News (Page 49)

News (Page 49)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Vanuatu Field Mission – Conference and Delegation 2012

The Vanuatu Field conference was conducted during the month of May 2012. The conference was conducted in Port Vila at the local school grounds run by Br Clements. The conference was based upon “The Church Militant and The Church Triumphant”. Br Alasdair Pow presented some of the main studies in English while the other local brethren conducted their studies in the local language. The conference was well attended by the local brethren along with a number of visiting brethren from…

Cooking Demonstrations Griffith – NSW Conference

On the 7th of May, the Coleambally church group gathered in Griffith for a public vegetarian cooking demonstration. Alasdair Pow started with a health talk on optimal nutrition. When he finished the talk, the ladies came out from the kitchen, and introduced themselves to the 35 people that had booked in to learn about cooking gluten free recipes. Faith Pow started the cooking demo off with Lentil soup and Gluten free bread, which tasted very nice I must say. Jane…

GC Sabbath School Seminar – NSW Conference

During the weekend of March 9-11, 2012 Br Paul Chapman, our General Conference Sabbath School Department Director, was invited to conduct a Sabbath School Seminar for the benefit of Sabbath School Leaders and Teachers in the NSW Conference. The Seminar commenced Friday evening, March 9, and focused on the theme, “Evangelism Through the Sabbath School”. Many expressed their appreciation for the emphasis on the purpose of the Sabbath School as the most effective local church agent in bringing souls to…

Baptism – Luisa Gordon – WA Field

On Sunday morning, the 11th March, 2012 church members, family and friends all arrived at the Busselton Beach, Western Australia, to witness the baptism of Luisa Gordon. All of us rejoiced to see her make her covenant with the Lord. Among those present was one of Luisa's friends that she had made through her work, while babysitting. She was a lovely lady and was very impressed with the ceremony. After Luisa's baptism everyone enjoyed breakfast by the beach. We thank…

Baptism – Jonny Gules – VIC Conference

Johnny Gules is now our brother in Christ. On 25th March, 2012 many came to see and offer support to their dear friend as he took the step in baptism, recognizing Jesus as the Lord of his life and covenanting to follow Him. At 6:00pm church members, family and friends commenced gathering on the green grassy banks of the Hawkesbury River, Windsor NSW to witness the occasion. Testimonies of friends and family began shortly after the opening prayer, bringing into…

Baptism – Sam Wiseman – NSW

On Sabbath 7th January 2012, Br Sam Wiseman made his public covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism. It was a beautiful summer’s day in the district of Coleambally, NSW, and a good number of interstate visitors along with the locals rejoiced together with Br Sam as he became a soldier of Jesus Christ. The church at Coleambally was completely full as we worshipped and fellowshipped together. Br Nathan Tyler took the divine service, reminding us of the importance…

Baptism – Domenic Polistina – AUC Youth Convention 2011

At 5:30am on Sabbath morning, 31st December 2011, guests at the AUC Youth Convention made their way to the banks of the Colo River, NSW to witness the baptism of Br Domenic Polistina. This joyful event was preceded the evening before by Br Domenic's profession of faith before members and guests present at the AUC Youth Convention. All who heard his personal testimony could not help but be encouraged by the gracious working of the Lord in Domenic's life. It…

General Conference Session 2011 Report

News from the proceedings of our 21st General Conference Session can be found at One point of note we would like to draw your attention to is the unanimous concern expressed by the delegates for the spiritual welfare of our Church at large. Many expressed their heartfelt belief that “a revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work.” Delegates also recognized that any…

Vanuatu Fly-N-Build Project Update

All I could hear was my heart thumping The emotions of several months were finally coming to an end. The culmination of planning and phone calls was finally coming to a landing on the small runway of Malekula Island. I had been here one time before in preparation of the Church building program. I had walked its dusty road and met with the committed church members. But nothing had gripped me until this moment. Now was the appointed time; the…

New General Conference President

On Sunday evening, 28th of August, 2011, Br Davi Paes Silva, at 66 years of age, was elected as the new General Conference President by the delegates of the 21st General Conference Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, held in Porumbacu, Romania. Br Silva has been serving the Lord in gospel ministry since 1961 when He commenced work as a colporteur in Brazil. During this time, he began studying the message of “Christ Our Righteousness” in earnest, particularly…

AUC Church Leaders Seminar, Melbourne

The inaugural AUC Church Leaders Seminar will be held in Keilor Park Church, Melbourne, Victoria from the 14th October 2011 – 19th October 2011. The Seminar will be of interest to all church members and officers who wish to gain a better knowledge and understanding of how we can better fulfill our responsibilities as servants in God's church. The program of meetings will be as follows: General Meetings: These meetings are open for all who wish to attend. Friday evening…

General Conference Session 2011 – Prayer Request

The 21st General Conference Session of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement will soon commence. We would like to share a few words here from the outgoing General Conference President, Br D Sureshkumar, in reminder for us all to please uphold the session in our prayers. “Dear Brethren, Sisters and Friends, “Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The year 2011 is the year for the gathering of God's people in the capacity of His representatives…