Latest News (Page 47)

Latest News (Page 47)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Follow Their Faith – 100 Years of Witness

“I have just learned that tomorrow, the 30th, at 5:00, I am to be executed.” Bro. Gustav Psyrembel. July 2014 will mark 100 years since the outbreak of World War 1. It was this crisis that led to an open schism within the Seventh-day Adventist ranks throughout Europe, and the consequent formation of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. The issue that led to the rift was the European SDA leadership’s decision to commit the SDA Church in Europe to…

Condolences to the family of Brother Junior Letoa – Samoa

The sad news arrived from our brethren in Samoa that Brother Junior Letoa passed away on the 2nd June 2014 at 6:45pm due to health problems. We have the wonderful hope to see our brother again at the coming of Jesus.  Taking strength from God’s Words found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we…

Elim Missionary College Graduation

On Saturday night, June 7, 2014, a Graduation Ceremony was held for the four month missionary training program conducted by Elim Missionary College in Sydney, New South Wales. Students participating in this year’s program were Ryan Belu (USA), David Dumaguit (Australia), Denise Gutierrez (USA), Melissa Mota (Brazil) and Leonardo Rojas (Spain). We wish the best for each of the students and trust that they will be a blessing to the church wherever they go as a result of their experience…

NSW Youth Focus Meeting

Youth Focus Meetings (YFM) are normally held on the first Sabbath evening of each month.  During the month of May, the YFM was held at Brother Matthias and Sister Lizy Thiel’s home.  Thank you for opening your home to us. During this meeting we analysed the experience of Felix, specifically the verse found in Acts 24:25,“And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a…
Dumaguit Family

My Conversion – Mercy Dumaguit

I was raised in a devoted Roman Catholic family.  When I was 8 years old, my mum used to train me to do the holy rosary and some other readings of the lives of the saints every night from seven to eight o’clock and sometimes longer.  One day, I secretly talked to Virgin Mary asking her to give me an easier way of going to heaven, but she didn’t answer me.  Time passed, and I waited for the answer with…

MONEY NEWS – Federal Budget 2014 – How does it affect you?

During the last couple of weeks in Australia, we have heard much about the new budget which was delivered by the current Treasurer.  Everyone is interested in how this will affect their life, their children’s lives and so on, generating much talk about the pros and cons of the financial plans made for the future. Whenever the subject of money is brought up, it seems to get the attention of people from all walks of life, some in a positive…

Optimal Health Outreach

It was a good turnout for the Optimal Health Seminar and workshop held at Schofields Church Sunday 18th May 2014, with about 50 people attending. Brother Alasdair Pow gave the first presentation on “Optimal Nutrition” inspiring us to eat well of the healthier foods and avoid the harmful foods that add centimetres to our waistlines.  This was followed by a presentation by Amos Thiel on “Optimal Detoxing”.   He showed us all the organs of the body that help us eliminate…

Cooking Demonstration – Schofields NSW

 “The Vegetarian Way” “The Vegetarian Way” health outreach is a program run by the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. During the first three Monday evenings of May 2014, the Schofields Church ran this program catering for the local community.  These health lectures and cooking demonstrations were geared to educate and encourage the community to pursue a healthier lifestyle and also to bring an awareness that true happiness only comes from our wonderful, loving God. For the first night an eager…

Baptism of Astina Borovnica

On Sabbath the 26th of April, the churches of Melbourne gathered in Sunbury for a combined Sabbath meeting and the baptism of Astina Borovnica. Although it had been rainy and overcast through the day, the clouds parted in time for the sun to shine as Astina entered the chilly water to publicly affirm her commitment to her Lord Jesus Christ. After the service of baptism, we all gathered back at the hall for the fellowshipment into the church. The members…

Neville Stuart Brittain – Eulogy compiled by Cathy Hall

Neville Stuart Brittain was born on the 26th of May 1928. His parents lived in one of the shops, just below the railway line in Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick, Victoria. There was some doubt about his birth date as the birth certificate showed the 28th May. When a copy was shown to his Mum, she looked at it and shook her head. After a moment she said, “Yes it says 28th, but it was definitely 26th and I ought to know…

Queensland Youth Camp – Boreen Point – May 2014

“Are You Connected” On Thursday, 24 April, many of those attending the Camp, “Are You Connected?” travelled from all parts of Queensland to the lovely setting in God’s creation at Boreen Point, QLD. The campground was set amongst trees next to a large, shallow inland lake. Some of the more adventurous boys “walked” across the entire lake which was 3.8km and canoed back as some towed a canoe across. The weather forecast was for storms, but we were grateful that…

Coleambally Baptism

We thank God for giving us the opportunity to share in a very memorable day as Nathan Wiseman, Jane Wiseman and Hannah Pow committed their lives to God. The day was cool, but the sun shone warm and our hearts rejoiced. On Sabbath afternoon we had the Profession of Faith where Br Alasdair spoke to the youth about their decision to join the army of God. “In God, we can turn our weakness into strength.” As they meet temptation in…