Latest News (Page 38)

Latest News (Page 38)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Davi Paes Silva is Re-elected as General Conference President

Earlier today, Friday, 28 August, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time), Br Davi Paes Silva was re-elected as President of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference. Br Silva’s name was one of three presented by The Nominating Committee to the 22nd General Conference Session of the SDARM. After the election, Br Silva addressed the session with a short message of exhortation. A video of the message may be found online at “Davi Paes Silva gives his first address after being…

Busy Bee at Elim Heights Youth Camp

Roof Replacement Elim Heights Youth Camp – 26 July 2015   On the Sunday of July 26th 2015, nice and early in the morning to take advantage of the quiet, before any wind could pick up, a group of about 13 workers arrived at Elim Heights Youth Camp to change the roofing material on the main meeting hall. Starting off in various teams, supervised by our roofing specialist, the job was performed in an orderly and fuss-free manner and was…

Condolences to the Zulic Family

Elsa Maria Zulic – 28th February 1936 to 24th June 2015 With sadness in our hearts, we extend our sincere condolences to Brother Giulio Zulic and family on the loss of your loved one. May you feel God’s loving arms around you, strengthening each one during this time of sadness. Sister Elsa and her smile and kindness will be missed by many. Be of good courage and look forward to the time when we will see her once again and…

Baby Congratulations to the Araya Family

Baby Congratulations to the Araya Family “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:13, 14. It is always wonderful to hear the news of a baby’s arrival! Congratulations to Johnny and Rachel Araya on the arrival of their second baby girl, Evangelina Sienna Araya – a sister to Genessa Liliana.…

Building Project – Educational Centre at Roanoke Virginia USA

Educational Centre – Roanoke, Virginia, USA We praise God that the work has finally begun on the Educational Centre at the General Conference headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia. Funds are still needed for work to continue on this project. Your donations will be much appreciated. This can be given through the AUC SDARM treasurer. For further information contact: Joe Voncina on (02) 9627 7553 or “Christ will perform wonderful miracles if men will but do their God-given part”. Christ Object…

Wentworthville Health Outreach – July 2015

Beat Winter Blues On July 20, Wentworthville church held their ongoing cooking class; the last one which was held in March. We had about 20 visitors who braced the cold to still come to enjoy a great night. Most visitors were regulars from past cooking classes, while few were new. Our theme for this cooking class was “Beat Winter Blues, the Vegetarian Way” and so was focused on boosting the immune system and demonstrating some healthy warm winter foods. This…

Present Truth Perspective on The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Encyclical

The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Present Truth Perspective on The Pope’s Laudato Si’ Encyclical On June 18, 2015 Pope Francis released an encyclical on the environment entitled, Laudato Si’. The document calls for discussion and dialogue on environmental issues. Francis stated, “There are certain environmental issues where it is not easy to achieve a broad consensus. Here I would state once more that the Church does not presume to settle scientific questions or to replace politics. But I am concerned to…

Condolences to the Stamenkovic Family

Zivojin (Jimmy) Stamenkovic – 25/8/1929 to 7 July 2015 We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Stamenkovic family on the loss of their loved one. May these verses found in God’s Word be of comfort to you through this time of sadness, and may we all look forward to the resurrection morning when death will have no more power over God’s children. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which…

Winter Outreach – Woombye Qld

Winter Outreach 2015 – Sunshine Coast – Sabbath 27th June to Tuesday 30 June 2015 The Sunshine Coast Winter Outreach for 2015 was held at the Woombye Church in Queensland commencing on Sabbath 27th June. The Divine Service inspired the congregation for missionary work and provided the impetus for the next two days of outreach. After a combined lunch everyone spread around the small township of Woombye and letterboxed every home with the Great Controversy free book offer flyer. We…


These books are ideal for outreach and also for colporteurs. They make a lovely gift as each book is beautifully illustrated with colourful pictures. Paperback (magabook – magazine style) These books are also available for purchase at colporteur price.  Please call Lizy on 02 9627 7553 for colporteur prices and purchases. More Choices Cookbook $19.95 7 Secrets Cookbook $19.95 Plants that Heal $ 9.25 Foods that Heal $ 9.25 Desire of Ages $ 8.85 Great Controversy $ 8.60 Lessons for…

NSW Spiritual Conference 2015

NSW Conference – Strangers & Pilgrims 5-8 June 2015 Our recent NSW Spiritual Conference, Friday 5th – Monday 8th June 2015 at Elim Heights, as always, proved to be a blessing to all, both young and ‘young at heart’ alike as we explored the theme ‘Strangers and Pilgrims.’ It was a time of physical and spiritual refreshment, especially for our young people. It was also a good opportunity for brethren from far and near to meet up. We were all…

Vanuatu Cyclone Aftermath – As Reported by the Clements Family

March 19th we flew over to Port Vila not knowing what we were walking into. Trudging off the plane, we were faced with crates of aid from various countries, all waiting to be slowly distributed. Brother Charlie picked us up after the arduous process of collecting our luggage from a non-operational baggage carousel, as the power was still off in certain areas. Driving out of the airport pick-up area, I can only describe the scene unfolding in front of us…