Latest News (Page 54)

Latest News (Page 54)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Baptism – Domenic Polistina – AUC Youth Convention 2011

At 5:30am on Sabbath morning, 31st December 2011, guests at the AUC Youth Convention made their way to the banks of the Colo River, NSW to witness the baptism of Br Domenic Polistina. This joyful event was preceded the evening before by Br Domenic's profession of faith before members and guests present at the AUC Youth Convention. All who heard his personal testimony could not help but be encouraged by the gracious working of the Lord in Domenic's life. It…

Vegetarian Way Cooking Demonstration – NSW

  On the 12th, 19th & 26th September 2011 the Sydney members were able to hold another series of cooking demonstrations. These cooking demonstrations have previously been held in a community center about twenty minutes away from the Union office at Schofields. Now we decided to try something different; to run them at Schofield’s function Hall with the seats facing towards the Kitchen to make it easier for the demonstrators. Since we were holding these at our church property, we…

General Conference Session 2011 Report

News from the proceedings of our 21st General Conference Session can be found at One point of note we would like to draw your attention to is the unanimous concern expressed by the delegates for the spiritual welfare of our Church at large. Many expressed their heartfelt belief that “a revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work.” Delegates also recognized that any…

Vanuatu Fly-N-Build Project Update

All I could hear was my heart thumping The emotions of several months were finally coming to an end. The culmination of planning and phone calls was finally coming to a landing on the small runway of Malekula Island. I had been here one time before in preparation of the Church building program. I had walked its dusty road and met with the committed church members. But nothing had gripped me until this moment. Now was the appointed time; the…

New Family Rates – Youth Convention

After further calculation and discussion with the organizing brethren, we are now able to offer a further 20% discount off the special rates to families with children staying the full duration of the camp. The new rates are as follows:   Children 4 – 12 Youth 13 – 25 Adults Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Per Day* $13.50 $12 $15 $13.50 $30 $27 Individuals – Entire Camp* $90 $81 $180 $162 $243 $218 Family – Entire Camp * $72…

Now at rest: Br. Stevan Barat

The following was received from Ben Barat, regarding the passing of his father, Stevan Barat. The family may be contacted care of the Victoria-Tasmania Field Office. It is with sad heart and eldest son's responsibility I bring you the news of the passing earlier this evening of my father, Stevan Barat. Stevan was the husband of Latza, father of Benjamin, Elizabeth, Rebekah and Esther, father-in-law of Martha, Matthias, David and John, grandfather and great grandfather of many, and also a…

New General Conference President

On Sunday evening, 28th of August, 2011, Br Davi Paes Silva, at 66 years of age, was elected as the new General Conference President by the delegates of the 21st General Conference Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, held in Porumbacu, Romania. Br Silva has been serving the Lord in gospel ministry since 1961 when He commenced work as a colporteur in Brazil. During this time, he began studying the message of “Christ Our Righteousness” in earnest, particularly…

AUC Church Leaders Seminar, Melbourne

The inaugural AUC Church Leaders Seminar will be held in Keilor Park Church, Melbourne, Victoria from the 14th October 2011 – 19th October 2011. The Seminar will be of interest to all church members and officers who wish to gain a better knowledge and understanding of how we can better fulfill our responsibilities as servants in God's church. The program of meetings will be as follows: General Meetings: These meetings are open for all who wish to attend. Friday evening…

General Conference Session 2011 – Prayer Request

The 21st General Conference Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement will soon commence. We would like to share a few words here from the outgoing General Conference President, Br D Sureshkumar, in reminder for us all to please uphold the session in our prayers. “Dear Brethren, Sisters and Friends, “Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The year 2011 is the year for the gathering of God's people in the capacity of His representatives…

Prayer Request for Br John Ciric

We have been greatly saddened by the news of Br John Ciric's hospitalization due to serious health issues. Br Ciric underwent brain surgery on July 7, 2011 and again on July 15, 2011. Sadly, he suffered a stroke after the first operation. This left him paralyzed down the right side of his body and is unable to talk. Reports received to date indicate his recovery will be very slow. We were thankful to hear recently that he has been transferred…

Engagement – Br Benny Gules & Sr Amy Voncina

On the 29 June, 2011, Sr Amy Voncina and Br Benny Gules announced their engagement to be married. We wish them God's richest blessing in their decision to unite their lives together in Holy Wedlock. “God celebrated the first marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the universe. "Marriage is honourable" (Hebrews 13:4); it was one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, after the Fall,…

Regional News – New Caledonia

In early April of this year, Br Brian Jaksic together with Br John Ciric made a visit to New Caledonia where they met with our church members on the island of Mare to assist in the reorganization of the work there. Br Jaksic reports, “The people there are very strong in faith and of good courage. They built this beautiful church by themselves without any outside financial assistance or help in anyway. Some years ago, I had conducted seminars there.…