News (Page 5)

News (Page 5)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

In Loving Memory of Grace Barnett

14 June 1930 – 28 December 2021 Grace Jean Barnett passed away on 28 December, 2021, aged 91 years. She was the third daughter of Ted and Violet Burley, born on 14 June, 1930 at Miles, Qld. Grace’s young life was spent on properties in western Queensland. Living in the country, social and church life was limited, but thanks to one older sister, an interdenominational Bible study group was conducted but unfortunately later closed down by the Church of England…

In Loving Memory of Lydia Kraus

14 June 1935 – 25 December 2021 In the book of Colossians (3:12), the Bible tells us to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. For us, this is how we see Lydia Kraus touching the lives of all who knew her. Born on 14 June 1935 in Wilhelminenort, in a fertile agricultural region of east Germany, she came into the world as a blue baby, born in the hay, during the busy summer harvest. Mum was the…

In Loving Memory of Nikola Popovik

14.05.1956 – 05.11.2021 Adapted from the eulogy read at the funeral of Br. Nikola Popovik. We thank God for Nikola’s life and remember him for what he was—a truly lovely person: generous, righteous, positive, with a great sense of humor, caring and always putting others before himself. Nikola was born into a happy family. Both Nikola and his only sibling, his sister Olga who is six years younger, were born in Skopje, the capital of Republic of North Macedonia, at…

Literature Campaigns Continue

Last year the churches in New South Wales put together a new leaflet advertising the book The Great Controversy. Over half of the initial print run of 40,000 copies has been distributed, with over 20 copies of the book being requested. A new feature of this leaflet is the inclusion of a QR code that leads to an online form to request a copy of the book. This design is now in use in South Australia as well, with 20,000…

Schofields Children’s Sabbath School Renovations

“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children.” Deuteronomy 6:6, 7. For some time, the children who are studying Children’s Treasures lessons at Schofields Church were having their classes in the dinning room of the AUC Office. A decision to divide the current Sabbath School room into two separate rooms by separating the current room through the middle was made. Work was immediately put into…

Camponotus Kids Day Activity

Jindabyne – 27 December 2021 “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6 After much preparation and anticipation, it was time to hold our very first Camponotus Kids ev-ANT. Many parents came together with their children and camped at the Alpine Village in Jindabyne. The program for over 20 children between the ages of 5 and 12 took place on Monday 27th December 2021. The day started with a prayer and the children learning…

Victoria Youth Cook-off

On November 21st, the Victorian youth had an amazing day. Thanks to the help and organisation of sister Martha Barat, they were able to participate in a “Youth Cook-off.” We used Sr. Martha’s kitchen to be able to run the program, and young people were divided in teams according to recipes. The cook-off theme was “Italy.” Teams formed were, Pasta team, Pizza team, Gnocchi team, and Tiramisu team (yes, Tiramisu is an Italian dessert). Every group had to prepare their…

Batger Girls Baptism

By Miguel Mendoza “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19 It was a beautiful and a joyful day as we saw three precious souls—Chantelle, Allegra, and Sabella Batger—make a public confession of giving their lives to the Lord in baptism. The whole program took place in nature at Lal Lal Falls Reserve. The candidates had family and friends whom they invited…

WA Youth Events

Our monthly youth events this year have all been extremely enjoyable, but if I name all of them you all might want to move here, and since there’s sooo little space in WA, I will only mention the three most recent ones. Cake decorating night After church and young people’s, we all made our way to the Payet’s house where we enjoyed chatting and participating in a conversation starter game. Once Sabbath had closed and we had eaten tea, we…

SPUM Student Sponsorship

Sponsor a Student from the South Pacific Dear Brethren and Friends in Australia and New Zealand, Our brothers and sisters in the South Pacific Union Mission have had localised missionary training from time to time, but as yet there is no permanent training institution located in their Union. For this reason, some individuals have attended missionary training in Australia or the United States. The Pacific Regional Secretary has asked us in Australia & New Zealend to fundraise on behalf of…

Sr Elaine Weymark’s Farewell

On Sabbath, 13th November, we had a special afternoon meeting at Schofields Church to celebrate and farewell one of our most valued church members. Sr Elaine Weymark has moved up the NSW coast to be closer to her children, and before she left we thought it fitting to spend an afternoon reminiscing on her time with us over the years. Br Joe Voncina led the meeting, and we were favoured with musical items and personal testimonies from members of the…

NSW Churches Re-open for Worship

Sabbath morning saw many happy faces as the much awaited-for day had come. Many eager Schofields Church members, families and friends were finally able to meet together for worship in God’s house once more. During the lockdown, the children’s Sabbath School room was divided into two functional rooms, so when the children returned, they were surprised to see their new rooms and enjoyed their separate spaces. There were two meetings on the day: Sabbath School and Divine Service. The hymns…