News (Page 50)

News (Page 50)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Prayer Request for Br John Ciric

We have been greatly saddened by the news of Br John Ciric's hospitalization due to serious health issues. Br Ciric underwent brain surgery on July 7, 2011 and again on July 15, 2011. Sadly, he suffered a stroke after the first operation. This left him paralyzed down the right side of his body and is unable to talk. Reports received to date indicate his recovery will be very slow. We were thankful to hear recently that he has been transferred…

Vanuatu Fly and Build 2011 – Projects Update

After four weeks of hectic activity at Malekula and Port Vila, Vanuatu, the brethren are pleased to report on their progress so far. Malekula Church Project The house of worship on the island of Malekula was almost completed with only the main door and some window shutters still to be provided for. The AUC Treasurer reports the brethren are short of $2,000 for needed materials. The floor of this structure is made of sand which was bagged and carted from…

Samoa – Baptisms June 2011

June 2011 In early June, 2011, Br Brian Jaksic returned to Samoa to assist with the Samoan Field Delegation Session. Sabbath meetings were well attended with an encouraging number of visitors. On this second visit he was privileged to conduct the baptisms of four more souls, Sr Tumu Agavale, Sr Fetineiai Agavale, Sr Manuao Siyanilo Sapati, and Br Arona Unasai. American Samoa Br Jaksic also visited American Samoa where he held a number of meetings for the benefit of some…

Samoa – Baptisms January 2011

January 2011 A welcome decision of the 32nd AUC delegation session in December 2010 was to engage our retired ministers to help were possible with the work in the Pacific Islands. In response, Br Brian Jaksic was privileged to conduct the baptisms of five souls in January of 2011 — Br Sapati Sami, Sr Lotofoa Sami, Br Uati Sami, Br Pofitu and Sr Paseka (Tupe) Sauvao.   Left to right: (Standing) Br Uati Sami, Sr Paseka (Tupe) Sauvao, Br Sapati…

European Sunday Alliance Launched

The Good Tidings E-News draws your attention to the latest developments in the fulfilling of Bible Prophecy and an ultimate Worldwide Sunday Law. On 20 June, 2011 “some 65 civil society organisations, trade unions and Churches launched the European Sunday Alliance at an event held in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. In their Founding Statement “Together for decent working hours” the signatories commit to safeguard and promote work-free Sundays and decent working hours throughout Europe. The…

NSW Spiritual Conference

Elim Heights was a busy hive of activity on Friday afternoon June 10 as preparations were underway for the opening of the 2011 NSW Spiritual Conference. Many hands make light work, so while sound and recording equipment was being set up in the church hall, the kitchen was also full of helpers preparing the evening meal. Soon we were welcoming visitors from across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia—it was wonderful to have so many attending this special…

Baptism VIC-TAS Field – Ligia Lupoiu

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:16 On the 21st of May 2011, Ligia Lupoiu made her covenant with the Lord, becoming the youngest member in “Maranatha” church. It was the sunniest day of May so far when members, friends and all heaven gathered to witness her baptism. Someone once said that we all have a gap in us in the shape of…

New Zealand Field Camp Meeting & Baptism – Auckland

Our Spiritual Conference was held at the Auckland Church April 22-24, 2011, with the theme being “Knowing Christ”. Many members and friends attended (60 over Sabbath) and were blessed by the studies presented and fellowship with one another.   On Sunday we all rejoiced to witness the baptism of Br Raphael Giles. (Look out for the full report in the print edition of Good Tidings Magazine.)

Vanuatu Field News

Br Andrew Pakoasongi reports that they have just finished a two week long series of open air evangelistic meetings in Port Vila. The program commenced on the 24th April and concluded on the 8th of May, 2011. The meetings resulted in a good response by mostly young people. Two couples are ready for baptism. One of them was an interest from a previous series of meetings held during the last Field Camp Meeting. This year’s camp meeting is now underway…

SA Field Camp Meeting – Mt Gambier

It was cool and fresh after a little rain as members and visitors arrived in Mt Gambier for the SA Field 2011 Camp Meeting held April 22-24, 2011.   Though we were meeting at the local Golf Club for the conference, the combined Presentation/Dining hall made for a beautiful scenic backdrop. Surrounded by God’s creation, the weekend provided us with valuable lessons on ‘overall spirituality’.   On Friday evening Br Csongi Matyas welcomed us very enthusiastically and warmly and we opened the Sabbath in song…

Baptisms Queensland – Jordan Chapman & Naomi McMahon

  Sabbath April 23, 2011 was a glorious autumn day in Brisbane, just right for another special occasion when two young hearts made their covenant with the Lord in baptism—Jordan Chapman and Naomi McMahon.   Family, friends and church members from every Queensland group and church, and some from as far north as Mackay gathered at the Pine River, on the northern outskirts of Brisbane, to witness the event. When news of the planned baptism spread, a busload of young people from Rockhampton and Bundaberg decided to make the trip…

May 2011 First Sabbath Offering – Allocation Update

Bro Peter D Lausevic writes to us on behalf of the General Conference Missionary Department: Dear Brethren of the Sabbath School,   We trust that all is well with each of you as we all work together to hasten our Lord’s second coming. Greetings to you with these words from Acts 16:9: “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” From all parts of the…