News (Page 31)

News (Page 31)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Elim Missionary College – Elim Heights Youth Camp

7th February to 12th June 2016 The Missionary Training Program started off very strongly at Elim Heights Youth Camp! Enthusiastic students and profound teachers were full of praise to God for this opportunity to be together where the truth can be learned and shared. The first month was held at Elim Heights Youth Camp. Students went through the book “Gospel Workers”.  They learnt how to do research and put a Bible study together; they also gave their first presentations. Sister…

Church Social Afternoon – New Zealand

As I think of Bro. John Bayne, I remember our last Sabbath day together with him. It was a beautiful day, and Bro. John and his niece (Sis. Micah Bayne) arrived quite early that morning and were even earlier than us! He took the Sabbath School that morning on pronto. He was very cheerful that day. Little did we know what was going to happen that week. He played the saxophone for the instrumentals. Anyways, after Divine Service we had our…

Bible Gems

  “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” 1 John 5:4-5   “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn…

NSW Youth Weekend

Combined Youth Sabbath/Weekend in Coleambally Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th April 2016 (Anzac weekend)   Sabbath program will be taken by the Sydney and Coleambally youth. Social gathering on Sabbath evening. Special outing to Altina Wildlife Park at Darlington Point on Sunday.   Accommodation: Rooms and Tenting at Mary and Robbie Wiseman’s farm Transport from Sydney: Mini bus will be arranged leaving Schofields at 9:30am on Friday 22/4/16 Price/Donation for whole weekend includes food and outing: $50 for single person and $80 for family…


What is the sealing message, and why is it so important? How was this key doctrine taught by the Spirit of Prophecy and the SDA pioneers? Has modern theology tampered with this precious truth? Find out for yourself in The Sealing of God’s People—the Historic SDA Doctrine Unveiled! “As wax takes the impression of the seal, so the soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the image of Christ.” The Faith I Live By,…

Coming Events Calendar

Women’s Camp – WA 26-28 August 2016 For further information, email:  Catherine Robles   Queensland Camp 2016 9 September, 2016 – 11 September, 2016 Begins 2pm Friday & Ends 5pm Sunday Baden Powell Park Samford 68 Cash Avenue,  Samford Village QLD, 4520 For further information, contact either Ben 0412 305 457 or Jacob 0406 787 858   South Pacific Union Mission Youth Convention 12-19 December 2016 Fiji Save the date, further information coming soon!   AUC Spiritual Conference 28…

Educating for Eternity – AUC Camp

Education and Family Camp – Elim Heights – 25-29 December 2015 In December 2015, many of us gathered at Elim Heights for the Education and Family Camp. We initially were expecting about 100 or so people to stay on site for the camp and were blessed with over 200 people staying at the camp ground. A significant point of interest was that we had a very large number of children at the camp, most of which were under eight years…

Baptism – Sydney NSW

Cameron Thiel – 19th December 2015   When a person decides to give his heart to the Lord, we all rejoice, but when it is a young person, the joy is more abundant. On December 19th, we were happy to witness Cameron Thiel’s testimony in his desire to follow the Lord.  The day was very hot, and we had many visitors from interstate.  The profession of faith was conducted at the Schofields church.  Cameron’s personal testimony of how he has…

Baptism – New Zealand

Baptism of Sister Kathleen Thirkettle – Sabbath, 5th December 2015 It was a high day for our church at New Lynn, New Zealand. Brethren and friends from various parts of the country were gathered for the regular Sabbath services, baptism, and communion service on the 5th of December 2015. Immediately after Sabbath lunch, we drove to Mission Bay, Auckland. Car parks were full and many other people were there of different occupations. After finding a good spot for the baptism,…