Latest News (Page 57)

Latest News (Page 57)

News from around the Australasian Union Conference. Also visit the Good Tidings News page for downloadable back issues.

Special Prayers for Pakistan Brethren

“We are asking Reformers around the world to keep the brethren in Pakistan in their special prayers. A second domestic missionary in Pakistan has been charged by the dreaded blasphemy law known as 295-C. This Sabbath we are asking for special prayers for Brethren Shamir and Pervez. They are currently in prison [as of April 8] awaiting judgment and both could face execution if found guilty.” — SDARM GC Stewardship Blog.

Baptism Queensland – Sr Suzi Penehio-Crawley

On the Sunday afternoon of 10th of April, 2011 the Lord blessed us with lovely weather during the baptism of Sr Suzi Penehio-Crawley, originally from New Zealand. Sr Suzi recently arrived in the Queensland Field from New South Wales. She had come into contact with the message of Reformation while in her native New Zealand many years ago. Bible Workers and ministers who studied with her both in New Zealand and Australia recognised a sincere searcher for truth. Five years…

May 2011 First Sabbath Offering – Allocation Update

Bro Peter D Lausevic writes to us on behalf of the General Conference Missionary Department: Dear Brethren of the Sabbath School, We trust that all is well with each of you as we all work together to hasten our Lord’s second coming. Greetings to you with these words from Acts 16:9: “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” From all parts…

Bible Research Seminar – Perth, Western Australia

GUILDFORD CHURCH, Perth, Western Australia, April 8 – Members and friends of Guildford church are currently attending a Bible Research seminar entitled, ‘Living By Every Word’. Gerson Robles (the speaker for the seminar) explained the purpose of the meetings, “We want all our members and friends of the church to know how to research the Bible not only to become well versed in the truth, but to know how to listen to the voice of God through His Word in…

Qld Baptism – Jessica Brown

We praise God that on Sabbath 2nd of April, 2011 Sr Jessica Brown made her covenant with the Lord through baptism at Woodgate Beach, QLD (near Childers).   Family, friends and church members came from as far south as Sydney and as far north as Mackay to witness the event. Sabbath services were held at Childers, followed by a fellowship lunch. As the Profession of Faith meeting commenced word came through that strong rain had begun falling at the planned…

EMC – NSW Missionary Seminar

From the 11th – 31st of March, 2011 Elim Missionary College conducted an Evening Missionary Training Seminar in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The seminar was led by Br Peter D. Lausevic and its purpose, according to the invitation, was to “teach members and visitors how to give Bible studies as well as address doctrinal questions”. The seminar took place in Schofields and Wentworthville during weeknights and over each of 3 weekends. Nine students enrolled in the seminar and, though…

Obituaries – Sr Maria Korchynsky

We have been saddened in recent weeks with the death of three of our beloved brethren: Sis. Esther Southwell, Sis. Maria Korchynsky and Bro. Bruce Gordon. They were all dearly loved by their families and friends. While we will miss them greatly, we take comfort in the promise that they now rest in Christ awaiting the blessed hope of the resurrection. Last issue we reflected on the life of Sis. Esther Southwell (nee McMahon). This issue we remember Sr Maria…

“Fly and Build” Vanuatu – June to July 2011

Plans are well underway in the Vanuatu Mission Field for the establishment of permanent places of worship. Mission Projects Oceania, a ministry of the SDARM AUC Welfare Department, is looking for willing and able volunteers to help out in their next “Fly-and-Build” project. See below Calendar of Events for locations, dates and contact details.

“Great Controversy” Book Campaign – QLD Update

Our local church members in Woombye, on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, report a very encouraging response to the “The Great Controversy” Free Book offer. Last month 2800 flyers offering the book to those interested in current events in the light of Bible prophecy were distributed throughout the surrounding suburbs of our church community. So far the brethren report 17 requests for the book. This is a response rate of 1 for every 165 flyers that were delivered. This is also…

Testimony Reading Plan – Highlights

For those that may not be yet aware, at the AUC Delegation Session, 27-29 December 2010, a “Testimony Reading Plan” was recommended to be promoted across the Australasian Union. You can find out more information, plus download a calendar of the plan in PDF or for your electronic calendaring software at Highlights from your readings can be shared on Facebook at Here are a few excerpts from the Facebook page’s Wall:   Noted From the reading for March…

Maranatha Church Building Project

Due to the growth in membership our brethren in Melbourne are working towards establishing a second house of worship in Victoria. Having already organised as the Maranatha Church, they recently purchased a block of land on which to build. The land is in a prime location, just off the Hume Freeway north of Melbourne. By God’s grace most of the money to purchase the property was raised in local donations, and a loan was taken for the remainder. The church…

Obituaries – Sr Esther Southwell

We have been saddened in recent weeks with the death of three of our beloved brethren: Sis. Esther Southwell and Sis. Maria Korchynsky, both in January and then last week (Mar 2, 2011) Bro. Bruce Gordon. They were all dearly loved by their families and friends. While we will miss them greatly, we take comfort in the promise that they now rest in Christ awaiting the blessed hope of the resurrection. Over the next few issues a eulogy will be…