Latest News (Page 41)

Latest News (Page 41)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Baby Arrival

It is always wonderful news to hear of a new baby’s arrival, and we are so happy to announce that a third child has arrived to Madeline and Natasha Duna. Olivia weighed a healthy 3.4kg and is very much loved by her siblings Emilia and Jonathan. Congratulations to the proud parents and all around.  May God truly bless all of you. May this wonderful commitment made by Joshua be also your wish and prayer “…but as for me and my…

Congratulations on New Baby Arrival

Our congratulations go to Tabitha and Rolf on the birth of their baby daughter, Sarah Grace. May God pour out a special blessing on your beautiful family! Many of you may know Tabitha as she worked for the Australasian Union Conference Office, Schofields NSW for ten years as desktop publisher/RLPA Director. Even since leaving the office Tabitha still has a great regard in her heart for God’s work and is part of the proof reading team.  Now she is appreciating…

Predestined According to the Purpose of God

“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Romans 8:29, 30) A lot of discussion over the years has been generated over these verses. Who does God predestine? If he predestines a person, then is that…

Queensland Baptisms – Faumuina and Panchia

Sabbath 28 February 2015 Baptism in Coomera QLD (L-R): Jacob De Souza (Bible Worker), Rachel Panchia, Spiki Faumuina, Luka Faumuina, Paul Chapman (Minister) The Sabbath of February 28, 2015 was a high die for those who attended the Sabbath Services in the Pimpama group, on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The day was bright and the temperature warm, though the late afternoon rainclouds threatened to spoil the occasion.  Thankfully, the weather remained fine as Luka & Spiki Faumuina and Rachel Panchia…

NSW Conference Delegation Session 2015

Sunday 22 February 2015 Twenty two delegates from all parts of New South Wales met on Sunday morning the 22nd February 2015 at the Schofields Centre to organize the new officers for the coming two years term for the NSW Conference. The delegation Session opened with a silent prayer and hymn “To God Be The Glory”.  The scripture reading was taken from Philippians 2:12 last part and 2:13 which was followed by prayers of Brother A C Sas and Sister…

Engagement Congratulations

Matthew Boje and Melissa Mota Brazilian born Melissa Mota came to Australia from Brazil early 2014 to attend four months of our Missionary Training Program.  During college, there were many activities that the students participated in, one of them being a camping trip held by the NSW Youth Department in Jervis Bay, NSW on 4-6 April 2014.  It was very nice to have Matthew and Nathan Boje from Victoria join our camp, and this is where Matthew and Melissa first…

Baptism – Victoria

Jade Wales Members of the Shepparton church and friends gathered on the 10th of January in the quaint country town of Eldorado, Victoria. We spent a lovely Sabbath together which included the usual morning services, a combined lunch and the highlight of the day, the baptism of Jade Wales. Although there had been some rain, and it was still lightly raining, the creek level did not pose a problem; and Br. Jade made his stand for Jesus while everyone looked…

Youth Focus Meeting – NSW Youth Department

7 February 2015 With holidays over and life starting to get back to some normality, it was good once again to meet together for the first NSW Youth Focus Meeting (YFM) for the year 2015.  We would like to thank Brother Ionel and Sister Stela Gules who opened their doors for us to hold this evening at their home and also for their hospitality. As each one arrived, before the program started, all were offered a lovely cool drink which…

Condolences to Zulic Family

Walter Zulic – 24 April 1962 – 2 February 2015 Walter Marino Zulic was born on the 24 April 1962 to Elsa and Giulio Zulic in Santiago, Chile.  The family immigrated to Australia on the 10th April 1974. While living in Punchbowl, they made contact with the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement (SDARM) and for many months received Bible studies by Pastor A C Sas.  They were convicted of the message and accepted the truth.  Jointly both parents together with…

Busy-Bee – Elim Heights Youth Camp

1 February 2015 The verse “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might” Ecclesiastes 9:10 first part, was certainly taken seriously by those who were at the last busy-bee held at Elim Heights Youth Camp. Some people stayed overnight after the usual 5th Sabbath combined meetings at Elim Heights for an early start to the busy-bee planned for Sunday morning the 1st of February.  Those who went home Sabbath afternoon returned early in the morning to join…


Fountainview DVD’s  Music! The age-old gift that lifts our spirits and makes us happy! Add to this the beauty of nature—the grandeur of Canada’s mountains in a backdrop of fall colours, and more. Hear these smiling, talented young people as they share from their own hearts, with their host, Mike Lemon, about their passion—God. Follow these young people in music and inspiration as they tackle some of life’s toughest questions in this first episode of God So Loved the World.…

Combined Sabbath at Schofields – 3 January 2015

A hot welcome for 2015 was felt by all at Schofields on the 3rd January. Br Szabi Szoke led out in the study of our Sabbath Bible Review Lesson ‘God is Calling You!’ “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14. We all then separated into various classes for the study of our new yearly lesson on the life of Joseph – ‘Joseph the Dreamer’.  “God designed that [Joseph] should obtain an experience by temptations, adversity, and hardships,…