News (Page 36)

News (Page 36)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

London Congress

CROYDON CHURCH, LONDON July, 10-12, 2015, a spiritual Conference was held in Croydon Church in London. The keynote speaker was the current president of the General Conference, Br. Davi Paes Silva. The main subjects were, the lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son, and Jesus receives sinners these were four themes full of interest to every soul that seeks to know the message of salvation in its full and pure meaning. The first theme was preached Friday afternoon, the…


RLPA has printed a new flyer – “Your Free Gift”. Have you ever wondered how to explain the way to salvation? Give your loved ones or friends “Your Free Gift”. Price: Singe copy – 25c Bundles of 100 – $12 Order RLPA: (02) 9627 7553 RLPA PO Box 132, Riverstone, NSW 2765

Canvassing Project in London

Canvassing project in Croydon, London The 2015 London Project was a blessed endeavour. Though our numbers were few, God blessed our efforts. What made it so unique is that we as canvassers reached out to the community not just by the sharing of books, but also by reaching out to those who were seeking for truth through prayer and personal Bible study. The canvassers were able to share the love of Jesus with people in many ways. We were invited to people’s…

AUC Welfare Deparment

AUC WELFARE DEPARTMENT ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH PACIFIC UNION WELFARE DEPARTMENT REPORT – John Lausevic Huahine Island, Tahiti August 2-7,2015 Throughout all the South Pacific Islands the call for aid and assistance is great. With cyclones, tsunamis and Global Warming a great concern among the peoples of these islands is gardening as it provides their only source of food and income. After patiently waiting for more than two years for a visit from the Welfare Department of the Australasian Union, the…

Get Well Wishes

 Get Well Wishes to Brother Benjamin Burec Our petitions go to our heavenly Father on behalf of Brother Benjamin Burec who had a fall and sadly has been hospitalised since early August. For many years, Brother Benjamin Burec and Sister Elsa Burec have been faithful in serving God by working at the General Conference headquarters, Roanoke, Virginia. We would like to wish Brother Benjamin Burec God’s blessings for a very speedy recovery.      

Peter D Lausevic is elected First Vice-President of the General Conference

Earlier today, Sunday, 30 August, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time), Br Peter D Lausevic was elected as First Vice-President of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference. The First Vice President is to reside in the United States in order to directly assist the GC President.  After much prayerful consideration, three names were presented by the Nominating Committee to the Session. After 2 rounds of votes Br. Peter Lausevic was elected to the office of General Conference First Vice President. Br. Lausevic gave a…

Davi Paes Silva is Re-elected as General Conference President

Earlier today, Friday, 28 August, 2015 (USA Eastern Daylight Time), Br Davi Paes Silva was re-elected as President of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference. Br Silva’s name was one of three presented by The Nominating Committee to the 22nd General Conference Session of the SDARM. After the election, Br Silva addressed the session with a short message of exhortation. A video of the message may be found online at “Davi Paes Silva gives his first address after being…

Busy Bee at Elim Heights Youth Camp

Roof Replacement Elim Heights Youth Camp – 26 July 2015   On the Sunday of July 26th 2015, nice and early in the morning to take advantage of the quiet, before any wind could pick up, a group of about 13 workers arrived at Elim Heights Youth Camp to change the roofing material on the main meeting hall. Starting off in various teams, supervised by our roofing specialist, the job was performed in an orderly and fuss-free manner and was…

Condolences to the Zulic Family

Elsa Maria Zulic – 28th February 1936 to 24th June 2015 With sadness in our hearts, we extend our sincere condolences to Brother Giulio Zulic and family on the loss of your loved one. May you feel God’s loving arms around you, strengthening each one during this time of sadness. Sister Elsa and her smile and kindness will be missed by many. Be of good courage and look forward to the time when we will see her once again and…

Baby Congratulations to the Araya Family

Baby Congratulations to the Araya Family “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:13, 14. It is always wonderful to hear the news of a baby’s arrival! Congratulations to Johnny and Rachel Araya on the arrival of their second baby girl, Evangelina Sienna Araya – a sister to Genessa Liliana.…

Building Project – Educational Centre at Roanoke Virginia USA

Educational Centre – Roanoke, Virginia, USA We praise God that the work has finally begun on the Educational Centre at the General Conference headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia. Funds are still needed for work to continue on this project. Your donations will be much appreciated. This can be given through the AUC SDARM treasurer. For further information contact: Joe Voncina on (02) 9627 7553 or “Christ will perform wonderful miracles if men will but do their God-given part”. Christ Object…

Wentworthville Health Outreach – July 2015

Beat Winter Blues On July 20, Wentworthville church held their ongoing cooking class; the last one which was held in March. We had about 20 visitors who braced the cold to still come to enjoy a great night. Most visitors were regulars from past cooking classes, while few were new. Our theme for this cooking class was “Beat Winter Blues, the Vegetarian Way” and so was focused on boosting the immune system and demonstrating some healthy warm winter foods. This…