Announcements (Page 4)

Announcements (Page 4)

Vanuatu Mission News

On the 14th of September, Br Andrew Pakoasongi reported that the Vanuatu Mission Field had just completed a week of public meetings combined with a youth camp. The turnout to the meetings was very good, and six interested souls are now undergoing further Bible studies. Plans are in place to conduct a Leadership Seminar next month on one of Vanuatu's islands called Epi. The Vanuatu brethren are also planning to hold a Youth Camp Meeting on the island of Malekula…

RLPA Book Sale: The Sealing of God’s People

       Do you have questions about the sealing of God’s people, and the 144,000 saints of Revelation chapters 7 and 14? What did the Adventist Pioneers believe and teach? Is there a sure Biblical foundation—confirmed by the Spirit of Prophecy—for the doctrine of the sealing of the 144,000? Why is it called a life or death message? If you have doubts and questions regarding this message, then The Sealing of God’s People, by A. C. Sas, will be…

PNG School Project Update

Many weeks of phone calls, emails and preparations came to a climax on Wednesday, 25 July, 2012, when the first shipment of over 5000 pieces of educational materials were sent from Brisbane, Australia to Papua New Guinea. It was encouraging to finally load up the delivery truck with 71 boxes of Christian based school curriculum materials and 72 x 45 litre Plastic Storage Containers that will be needed once the shipment arrives in PNG. This material is one years supply…

Fiji Mission Field – Nadrau Project Appeal

Dear Readers and Friends Recently an urgent appeal for assistance has come across the Welfare Department’s Desk. High up in the Fiji Highlands' Nadrau Plateau, about 7 hours drive from the city of Suva along mostly unsealed roads and tracks, is a small group of members and visitors. They currently meet sitting down on the front porch of one of our Brother's house. They really need assistance in building a small church building. They are willing to supply all the…

Elim Health Medical Missionary School 2012 – Commencement

Elim Health Medical Missionary School commenced its first training program on the 2nd July 2012 at Elim heights campground. There were nine students enrolled in the one year distance education course where the basics of natural medicine will be studied. The first semester covers the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. The students were given a series of lectures by Br Alasdair Pow based upon their textbooks on the human organism and the skeletal system. They will continue during the next…

Prophecy Seminar – Rockhampton, QLD

From the 17 – 23rd June, 2012, the “Meltdown to Eternity” Bible Prophecy Seminar was held in Rockhampton, QLD. Br. Paul Chapman presented the message each night, and local QLD youth, together with Brn. Hayden Wiseman and Sam Wiseman, presented a musical item to commence and close each meeting. The main thrust of advertising was 10,000 flyers delivered via Australia Post, a half page newspaper ad in the Rockhampton “Morning Bulletin” (a local paid newspaper – 15,000 circulation), 50 x…

Great Keppel Island Youth Camp

  On the weekend of April 13 – 16, 2012 the QLD Youth Department conducted a Youth Camp on Great Keppel Island. Forty-eight people attended from among the youth and church members throughout the Field. All the worship services were conducted by the youth and focused on the theme, “How Big is Your God”. Though the weather alternated between sunshine and misty rain, we were grateful to be able to hold Sabbath School classes on the beach. Bro Hayden Wiseman,…

Victoria Camp 2012

The biennial Victoria Camp was held on the Easter weekend, April 5-9, 2012. Our theme was “Jesus' Last Prayer,” on the subject of Christian unity. Jesus' prayer in John 17 was for His disciples. The main emphasis of His prayer was “that they may be one.” We learned that the unity of the church is the greatest evidence of the reality of Jesus' mission. Our first priority must be unity with Jesus ourselves, which will lead to unity with one…

Obituary – Shirley Roberts – New Zealand Field

Sis. Shirley Dorothy Valmae Roberts passed away in the early hours of Thursday morning 29 March, 2012 with her son and daughter Scott and Cherry and grand-daughter Micah by her side at the age of 83. She had endured the past 3 and a half year’s bed ridden from Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It was a true blessing to have her live at home in familiar surroundings with her family and pets. She had some wonderful carers come in to…

Health & Prophecy Outreach – WA Field

In the month of March 2012 the Western Australian Field conducted a series of outreach programs over 2 weekends. The first weekend revolved around a health outreach for the public in the area of Gosnells. This outreach involved cooking demonstrations conducted by the local members along with health lectures by Br. Alasdair Pow. A good number of members from the Guildford church in WA were involved in planning and organizing the health program. Some were demonstrating the vegetarian dishes while…

Papua New Guinea School Project

New PNG Government legislation, which came into effect last month, requires compulsory schooling for all PNG children. To meet this requirement, we are pleased to report that our brethren in PNG have taken the first steps in implementing a Christian based education program. In October 2011, the AUC Education Department, in assisting with the coordination of program curricula, received over 300 names of potential students who wish to be be enrolled in the school program. To date, five tutors have…

Fly-n-Build Vanuatu Project Update

All I could hear was my heart thumping The emotions of several months were finally coming to an end. The culmination of planning and phone calls was finally coming to a landing on the small runway of Malekula Island. I had been here one time before in preparation of the Church building program. I had walked its dusty road and met with the committed church members. But nothing had gripped me until this moment. Now was the appointed time; the…