Sermons by Paul Chapman

Sermons by Paul Chapman

Is the Protestant Reformation Over?

Five hundred years ago Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg castle church door. Thus, with one nail, he sparked the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. In 2014, Pentecostal Bishop Tony Palmer backed Pope Benedict’s plea for unity of the churches. He cited the agreement reached between Lutherans and Catholics on the Doctrine of Justification, and said it “brought an end to the protest”. But is the Protestant Reformation really over? To answer that question, you need to know what the protest was…

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 3

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway. Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 2

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway. Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

The Power of the Fourth Angel – Part 1

For Seventh-day Adventists, the subject of “that other angel” is seldom discussed let alone clearly understood. Who or What does the angel of Revelation 18:1 symbolize? What does his message, “Babylon the Great is Fallen” mean? What is the glory of this angel? And what is the “great power” that he possesses? Is this the power of “the latter rain”? Or some other ‘power’? And why does it matter anyway? Find out as Paul Chapman presents this Series on Revelation…

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

John the Baptist was a type of the people of God in these last days. As we stand on the verge of the second coming of Christ, what kind of experience do we need to have to fulfil our mission in preparing the way of the Lord? Sermon preached at Clayfield, Queensland, Australia 26th July, 2014 by Paul Chapman.

Lost and Found

God reconciled the whole world to Himself in Jesus Christ. To believers there has been given a ministry–Scripture calls it the ministry of reconciliation. What does it require on our part, as believers, to engage in this ministry–in search of the lost sheep, lost coins and prodigal sons? Find out, as Paul Chapman presents, “Lost and Found”. Luke 19:10. Sermon preached 21 June 2014 at Guildford, Western Australia.

Noah – The World’s Last Fanatic

The Bible says, he found grace in the eyes of the LORD. The world considered him a fanatic. Jesus said, as it was in Noah’s days, so shall it be in the day when Jesus will return. Are you ready to be labelled a fanatic? Find out what that meant for Noah in preaching the message of warning to a doomed world, and what lesson there is for us to today. This message is a solemn reminder that God will…

The Wheat and the Tares

What is the Field? What is the Wheat? What is a Tare? When is the harvest? A three-fold application of this classic parable of Christ.

Finishing the Mystery of God

The 7th Trumpet of Revelation is about to sound. But before he sounds, the Mystery of God will be finished! What is this mystery? Find out as Paul Chapman presents, “Finishing The Mystery of God”.

Is Jesus The Messiah

How can we be sure that Jesus is the Messiah of the Old Testament (Tanakh)? Is the 70th week of Daniel 9 still to be fulfilled? And what did Jesus really mean when He said, “The time is fulfilled” in Mark 1:15? And what does the Passover have to do with it anyway? Come with me on a journey to discover the answers to these questions and more as we consider the 70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9. You’ll be simply amazed.
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