Latest News (Page 52)

Latest News (Page 52)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Baptism – Sifu Tamua & Masiki Uaita – NZ Field

On the 15th of May, 2102, church members, family and friends gathered in Invercargil (situated at the bottom end of New Zealand’s  South Island) to witness the baptisms of two dear brothers in Christ. Despite the icy cold weather (with snow falling at 300 metres), Br Sifu Tamua (left image) and Br Masiki Uaita (right image), both of Samoan heritage, braved the watery grave in making public their stand with Christ. These dear souls had been visited and studied with…

Back to the 80’s Day – SA Field

In the 1980’s the SDA Reform Movement church in Adelaide was blessed to have a large number of young people in the congregation. Every Sabbath the church was full of children’s voices joining together in praises to God. There was also a choir that was making the Sabbath services more interesting and beautiful. There were a lot of camp-outs and youth activities carried out.  But slowly over the years these young people grew up and either moved away or became…

AUC Strategic Plan for 2012-2014

On the 8th – 9th July, 2012, the Executive Committee in conjunction with Departmental Leaders confirmed an Australasian Union Conference Strategic Plan for the next two years.  All present at the meeting recognised that our great need as a people is entire consecration to Christ and His cause. More importantly, all believe that to encourage consecration in all our Fields and Conferences requires a concerted effort from workers, ministers and lay members. Solid steps must be taken by all of…

Invitation to QLD Conference Annual Camp Meeting 2012

The Annual QLD Conference Camp Meeting will be held 17th – 19th August, 2012. Location: Ewen Maddock Recreation Centre, Landsborough, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.  The theme entitled, “Reviving Primitive Godliness”, will be dedicated to seeking the Lord for a revival and reformation that measures with the primitive godliness of the apostolic church. Guest Speaker: Br Alasdair Pow. The camp will commence Friday evening on the 17th of August and conclude Sunday lunch time on the 19th of August. Following lunch, a Sunday afternoon…

Baptism – Chantelle Broughton – NZ Field

On Monday April 9, 2012, members and friends gathered at the local Auckland Church to hear Chantelle Broughton  give her profession of faith.  All then drove to a nearby fresh water stream to witness her baptism which was followed by a fellowshipment ceremony and a combined lunch. The lovely weather filled all present with praise and thanksgiving to God. We pray the Lord will help our dear sister Chantelle to be true to her covenant as she begins her new…

New Zealand Field Camp Meeting 2012

Over the holiday weekend of April 6-8, 2012 church members and friends of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement throughout New Zealand gathered at the local Auckland church for the annual spiritual conference. The theme of the weekend was “With Diligence Make Your Calling and Election Sure.” Br Matthias Thiel took Friday evening’s study entitled “The Need of Diligence”—diligence to search the heart in a decided, determined effort and renounce anything not relative to godliness; a carefulness in labour for…

Fiji Mission Field – Nadrau Project Appeal

Dear Readers and Friends Recently an urgent appeal for assistance has come across the Welfare Department’s Desk. High up in the Fiji Highlands' Nadrau Plateau, about 7 hours drive from the city of Suva along mostly unsealed roads and tracks, is a small group of members and visitors. They currently meet sitting down on the front porch of one of our Brother's house. They really need assistance in building a small church building. They are willing to supply all the…

Elim Health Medical Missionary School 2012 – Commencement

Elim Health Medical Missionary School commenced its first training program on the 2nd July 2012 at Elim heights campground. There were nine students enrolled in the one year distance education course where the basics of natural medicine will be studied. The first semester covers the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. The students were given a series of lectures by Br Alasdair Pow based upon their textbooks on the human organism and the skeletal system. They will continue during the next…

NSW Conference Camp Meeting 2012

The New South Wales Conference camp meeting was conducted during the Queen’s birthday long weekend in June 2102. Despite the cooler weather the camp was very well attended with a number of interstate visitors coming down to share in the fellowship time. The theme of the conference was called ‘1888 and Beyond: The Most Precious Message’. As we are aware, the Lord gave a most precious message through his servants E.J. Waggoner and A.T. Jones during the year of 1888.…

Prophecy Seminar – Rockhampton, QLD

From the 17 – 23rd June, 2012, the “Meltdown to Eternity” Bible Prophecy Seminar was held in Rockhampton, QLD. Br. Paul Chapman presented the message each night, and local QLD youth, together with Brn. Hayden Wiseman and Sam Wiseman, presented a musical item to commence and close each meeting. The main thrust of advertising was 10,000 flyers delivered via Australia Post, a half page newspaper ad in the Rockhampton “Morning Bulletin” (a local paid newspaper – 15,000 circulation), 50 x…

Pope – “Sunday a human right”

Last year we reported (GT E-News, Issue #8) on the launch of the European Sunday Alliance, a coalition of 65 civil society organisations, trade unions and Churches who have committed to to safeguarding and promoting work-free Sundays. As part of these efforts, on May 16 of this year, Pope Benedict XVI launched his appeal against Sunday working which was introduced not so long ago in Italy. During his address, reportedly attended by 11 thousand pilgrims, the Pope stated, “I also…

Elim Missionary College 2012 Graduation

During the NSW Conference camp meeting of June 2012, a graduation ceremony was held for the Elim Missionary College's 2012 students. Br Peter Lausevic presided over the graduation ceremony where the students were given their graduation certificates. The students were also given time to share their experiences with the congregation. One student, Br Juan Ricardo Amaya has now commenced a 12 month internship, as part of the full four year Trainee Gospel Worker program. Other students are already being engaged…