News (Page 51)

News (Page 51)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

General Conference Session 2011 – Public Meetings

Dear Brethren around the world, We are happy to provide you with information about the Public Meetings of the 2011 Session of the General Conference to be held in Sibiu, Romania, between August 18-21, 2011, the Dedication of the Youth and Family Retreat Center and baptism in Porumbacu (August 22, 2011) and the subsequent holiday and hiking program in Porumbacu, to which you are heartily invited to participate for the rest of the week. Date of the Public Meetings: August 18-21, 2011 Location of…

Qld Baptism – Jessica Brown

We praise God that on Sabbath 2nd of April, 2011 Sr Jessica Brown made her covenant with the Lord through baptism at Woodgate Beach, QLD (near Childers).   Family, friends and church members came from as far south as Sydney and as far north as Mackay to witness the event. Sabbath services were held at Childers, followed by a fellowship lunch. As the Profession of Faith meeting commenced word came through that strong rain had begun falling at the planned…

May 2011 First Sabbath Offering – Allocation Update

Bro Peter D Lausevic writes to us on behalf of the General Conference Missionary Department: Dear Brethren of the Sabbath School, We trust that all is well with each of you as we all work together to hasten our Lord’s second coming. Greetings to you with these words from Acts 16:9: “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” From all parts…

Baptism Queensland – Sr Suzi Penehio-Crawley

On the Sunday afternoon of 10th of April, 2011 the Lord blessed us with lovely weather during the baptism of Sr Suzi Penehio-Crawley, originally from New Zealand. Sr Suzi recently arrived in the Queensland Field from New South Wales. She had come into contact with the message of Reformation while in her native New Zealand many years ago. Bible Workers and ministers who studied with her both in New Zealand and Australia recognised a sincere searcher for truth. Five years…

Obituary – Bruce Gordon

We have been saddened in recent weeks with the death of three of our beloved brethren: Sis. Esther Southwell, Sis. Maria Korchynsky and Bro. Bruce Gordon. They were all dearly loved by their families and friends. While we will miss them greatly, we take comfort in the promise that they now rest in Christ awaiting the blessed hope of the resurrection. Last issue we reflected on the life of Sis. Maria Korchynsky. This issue we remember Br Bruce Gordon as…

SDA Leadership Talks

Recently, two leaders within the Seventh-day Adventist church in Australia contacted our office in Sydney. They expressed a desire to meet with us as we had not had contact for some years. They wished to discuss the issues concerning our origin and existence as a separate organisation from the SDA Conference. Our brethren sensed a genuine interest from these leaders in understanding the reasons for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement and so agreed. The meeting was held on February 15, 2011. From all reports, the…

Some History

  Since hearing of the February 15 meeting of our brethren with some SDA leaders, I was reminded of some notable discussions that occurred some 30 years ago in the USA. At that time, Elder Robert H. Pierson, the then most recently retired SDA General Conference President, approached our General Conference leadership for talks. I understand Elder Pierson had a burden to see the various groups of ‘separated’ Adventists reconciled to 'the church'.   Together with a like-minded SDA minister and elder, Elder Pierson met with our…

Baptism of Matthew Boje – Brimbank, Keilor, Victoria

On Sabbath, the 5th of March, 2011, the Lord blessed us with wonderful weather as we rejoiced to see another soul make their covenant with the Lord. Members and friends from the local Melbourne churches and from around Australia and abroad gathered to witness the baptism of Matthew Boje. The Lord's presence was felt by all who attended. Our prayers are with Bro. Matthew as he begins his new life in Christ. We especially remember him as he has just undergone a major heart surgery. Latest reports…

Report of the AUC Spiritual Conference

Thursday, 30th December 2010 People from across Australia and overseas met together to sing praises to God in heaven. All voices united with enthusiasm and joy as we felt another conference had come. At 7:30pm, Br. Ben Thiel shared the word of God for opening of conference —the meeting was entitled, ‘Almost Eleven’. The speaker began by pointing to the Conference Program which had a front cover printed almost wholly black and said, “people have asked me why we have a program that is so dark.…

Stewardship Seminar – Schofields Church

9-11 April 2010 It was a great privilege to have Br David Zic, General Conference Stewardship Department Leader visit Australia and have a financial seminar at the AUC Headquarters Schofields NSW.  The Schofields centre was full for all the meetings with many visitors attending. The opening meeting on Friday evening was: “Setting Your Priorities.”  Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” All our means belong to God; we are only custodians of some of…

Missionary Training Program 2010

Sunday, February 7 marked the beginning of a new experience for the nine enthusiastic students who enrolled in the Australasian Union Conference Missionary Training Program 2010.  This four-month missionary training course was held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. For the first month, all students and teachers resided at the Elim Heights Youth Camp, located about one hour’s drive from the AUC headquarters.  This time was rather intense as the students went through the book “Gospel Workers” by E. G.…