Combined Sabbath & Busy Bee at Elim Heights

Combined Sabbath & Busy Bee at Elim Heights

Elim Heights has always been a wonderful place to spend time together and to praise God while being surrounded by His wonderful creation; so, when an Elim Heights combined Sabbath and a Sunday Busy-bee was lined up on the same weekend, many took advantage of this social time and the opportunity to be together.

Over the Sabbath many came from Schofields and Wentworthville churches and were privileged to hear Br. Domenic Polistina take the Divine Service. This was followed by lunch and then an interactive Young People’s meeting in the Amphitheatre, always a special place resplendent with the ambient sights and sounds of the forest. This meeting was led by Sr. Vivian Cosson and Sr. Daniella Balarezo. To top it all off, we ended the day with a social bonfire and dinner where we got to enjoy some delicious coal-baked vegetables and were warmed up by the radiating fire. Those that were able decided to stay the night and be ready for work in the morning.

On Sunday everyone joined forces and got busy sorting through the many jobs that needed to be completed. Many assisted in cleaning the buildings and doing general repairs and upgrades while some of our talented ladies prepared a delicious breakfast and lunch for all the hungry workers. One of the biggest jobs was to clear the branches around the church building. So we put our strong men to good use as they climbed, cut and cleared, with a handful of young and willing volunteers eager to ride along in the tractors and have a go.

By the end of the day we had accomplished so much. The time spent working together was wonderful! The weekend overall was such a blessing, and it’s safe to say everyone that came along thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Many hands make light work.

~ Lana Gordon