News (Page 6)

News (Page 6)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Amphitheatre Stage Reconstruction

Elim Heights Youth Camp At the time when the bushfires went through the Elim Heights Youth Camp, it not only destroyed some of the buildings that were standing, but also burnt down the stage at the outside amphitheater. Brother Keith Robertson has been kind enough to take under his wings the re-construction of this stage. It gives us pleasure to report to you that this work is now fully completed and looking beautiful. We would like to express our gratitude…

Combined Sabbath at Elim Heights Youth Camp

30th October 2021 It was so wonderful to be able to gather once again at Elim Heights Youth Camp. There is something very special about worshipping God in nature, and we thank Him for giving us that privilege and for providing such a beautiful day in which to do so. Over 60 people joined together for worship and fellowship. These included a few visitors as well. The morning meetings were held in the outdoor Amphitheatre, which was truly amazing. Even…

Children’s Sabbath – Guildford WA

“And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:15-16. Due to the large number of children attending the Guildford Church each week, it was decided that it would be very beneficial to hold a Children’s Sabbath every two months,…

WA Field Camp 2021

“It’s Closer Than You Think” 24-29 September 2021 For the past couple of years, the WA Field Conference has been held at the Barbers’ farm, but this year it was inaccessible due to flooding. So instead, it was held at the Lausevics’ property. Those that were staying overnight started arriving a couple of hours before sunset on Friday, and there was a bit of a scramble to set up and find enough extra blankets, because it was just as cold…

Days of Prayer 2021

It is our privilege as God’s children to lift our hearts to Him, seeking peace and assurance. More than ever before, with the ongoing world situation and the uncertainty of the future, people are in great need of hope and trust in our Lord. The purpose of the Days of Prayer is to seek to understand and experience the assurance we have in Jesus, and our need to prepare for His second coming and keep our eyes focused on heavenly…

Abundant Life

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 5 – for October 29, 2021 by Arnaldo Pedrosa With the COVID-19 pandemic and Delta variant, we are living through a world crisis, the likes of which has not been seen in a very long time. The vast extent of the crisis and the effect it is having are inherently producing a great deal of fear, insecurity, and apprehension across the world. Mental stress and distress have ensued as the result of social isolation,…

Our Future in His Hands

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 6 – for October 30, 2021 By Ben Thiel “But my God shall supply all your need according to his richesin glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 Some years ago a visitor came to one of our churches and shared an experience during Sabbath School. He told us how he came to a point in his experience where he was out of work, his accommodation arrangements had expired, he had nothing to tie him…

Freedom in Him

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 4 – for October 27, 2021 by Miguel Mendoza Abraham Lincoln, one of the presidents of the United States of America, during the third year of the national civil war, issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. The document declared that all persons held as slaves “are, and shall be free.” On the evening of April 14, 1865, he was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. It is said that, after he…

Peace – A Reality

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 3 – for October 23, 2021 by Larry Ah Ching “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27. A crowd was once asked, “If you had a choice of what you wanted most in life, what would it be?” The most common response was, “Peace.” People want peace. Peace…

Hope in Uncertain Times

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 2 – for October 22, 2021 by Nathan Tyler Keeping a Higher Perspective In times of uncertainty, God’s people have faced the challenge of looking up, beyond the present circumstances. By faith they can see what others cannot. The things around them cannot shake their faith, because it is anchored in something secure. However, that doesn’t mean their enemy does not try to shake them. In various ways, and by different means, he makes…

Courage Instead of Fear

Days of Prayer devotional reading number 1 – for October 20, 2021 Compiled from the writings of E. G. White “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Let us learn a lesson of courage and fortitude from the last interview of Christ with his apostles. They were about to be separated. Our Saviour was entering the blood-stained path which would lead him to…

NSW Camp Report 2021

“Saved to Serve” was the theme of our June 2021 NSW Conference Campmeeting, the first one held at Elim Heights campgrounds since the 2019 bushfires. Though we missed the former meeting hall which had been destroyed in the fires, we thank the Lord that most of the facilities were still functional. A marquee had been set up for the main meeting place, and work was done to obtain power to the site. As Friday came, the dormitories filled, and the…