News (Page 54)

News (Page 54)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Missionary Training Program 2008

Full Report Reports from Students: Br Amos Thiel Question: Please share one of your impressive experiences from the Missionary Training Program. Answer: As a student at the Missionary Training Program, there was one thing that I noticed happening over and over, something that I call divine appointments. This I find to be the most encouraging and exciting thing to see that God is working and you have the privilege of cooperating with Him. Let me give you an example. It was…

Br P & Sr S Lausevic Arrive in Australia

  Welcome to Peter and Susan Lausevic, who finally made it to NSW Field from the USA in December 2007. They are being welcomed by Br Geoff McCutcheon (Field Conference President). Unfortunately Peter will not be spending his whole time working in NSW as he has divided responsibilities, he is also the General Conference 2nd Vice-President and as well will be running the Missionary Training Program at Schofields 3rd February – 31st May 2008 for students coming from all parts of…

New South Wales Sofala Camping Trip 2007

NSW Youth Department organized a Camping Weekend 28-30 September 2007. Here is some info about the place: “Nestling in the hills of the Turon River valley on the banks of the Turon River is Sofala, one of the most interesting and unusual of the old gold mining towns in New South Wales. A village with an authentic old world charm, Sofala can legitimately claim to be ‘Australia’s oldest surviving gold town’ as it developed on the back of Australia’s first…