News (Page 7)

News (Page 7)

News stories including Good Tidings News items

Focus on Education

Featuring content from around the Pacific, this 4-part video series was hosted on our YouTube channel. Part 1 Christian Education DefinedPlus special feature: Story of Hebron Missionary College Part 2 The Need for Educational ReformPlus special feature: Tebakor College, Vanuatu Part 3 The Elementary YearsPlus special features: Luzon Field Academy (Philippines), Camponotus Kids (Australia & New Zealand) Part 4 The Importance of Higher EducationPlus special features: Bible Missionary Training School (Philippines), Elim Missionary College (Australia) Student Testimonials Or simply load…

The Story of Hebron Missionary College

Very few people are still with us who remember the Hebron Farm and the training college which used to operate there. Sister Elaine Weymark is one of those people. A retired AUC office worker, she recently celebrated her 90th birthday (in December, 2020). Some time ago we caught up with her to talk about Hebron, and this is what she had to say. The College at Hebron Hebron was a gathering place for the youth, and it was purchased in…

Concert at Clayfield

On the 20th of June 2021, the QLD Missionary Department held a music concert at Clayfield church to give thanks to the Lord for His amazing love and kindness toward us. It has been such a blessing to see the Clayfield church and main building repaired. Repairs have been going on for about two years or more, which have taken many hours, effort and means over the course of the project. Having completed the repairs to the church, it seemed…

Stratham Help Build in PNG

Recently we received word that a house of worship was built in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, with assistance from the Stratham Church in Western Australia. Three new young people are attending this new church and our sister Bible worker is going on a two-day walk into the wilderness to reach out to new areas. Sister Bethany (second from right in the photo) is blind and so Stratham members also assisted in contributions to build her a small house…

How to Survive in Lockdown

As we prepare this month’s issue of the Good Tidings News, New Zealand and most of Australia are under lockdown. Many families are facing difficulty and uncertainty as travel is restricted, school arrangements are changing, and some industries are shut down entirely while others face strict conditions in order to be able to work. There is a sense that we have all done this before by now, yet nobody really wants to go through it again. Nonetheless, the church has…

Sydney Online Sabbath School

Dear Members and Friends, You are invited to join together with us in a Online Sabbath School program for Adults this coming Sabbath (Saturday) via Zoom. For printed copies of the Bible Lessons Guide, Call (02) 9627 7553 to order one if you haven’t already.  For electronic versions, download the “SDARM Mobile XP” app from your phone’s app store for this weeks lesson.  Or go to Feel free to invite friends and family! If you have any questions, please Contact Us…

Blessings on Your 90th Birthday Terezija Stoyko

The Stoyko family was amongst some of the pioneers of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Australasian Union, who came from Europe in the late 1950’s. The Stoyko family knew what it was like to start life anew with nothing, and that made them very attentive to the needs of others. Their hospitality was experienced by many, their home was always opened to visitors, and even became the first home to many who immigrated here from Europe, especially the Slavs.…

Workers Fellowship Weekend

Jesus once said to His disciples, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). A few weeks ago, our pastoral workers did take a rare opportunity to come apart, for study, meditation and prayer at our first ever AUC workers’ retreat. At a conference centre in the Blue Mountains, surrounded by God’s beautiful handiwork, we had the chance to have heart to heart talks and deepen our relationship with God, and strengthen our commitment…

Baptism – Perth, WA

Due to Perth COVID restrictions with indoor meetings, Guildford Church and some Stratham members and visitors enjoyed a beautiful mild, sunny Sabbath on the 1st of May 2021, by the banks of the Swan River, at Sandy Beach Reserve in Bassendean, where we worshipped our Saviour. Brother Jacques Payet held an inspiring Divine Service message on how Jesus paid our debt on Calvary, and because of this, we have the assurance from Galatians 2:20, “The life which I now live…

NSW Easter Bush Camp

The COVID lockdown in Australia had taken its toll. For several months throughout 2020, members had been worshipping at home. Camp meetings were a thing of the past, a distant memory of days gone by when freedom reigned. So, it was with great relief that in early 2021, COVID restrictions eased in most of the States, and east coast borders opened. Making the most of the opportunity, over the Easter weekend of 2021, the New South Wales Conference hosted a…

Ordination of Jacob DeSouza

Matthew 20:28 “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” The Ordination Service On Sabbath 27th of March 2021, our dear brother Jacob de Souza was ordained to the gospel ministry, at our church in Somerton Park, Adelaide. We were privileged to have three active ministers present for the service, as well as retired minister Brian Jaksic. Brother Friedrich Staudinger, minister from Germany, led…