Announcements (Page 5)

Announcements (Page 5)

Vegetarian Way Cooking Demonstration – NSW

  On the 12th, 19th & 26th September 2011 the Sydney members were able to hold another series of cooking demonstrations. These cooking demonstrations have previously been held in a community center about twenty minutes away from the Union office at Schofields. Now we decided to try something different; to run them at Schofield’s function Hall with the seats facing towards the Kitchen to make it easier for the demonstrators. Since we were holding these at our church property, we…

New Family Rates – Youth Convention

After further calculation and discussion with the organizing brethren, we are now able to offer a further 20% discount off the special rates to families with children staying the full duration of the camp. The new rates are as follows:   Children 4 – 12 Youth 13 – 25 Adults Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Per Day* $13.50 $12 $15 $13.50 $30 $27 Individuals – Entire Camp* $90 $81 $180 $162 $243 $218 Family – Entire Camp * $72…

Now at rest: Br. Stevan Barat

The following was received from Ben Barat, regarding the passing of his father, Stevan Barat. The family may be contacted care of the Victoria-Tasmania Field Office. It is with sad heart and eldest son's responsibility I bring you the news of the passing earlier this evening of my father, Stevan Barat. Stevan was the husband of Latza, father of Benjamin, Elizabeth, Rebekah and Esther, father-in-law of Martha, Matthias, David and John, grandfather and great grandfather of many, and also a…

Engagement – Br Benny Gules & Sr Amy Voncina

On the 29 June, 2011, Sr Amy Voncina and Br Benny Gules announced their engagement to be married. We wish them God's richest blessing in their decision to unite their lives together in Holy Wedlock. “God celebrated the first marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the universe. "Marriage is honourable" (Hebrews 13:4); it was one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, after the Fall,…

Regional News – New Caledonia

In early April of this year, Br Brian Jaksic together with Br John Ciric made a visit to New Caledonia where they met with our church members on the island of Mare to assist in the reorganization of the work there. Br Jaksic reports, “The people there are very strong in faith and of good courage. They built this beautiful church by themselves without any outside financial assistance or help in anyway. Some years ago, I had conducted seminars there.…

Vanuatu – Seminars June 2011

Br Brian Jaksic reports of his June 2011 visit to Vanuatu. He conducted five day seminar mainly on the Last Day Events, including The Sealing Message and The Investigative Judgment. On Sabbath 75 people were in attendance. Br Luke Kneebone reports of encouraging response to a number of meetings he was able to conduct while on the fly-and-build projects. A full report will be included in our next edition of Good Tidings E-News. Watch this space. Subscribe now! It's FREE!…

Fellowshipment of Br Bruce Powell, Schofields NSW

On Sabbath, July 16 2011, Schofields Church members welcomed Br Bruce Powell officially into the membership of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. Br Powell's talents in video ministry will be greatly valued as we endeavour to proclaim the wonderful message of Reformation together. Please keep him and his ministry in your prayers.

Samoan Mission Field – Wedding January 2011

In January 2011, Sr Viola Seu Falalilo and Br Suaesi Moe joined hands in holy wedlock at our local Faleasi'u Church, on the Samoan island of Upolo. Despite the rainy weather, church members and family were full of joy and happiness as they gathered to witness the event. The families were grateful that our beloved minister Br Brian Jaksic, still active in the Lord's service though retired, was able to visit and officiate over the marriage ceremony. We wish Sr…

Coleambally NSW Outreach Meetings

The Following Report was received from one of our young people, Sam Wiseman, two weeks ago: “Bro Alasdair Pow has just started a Prophecy Seminar here in Coleambally. In the first meeting, entitled The Time is Fulfilled, we had one new lady come plus the majority of our local church members which was great. In this meeting Bro Alasdair proved from the Bible and non-Biblical history the year, month, day and hour that Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, came. The…

Fly and Build Project – Vanuatu (Update)

As you read this, work will already have commenced on the first of two fly-and-build projects in the Vanuatu Mission Field taking place from the 16th of June to the 15th of July, 2011. Eager and dedicated volunteers have arrived in Vanuatu to help out. We look forward to receiving reports of their success. I am reminded of the following testimony: “My soul is stirred within me as the Macedonian cry comes from every direction, from the cities and villages…

Invitation to QLD Mission Field Camp Meeting

Official Invitations for the upcoming QLD Mission Field Camp Meeting to be held 5th – 7th August, 2011 will be coming out shortly. Location: Ewen Maddock Recreation Centre, Landsborough, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. The theme entitled, “Living Well,” will be dedicated to topics covering the health and well-being of Body, Mind and Soul. Guest Speaker: Br Alasdair Pow, Minister and Naturopath. The camp will commence Friday evening on the 5th of August and conclude Sunday lunch time on the 7th…

South Australian Field News

Using our Talents – Large or Small The church membership in South Australia is very small compared to other fields in Australia, but that doesn’t mean that the Lord has forgotten about this part of the world when it comes to the blessings He is willing to share with us. Once a month  as part of our missionary work we all go to different nursing homes and sing songs for about an hour. It is a great time for us…