Christians do with it? Today, “Halloween” is celebrated on the last day of October. This sugar-coated witchcraft practice seems to be leading the world blindly. The sight of blood, black, deadly spiders, death, witches etc. seems to not bother people anymore, including very young children, all because of the sweets that are coating it all. Many children and adults wear the most terrible, frightful, shocking and in some cases immodest costumes.   Although some of these customs…


The Holiday time is soon upon us. What better time to cook or to give a beautiful cook book as a gift to a friend or loved one. We have 2 beautiful cookbooks “Seven Secrets Cookbook” and “More Choices”. “Mothers should take their daughters with them into the kitchen, and give them a thorough education in the cooking department.” ApM p15 7 Secrets Cookbook Lose weight, lower cholesterol, reverse diabetes and enjoy delicious food at the same time. It sounds…

Baby Dedications – Queensland

Josiah Nathaniel Dammasch, Joshua Ernst Dammasch and Belinda Rose Decuyper – 3 October 2015. Sabbath afternoon at the Queensland Camp began with a special dedication service.  Brother Ben Thiel spoke for a few minutes on our Lord’s desire for the children not to be turned away.  He spoke of the day when Jesus walked on earth, and the disciples told the mothers that Jesus was too busy for the children. Brother Csongor Matyas shared with us the responsibility of mothers…

Papua New Guinea Drought Relief Appeal

UPDATE  –  24/12/2015​   Dear Brethren and Sisters, Greetings in Jesus name! “And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make.” Exodus 36:5 The Brethren of PNG would like to thank you for your overwhelming generosity in giving to the PNG Drought Appeal. PNG has been affected by one of the worst droughts on record. This drought affected the whole country causing difficulty for…


Erratum In the August issue of the Good Tidings, in one of the birth announcements, the name Dammasch was misspelt, please accept our apologies.  


The Desire of Ages The Desire of Ages is Ellen White’s classic on the life of Jesus – the One who stands at the centre of all human history. No one else has had such a profound influence on Planet Earth as Jesus Christ. In this book the author does not set forth the events of Jesus’ life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. She…


McCutcheon family Our Condolences go to Brother Geoff McCutcheon and his family on the loss of his dear mother, who passed away in New Zealand at the age of 85. Brother Geoff is an ordained elder in the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Australasian Union, who is currently working for the Victoria/Tasmania Conference. Although, Br Geoff’s mother was not of our faith, for part of her life she was a Seventh Day Adventist and instilled very good Christian principles in…