Latest News (Page 51)

Latest News (Page 51)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Papua New Guinea Teacher’s Training Seminar

From the 16-20 September, 2012, a Teacher’s Training Seminar was held in Papua New Guinea Mission Field. The seminar was a further step in the preparation of Teachers for the first three Christian day schools set to commence operations in February next year. We have been blessed by the support of “Christian Light Publications”, suppliers of “Christian Light Education” (CLE) curricula materials. Elmer Glick, a trainer from the USA, and Jason Kauffmann, the CLP representative in Australia, delivered the training…

RLPA Book Sale: The Sealing of God’s People

       Do you have questions about the sealing of God’s people, and the 144,000 saints of Revelation chapters 7 and 14? What did the Adventist Pioneers believe and teach? Is there a sure Biblical foundation—confirmed by the Spirit of Prophecy—for the doctrine of the sealing of the 144,000? Why is it called a life or death message? If you have doubts and questions regarding this message, then The Sealing of God’s People, by A. C. Sas, will be…

New Media Website: RainDrops Christian Media Library

  Guildford Church Media Ministry has setup a new media website for hosting sermon videos and other Christian media content. The media website is named after the ministry’s name, ‘RainDrops’. You can check it out at RainDrops Media Ministry adopted its name in 2012 as an expression of the members’ desire to be part of the action under the Latter Rain experience. Since 2011, the production of DVDs has been its main object. The DVDs are still being bought…

Baptism of Jamie Squires – Queensland

    On Sabbath afternoon, the 18th of August,  2012, family, members and guests at the QLD Conference Camp Meeting gathered by the shores of Ewen Maddock Dam to witness the baptism and fellowshipment of Br Jamie Squires. As the sun was fast approaching the western horizon, it served as a beautiful emblem of the setting down of an old life and the rising up of a new one. Br Jamie’s testimony was an inspiration to us all, and eight…

Queensland Conference Camp Meeting 2012

During the weekend of August 17-19, 2012 the Queensland Conference held its annual Camp Meeting at Ewen Maddock Dam Recreation Centre, near Landsborough on the Sunshine Coast. In harmony with the AUC declaration of 2012 to 2013 as the “Year of Revival and Reformation”, the theme of the camp focused on “Reviving Primitive Godliness”. On Friday afternoon members and friends from the north, the south and the west gathered at the camp grounds to welcome in the Sabbath day. The…

Now at Rest: Paul Balbach

Dear Brethren, Christian greetings with Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” It is with heartfelt sadness that we inform you of the passing away of our dear brother Paul Balbach, just short of his 59th birthday. He peacefully went to his rest in the quiet of his home, surrounded by immediate family members and a few friends on Sunday, August 12th, 2012 at approximately 9:55 a.m. Most are aware of our…

Depression Recovery Program – Keilor, VIC

The Victoria Conference will be hosting a Depression Recovery Program in Keilor Park in September and October (Commences September 11, 2012). The program features the latest in research on the connection between lifestyle and mental illness, and offers practical steps to recovery. The Depression Recovery Program will be of particular interest to those suffering from anxiety or depression, those wishing to help a loved one with the condition, and anyone interested in preventive measures to maintain peak mental performance. Space is…

Pacific Islands Leaders Meetings – Port Vila, Vanuatu

  The Word of God is clear that the Gospel will be preached in all nations before the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven. It is of interest that the work of God in the island regions gets a special mention in Isaiah. 42:10-12  “Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants…

Solomon Islands Mission Conference & Health Outreach

  Local tradition believes that the Solomon Islands are called by this name after King Solomon in the Bible. They say that he came there to gather some natural resources such as gold for the building of the temple. Solomon Islands is the newest Mission Field in our region being first opened by Br Jaksic a few years ago. We have one main church group situated on the main island about 40 kilometres away from the capital Honiara. We have…

Baptism of Timothy Barat – Victoria

  On Sabbath, the 23rd of June, 2012, the clouds parted over Sunbury as we gathered to witness our brother Timothy Barat take his stand for Jesus. Members and friends from the local churches and the community gathered for the services at Maranatha Church, with baptism conducted in a river nearby, and followed by fellowshipment and refreshments in the inviting warmth of the meeting hall. A highlight of the day was the testimony which Timothy shared about how the Lord…

Solomon Islands – February 2012 Visit

The following news was received from Br Csongor Matyas, SA Field Leader, who assisted the AUC by accompanying Br Brian Jaksic last February on a pioneering trip to the growing interests in Solomon Islands. “In February 2012 Br Jaksic and I spent 12 days visiting and encouraging the growing little church in Solomon Islands. Despite the hot and humid weather we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the brethren. During our stay Br Jaksic and myself presented a series of…

PNG School Project Update

Many weeks of phone calls, emails and preparations came to a climax on Wednesday, 25 July, 2012, when the first shipment of over 5000 pieces of educational materials were sent from Brisbane, Australia to Papua New Guinea. It was encouraging to finally load up the delivery truck with 71 boxes of Christian based school curriculum materials and 72 x 45 litre Plastic Storage Containers that will be needed once the shipment arrives in PNG. This material is one years supply…