News (Page 55)

News (Page 55)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

New South Wales Field Conference 2007

NSW Conference 2006 Title: “Heart Surgery, Do you Consent” 6-8 June 2007. The pictures below are of the NSW youth project on Sunday afternoon. The project was to work together as a teams in preparing a gourmet meal for tea. They were divided into groups and each group picked a particular menu to make from scratch and to serve it to the parents and friends. One group was in charge of entrée, another for main meal and another for desert.…

Wedding – R & T Hauptmann 2006

We said, “I do!” Sunday the 22nd October 2006 was the perfect day for our wedding. After an early morning start, I arrived at Schofields Church almost on time—just half an hour late! Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” led me up the aisle to my dear, handsome groom. After a hymn and prayer, Br Matthias Thiel presented a short study on the responsibilities and joys of marriage. Br A C Sas then performed the legal ceremony where we exchanged our vows, solemnly…

Baptism in Victoria

On the Sabbath of the 21st of January 2006, Nikita Reed from the Northern Territory (who will be our first member in the Northern Territory) and Conrad Whitaker, were baptised in the Maribyrnong River, Victoria, in searing 40 degree heat (many wanted to be rebaptised because of the heat), reminiscent of the heat that we experienced at the Youth Conference in Sydney, this last year. Moreover this day, Beatrix Whitaker was accepted through profession of faith, and the Whitaker’s baby…

Victoria Youth Activity Camp 2005

“God’s Heroes” – Our Learning Curve Anglesea, 18-20 November 2005 Faces were lit with excitement when the word was spread: we were to organise and run our own camp. After choosing our theme “God’s Heroes” we began to lay plans. We would need food—very important—also someone to cook it. Sara Boje was elected head chief and given a small army to com-mand. The task: to write a menu, a mouth-watering task if I may say so myself, organise the purchase…

Queensland Field Camp 2005

  QLD Field Camp 2005 Friday 2nd September dawned a sunny day. We arrived at the Kenilworth Homestead in time to set up our tents (or dormitories) for a weekend in nature for the annual camp. The title of the camp was ‘Your Date With Destiny’ The opening of Sabbath was entitled ‘A Knock at the Door’ taken by Br Keith Robertson. He talked about how Jesus is knocking and asking to come into our hearts. After opening of Sabbath…

South Australia Health Conference 2005

If you missed the South Australian health conference entitled ‘Home Made Health’ you really missed something wonderful. We all enjoyed such a lovely time together, learning, sharing and having fun! The weather was sunny and warm, the food was delicious and the fellowship rich. On Friday evening we started out with Bro Robles taking the opening message on The Entering Wedge. In very simple practical language he showed us where in the Bible we find each of the eight laws…

New Zealand Field Spiritual Camp 2005 (Youth Version)

Dear fellow young people, Greetings from our new home, New Zealand, the Land of the Long White Cloud. It has been a while since there has been a youth report from New Zealand, but I'd like to share with you all a little of the conference we had here over the Easter 2005 weekend. The campground is situated on Clarks Beach, across the Manukau Harbour with views toward Auckland. The cabins, the meeting hall and the dining/kitchen all face toward…

Vic/Tas Field Spiritual Conference 2005

From Psalm 133:1, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" On Friday 25th March 2005 we turned off Myers Creek road and slowly drove into "Ferngully Lodge", a retreat camp on a little property set amidst the quiet, scenic hills of Healesville. It was the second year running that we had visited Ferngully Lodge for our Australian Southern Field annual Spiritual Conference and Victorian/Tas-manian Field Delegation session. Having settled in quietly to…