Latest News (Page 36)

Latest News (Page 36)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

The Witness of a Smile: Testimony – USA

Testimony from new church attendee – USA This morning we received a message through our Facebook page relating a wonderful testimony from a soon-to-be sister. I found the testimony to be very encouraging and an immense blessing, and I know her testimony can surely benefit our brethren around the world, so I am attaching a poster I made with said testimony.  I thought maybe the brethren would like to share it with their respective churches; perhaps it will uplift and…

Queensland Isolated Members Combined Sabbath

Combined Sabbath with the isolated brethren from Ladley, Queensland – 5 September 2015 “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”  Hebrews 10:23-25. The 5th of September 2015 was…

Engagement Congratulations

Engagement Congratulations to Luke and Andrada Brother Luke Phillips and Sister Andrada Condrovici announced their engagement on 30th May 2015.  We would like to congratulate them and wish them all God’s blessings as they plan to join their lives together in holy matrimony. “And above all these things put on [love], which is the bond of perfectness.” Colossians 3:14        

22nd General Conference Spiritual Public Meetings

Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement 22nd General Conference Public Spiritual Meetings – 10-13 September 2015   A large company of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement members and friends had the privilege to meet together for the 22nd General Conference spiritual meetings, which took place in Roanoke Virginia during 10-13 September 2015. What a grand time it was when over 1000 believers raised their voices together in song worshiping our heavenly Father. The theme of the 22nd General Conference Spiritual…

Dedication – Levi Gules

Schofields Church Divine Service -5th September 2015 It was the desire of Amy and Benny Gules to have their firstborn son Levi dedicated to the Lord. It was a wonderful and touching moment as Br. Sas related at the beginning of the service that he was the one who dedicated his granddaughter Amy Angelica to God on the 12th December 1987 and how he feels so grateful to the Lord for being able to do the same now for his…

Western Australia Conference 2015

“Unlocking Bible Prophecy” – WA Spiritual Camp and Prophecy Seminar 25-29 September 2015 Early this year plans were formulated to run a prophecy outreach seminar in conjunction with the WA field Spiritual Conference. The WA Field Bible worker, Brother Luke Kneebone, began at once to organise and prepare the program for this great event. As choir leader, I began to prepare songs that the choir could sing for this special outreach. After offering everybody the opportunity in both Guildford and…

Condolences to the Burec Family

Benjamin Burec – General Conference, Roanoke, Virginia USA Sadly we pass on news received from the General Conference that our Brother Benjamin Burec went peacefully to rest in the Lord at the age of 83 in Roanoke VA, USA on Tuesday, 29th September, 2015. Brother Benjamin Burec was born and raised in the SDA Reform Movement. From his youth throughout all his life he served the Lord by working for the Church.  His employment in the General Conference was in…

22nd General Conference Delegation Session – SDARM

Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement 22nd General Conference Delegation Session – 25 August to 8 September 2015 The 22nd Delegation Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement started on Tuesday 25th of August, in the beautiful state of Virginia in the United States of America. The location for this very important event was held at a conference center situated on Smith Mountain Lake, in the town of Wirtz. This was a historic moment, as the last GC session held…

General Conference President 2015-2019

Davi Paes Silva is Re-elected as General Conference President Earlier today, Friday, 28 August, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time), Br Davi Paes Silva was re-elected as President of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference. Br Silva’s name was one of three presented by The Nominating Committee to the 22nd General Conference Session of the SDARM. After the election, Br Silva addressed the session with a short message of exhortation. A video of the message may be found online at:…

General Conference – 1st Vice-President

Peter D Lausevic 30 August, 2015 Earlier today, Sunday, 30 August, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time), Br Peter D Lausevic was elected as First Vice-President of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference. The First Vice-President is to reside in the United States in order to directly assist the GC President. After much prayerful consideration, three names were presented by the Nominating Committee to the Session. After 2 rounds of votes, the delegates elected Br. Peter Lausevic to the office of General…

General Conference – 2nd Vice-president

Rolly Dumaguit 30 August, 2015. Brother Rolly Dumaguit has been elected as 2nd Vice-President of the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. Brother Rolly Dumaguit will reside outside the USA to assist the President in the affairs of the General Conference throughout the world. Brother Dumaguit was one of four candidates proposed by the Session Nominating Committee on Monday morning August 31, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time). After the delegates completed three rounds of voting, Br. Dumaguit received…

Dedication – Ruby Anna Macdermott

Wentworthville Church – 22 August 2015 Praise God for a beautiful warm sunny Sabbath day. The weather reached a top of 28°C being the hottest day out west in August this year.  August 22, 2015 was a special day at Wentworthville SDARM church especially for Karen, friends and family with the dedication of her daughter Ruby Anna Macdermott. Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” was presented by all the children followed by a song for the special…