

The Christ of the Bible

Christ in the Bible is set forth in types, symbols and prophecies. This study explores the way certain Bible characters saw Christ in both the Old and New Testaments and how we see Him today.

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 3

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway. Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 2

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway. Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

Abiding In Christ

Luke Kneebone speaks about abiding in Jesus Christ and what that means to us in our battle with the host of darkness.

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 1

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of Revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway? Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

Lost and Found

God reconciled the whole world to Himself in Jesus Christ. To believers there has been given a ministry–Scripture calls it the ministry of reconciliation. What does it require on our part, as believers, to engage in this ministry–in search of the lost sheep, lost coins and prodigal sons? Find out, as Paul Chapman presents, “Lost and Found”. Luke 19:10. Sermon preached 21 June 2014 at Guildford, Western Australia.

The Danger of Being Unoccupied

When Christ delivers us from the power of evil, there is a vacuum that must be filled by His Spirit. There is danger when we neglect to ally ourselves with the divine nature of Christ.

The Humility of God

The humility of God is revealed in Christ. This study considers the lessons of humility taught by the cross of Christ.

Saved By Grace

What is grace? How much grace is made available to us? What is the purpose of grace? These questions and others are dwelt on in this topic of God’s unfailing grace.
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