News (Page 21)

News (Page 21)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Thank God for Guardian Angels

We are very grateful to God for His protection and care over the family of our dear Brother Ben and Sister Naomi Thiel and their precious little children, Heidi, Emmett and Amalia. “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Psalms 34:7. The following is an account from Brother Ben of what happened on their way to the Queensland Youth Camp on Friday 21st April 2017: Quote: “How quickly the tangible can become…

Cooking Demonstrations, Melbourne 

Cooking demonstrations in Sunbury got off to a great start with the first one of the year held on the 11th of May. It was well attended, with 25 members of the local community present, many being familiar faces from previous years. Diana demonstrated Stuffed Squash, Potato Leek and Truffle Cream Soup, Soycream, and Vanilla Pear Danish. We also reviewed the nutritional content of some of the ingredients and caught up with some of the news in health and nutrition.…

Thank God for Guardian Angels

We are very grateful to God for His protection and care over the family of our dear Brother Ben and Sister Naomi Thiel and their precious little children, Heidi, Emmett and Amalia.  “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.”   Psalms 34:7. The following is an account from Brother Ben of what happened on their way to the Queensland Youth Camp on Friday 21st April 2017: Quote: “How quickly the tangible can become…

Victorian Camp Wives & Mothers Session

For our workshop during the Victorian Camp, the mothers and wives had a session showing some practical ways of connecting with God. Since we feed our relationship with God most effectively when we keep our thoughts uplifted to Him, many of these ways can help us to keep our focus on God through the day. Mothers are often very busy, so even if we can only do one or two things at the moment, it can still help us in…

VIC Camp 2017

Vic Camp 2017 was definitely one that will be remembered as a camp that was special for many reasons. Held in the same beautiful spot, with mostly the same church family, at the same time of the year as others before it, little did we know that this camp was going to be so different. It began when the planning committee decided to make “Family” the camp theme. This meant no long, dry doctrinal discourses for the sermons; no argumentative…

Raw Food Report

Most Australians do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Thankfully, at the Raw Food Hands-on Workshop in Schofields, Sunday, April 2nd, 2017, we were preparing for a delicious and nutritious experience packed with fruits and vegetables. The class was fully booked with 30 outside participants, expected to arrive for a 10:30 am start. Director and food event coordinator, Lidia Voncina, designed this program to equip anyone with the tools, skills and creativity to prepare delicious raw meals. As the participants…

NSW: Feeding Homeless

Psalms 41:1 “Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.” It has been a great experience and privilege to be able to lend helping hands in feeding the homeless in Woolloomooloo. This month will mark five months since we first began. Each time, God has been opening doors, pouring blessings upon us and bringing more people together in this ministry. The kitchen was buzzing in April with many volunteers joining us to…

QLD Youth Camp Report 2017

On Friday 21st of April, families, friends and youth around Queensland and other states joined together for a weekend of Christian fellowship. The camp theme was “Cardiac Arrest”. The studies covered issues associated with the heart of a Christian, whether young or old. We opened Sabbath with a study taken by Br. Cameron Thiel on the topic of Diagnosis. Br. Cameron talked about the need to have our heart problems effectively diagnosed. Dinner was served and we all came together…

Farewell to Brother Peter Daniel Lausevic

Peter Daniel Lausevic, an ordained Minister and Bible Worker moved to Australia in 2007. He pastored Schofields Church in the NSW Conference and served as the NSW Conference President for at least two terms. Brother Peter reestablished the “Elim Missionary College”, its previous program having ended in 2001. In 2008, and every two years thereafter until 2016, Brother Peter led out in the running and administration of five Australian-based, four-month-long intensive but practical missionary training programs. He also taught some…

Lakeview Bible Camp Report

Finding an available place for our camp meeting this year was a challenge for us. Most of the nearby camp sites are fully book for the entire year. The NZ Young People’s leader, Sister Corin Te Kahika, finally found one and suggested that we visit the place. The venue was almost three hours from Auckland, but it was an awesome location. After coming from the AUC meetings, on January 19, 2017, I responded to an invitation from one of our…

VIC: Health Seminar

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayst prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John vs 2. Our mission is to preach the gospel to every creature. For sure the greatest desire of God’s heart is that His children should spend eternity with Him. However, His love doesn’t stop there. He cares for the health and happiness of His sons and daughters in this life just as much as He does for the life…

Combined Sabbath & Busy Bee at Elim Heights

Elim Heights has always been a wonderful place to spend time together and to praise God while being surrounded by His wonderful creation; so, when an Elim Heights combined Sabbath and a Sunday Busy-bee was lined up on the same weekend, many took advantage of this social time and the opportunity to be together. Over the Sabbath many came from Schofields and Wentworthville churches and were privileged to hear Br. Domenic Polistina take the Divine Service. This was followed by…