Latest News (Page 39)

Latest News (Page 39)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.


God’s purpose for Adam and Eve at creation was to populate this world with faithful and obedient children who would love and praise Him. Unfortunately, sin entered this perfect world and brought sorrow and suffering. Eve was to experience pain in childbirth, but a child to most mothers is still a wonderful gift from God. To many their ‘Mother’ is the world to them, the one who fulfills all their needs. Mothers love unconditionally, and children know that they can…

NSW Youth Sabbath

Youth Sabbath – Elim Heights Youth Camp On Sabbath 30th of May, young and old gathered from far and near (and even interstate) to Elim Heights Youth Camp for our 2nd “Youth Sabbath” with the theme being “At the Crossroads – What Do I Decide?” Various youth were chosen again by each other to take responsibilities and lead out for the day. The Sabbath School meeting was taken by Vivian Cosson as Sabbath School superintendent with Kiara Hake being assistant…

Vegetarian Way Cooking Classes – Schofields

Schofields Church – 11th, 18th and 25th May 2015 It is such a pleasure to report on our recent cooking demonstrations that were held at Schofields Church recently in May 2015. We had three sessions held on Monday nights, with each session delivering about 4 food demonstrations. Proceeding each session there was a health talk by Amos Thiel on various interesting topics. Our competent cooks namely Lidia Voncina, Amy Gules, Rosetta Ilic, Vivian Cosson, Stela Gules, Denise Gules and Rosemary…

Mother’s Day Outing – Queensland

“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12. On the 10 of May, the Pimpama Group held a very special Mother’s Day picnic at Underwood Park, in Queensland. What a kind, thoughtful attitude of all the fathers that planned to give their wives and mothers a relaxing day off in nature, in fellowship with all the other mothers. It was a very beautiful sunny…

Special Sabbath Meetings – Queensland

2 May 2015 – Special Day program with isolated people in Queensland “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrew 10:25 On Sabbath, the 2nd of May 2015, the Pimpama Group held special Sabbath meetings for the isolated members in Laidley at a hired Community Centre Hall. Just the day before, the storms had hit Queensland with lots of rain and strong winds; this made…

Nepal Disaster Appeal from the General Conference

May 1, 2015 Dear Brethren (Stewards in the Cause of God), “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7. The poor are all around us, the distressed, the afflicted, the sorrowing, and those who are ready to perish. There is a greater need for the exercise of mercy today than ever before. God has made us His stewards, and He is not to be charged with the sufferings, the misery, the nakedness, and the want of humanity.…

22nd SDARM General Conference Spiritual Meetings

Come to the 2015 Spiritual Meetings following the 22nd SDARM General Conference Delegation Session Anyone who has ever attended the spiritual conventions following the General Conference (“GC”) delegation sessions will never forget those memorable events. Whether it be of the early SDARM conventions or the more recent ones in Ploesti, Romania 1991 and 1995, in Itu, Brazil 1999 and 2003, in Jeju, South Korea 2007, or in Sibiu, Romania 2011—our memory is flooded with the images of brethren and friends…


With the long winter nights ahead of us, what a perfect time to spend with your toddlers or young children exploring these beautiful felt books. These “quiet books” are ideal for taking to church. Great value for your money! Give a special gift that has a personal touch. Parents and Grandparents love to make these kits into felt books that will be treasured for years to come. Kits come ready to cut out. Animal Mothers Animal mothers and their babies…

NSW Youth Campout

Gum Bend Lake – Condobolin NSW 24-26 April 2015 After a beautiful long trip for most on Friday 24th April, we all reached our camp destination at Condobolin campsite, Gum Bend Road, and Lake Condobolin was in sight. Ten tents were pitched in total, and approximately thirty of us were there for the start of Sabbath, which was much looked forward to. Larry Ah-ching (NSW Youth Leader) opened Sabbath with a few favourite hymns and readings from Exodus, Numbers, and…

Baptism – Jessica Walkom

11 April 2015 On Sabbath 11th April 2015, friends and family gathered from NSW and Victoria to celebrate Jessica Walkom’s decision to follow her Lord in baptism. Sabbath morning found approximately 100 people gathered at the Bannister Hall to witness her baptism.  It was wonderful to see the outpouring of love and encouragement offered to Jessica.  Bro Peter Lausevic preached a heart-reaching sermon on true conversion.  This was followed by a lovely fellowship lunch shared outdoors and very well coordinated by…

New Zealand Field Camp and Baptisms

NZ Mission Field Camp Meeting and Baptisms On April 9-12, 2015 at Campbell Park Christian Camp, Mangawhai Heads, the New Zealand Field hosted a camp meeting.  The park is perfect, peaceful, and affordable for homely comfort and excellent group facilities.  Proximity to beaches and walking tracks are just a few of the many opportunities offered when staying at the park.  The theme for the Spiritual Conference was: “Jesus – The I Am.” Brother Paul Chapman, one of the guest speakers…

NSW Youth Focus Meeting

4 April 2015 April was here and some were off to China, Victoria & Umina, but many were still left locally to hold another Focus evening.  Thank you to Brethren Craig & Murray for hosting the evening at their small cosy place. To begin the evening we all read together Matthew 13:3-23… The Parable about the Sower and the Seed. David then gave every young person a question sheet on the reading.  The young people then had to choose another…