News (Page 12)

News (Page 12)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Meeting Hall Prior to Bushfire

Bushfires Destroy Campground Buildings

BREAKING NEWS: Yesterday evening (12 November 2019, Sydney, Australian time) the bushfires raging in New South Wales, Australia, passed through our Elim Heights Youth Camp, nestled in the surrounds of the Yengo National Park. The fire has destroyed the main meeting hall, the main machinery shed, and a cottage that was housing the NSW Conference President and his family. While personal effects have been destroyed, we are grateful to the Lord that no life was lost. We will keep you…

Congress, climate change & the sunday law

Four years ago, I wrote an editorial on the Pope’s Laudato Si’ encyclical. That encyclical, released on June 18, 2015, called for discussion and dialogue on climate change. Pope Francis stated,   “The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.” (Laudato Si’, Sec 13)  According to Pope Francis, that development includes the restoration of spiritual life in all of humanity, with Christ, in the form of the Eucharist, at its centre, and Sunday,…

Zachariah John

Early on a Tuesday morning, the home of Brother Benny and Sister Amy Gules rang with thanksgiving and praises to God for the safe arrival of their second baby boy.  Zachariah John, a home-delivered, beautiful, healthy, and bouncy 4.05kgs baby entered this world.  He has continued to grow rapidly, bringing so much happiness to all the family and those around him.  Baby ‘Zachy’ is tremendously loved by his big brother Levi, who can hardly wait for him to grow up, talk, run and play.  Congratulations and best wishes to all on the wonderful news!  We wish you God’s richest blessings as your family extends.  May He give you wisdom as…

Elim Health & Book Store

A decision was made to have a combined Elim Health Food Store and Elim Book Store at the Australasian Union Conference Centre in Schofields.  The rooms which have been used in the past as a Church for the Slavic brethren was no longer being used by them and was vacant.  These rooms were transformed into one large area for the new project.  The plan to open such a store had been in the making for quite some time. Now it became a reality; and with no time wasted, the work of remodeling began.  Brother Robin Gordon with the help of Brother Joe Voncina removed all furniture, books, equipment, and floor carpet.  The two Ilic brothers: Ivan and Branko came to the new venture to see how they would be able to help.  Branko placed a large glass panel window in the entry foyer…

Long-awaited answer to prayer

It has been nearly 4 years now since a Sri Lankan family started a battle which, at the time, seemed a quick immigration matter. We always knew that the chances were not so good, but never thought it would take the family 4 years to get to this point. They had only been in the country for about 6 months, and hopes were high that they could quickly apply for a protection visa and settle in Australia. Their third child was just born, and…

Going Canvassing

In January 2019, we, as Bible workers from Melbourne – Victoria, organised a three-day canvassing project for the Field, which began on Monday the 14th and extended to Wednesday the 16th. Training was given on “how to introduce yourself” as well as a description about the books that were going to be offered on a donation basis. We had the participation of mainly young people and some adults as well. We had those who had never canvassed before, those who…

VIC Canvassing

Recently the youth from the Keilor Park Church took part in a 3 Day canvassing project, which began on Monday the 14th of January and extended to Wednesday the 16th. Before going out to begin our work, we were given training in the form of a brief outline on how to introduce ourselves as well as a description about the books we were offering. This was an important step as it offered insight into how to carry out this task…

SA news

The Lord calls us to reach out, use our talents, evangelise, and cultivate enthusiasm for His work, rather than doing our ‘own pleasure’!  He is very patient toward each one of us, and we thank Him for that!  Though not fulfilling the goal of ‘Cooking Classes’ and ‘Public Evangelistic Outreach’ planned for the final part of 2018 (these will have to be rolled over into 2019), we have been engaged in some ongoing regular outreach in some areas within our…

Health convention 2018

What a glorious sunny day as people were arriving from all over Australia for our year end AUC conference featuring the theme “Live 2B Healthy”. God wants to give His people health. “Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.” Jeremiah 33:6. The call to you is to “preserve every portion of the living machinery, that you may use it for God. Preserve it for Him. Your health depends…

Amariah & jamie squires’ wedding

G“And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”   Genesis 2:18 On the 3rd of December 2018 families and friends joyfully gathered together to witness Amariah Payet and Jamie Squires exchange their vows as they began their lifelong journey together as husband and wife.   Amariah met Jamie for the very first time while attending the AUC Family Toolbox Camp in 2010. It was not until April 2016 when they again crossed paths,…

Queensland Baptism – 3/11/18: Fernando Balarezo

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” mark 16:16 On Sabbath 3rd of November at Clayfield Church, we had a special morning worship service where Brother Ben Thiel shared the Word of God to church members and many visitors, followed by a profession of faith taken by Br. Paul Chapman.  We also had an enjoyable combined lunch, then we all headed off to Pirate Park at Scarborough by the beach to witness Brother Fernando Balarezo committing his life…