'youth' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'youth' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Victoria Camp 2012

The biennial Victoria Camp was held on the Easter weekend, April 5-9, 2012. Our theme was “Jesus' Last Prayer,” on the subject of Christian unity. Jesus' prayer in John 17 was for His disciples. The main emphasis of His prayer was “that they may be one.” We learned that the unity of the church is the greatest evidence of the reality of Jesus' mission. Our first priority must be unity with Jesus ourselves, which will lead to unity with one…

Baptism – Domenic Polistina – AUC Youth Convention 2011

At 5:30am on Sabbath morning, 31st December 2011, guests at the AUC Youth Convention made their way to the banks of the Colo River, NSW to witness the baptism of Br Domenic Polistina. This joyful event was preceded the evening before by Br Domenic's profession of faith before members and guests present at the AUC Youth Convention. All who heard his personal testimony could not help but be encouraged by the gracious working of the Lord in Domenic's life. It…

New Family Rates – Youth Convention

After further calculation and discussion with the organizing brethren, we are now able to offer a further 20% discount off the special rates to families with children staying the full duration of the camp. The new rates are as follows:   Children 4 – 12 Youth 13 – 25 Adults Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Dorm Tents Per Day* $13.50 $12 $15 $13.50 $30 $27 Individuals – Entire Camp* $90 $81 $180 $162 $243 $218 Family – Entire Camp * $72…

NSW Spiritual Conference

Elim Heights was a busy hive of activity on Friday afternoon June 10 as preparations were underway for the opening of the 2011 NSW Spiritual Conference. Many hands make light work, so while sound and recording equipment was being set up in the church hall, the kitchen was also full of helpers preparing the evening meal. Soon we were welcoming visitors from across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia—it was wonderful to have so many attending this special…

Fly and Build Project – Vanuatu (Update from the AUC YPD)

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matt. 28:19. Many times I ask myself if it is worth investing and spending a lot of money to do missionary work in the islands. I know that this money could be spent here, locally… but while reading the book “Faith  I Live By” I came across THE answer. “Christ gave His disciples their commission. He…

SA Field Camp Meeting – Mt Gambier

It was cool and fresh after a little rain as members and visitors arrived in Mt Gambier for the SA Field 2011 Camp Meeting held April 22-24, 2011.   Though we were meeting at the local Golf Club for the conference, the combined Presentation/Dining hall made for a beautiful scenic backdrop. Surrounded by God’s creation, the weekend provided us with valuable lessons on ‘overall spirituality’.   On Friday evening Br Csongi Matyas welcomed us very enthusiastically and warmly and we opened the Sabbath in song…

General Conference Session 2011 – Public Meetings

Dear Brethren around the world, We are happy to provide you with information about the Public Meetings of the 2011 Session of the General Conference to be held in Sibiu, Romania, between August 18-21, 2011, the Dedication of the Youth and Family Retreat Center and baptism in Porumbacu (August 22, 2011) and the subsequent holiday and hiking program in Porumbacu, to which you are heartily invited to participate for the rest of the week. Date of the Public Meetings: August 18-21, 2011 Location of…

Report of the AUC Spiritual Conference

Thursday, 30th December 2010 People from across Australia and overseas met together to sing praises to God in heaven. All voices united with enthusiasm and joy as we felt another conference had come. At 7:30pm, Br. Ben Thiel shared the word of God for opening of conference —the meeting was entitled, ‘Almost Eleven’. The speaker began by pointing to the Conference Program which had a front cover printed almost wholly black and said, “people have asked me why we have a program that is so dark.…

Australasian Union Conference Officers for 2011-2013

  32nd Delegation Session, December 2010   Offices and Departments   President Ben Thiel (Public Relations Officer) Vice Presidents Alasdair Pow, John Ciric Secretary / Treasurer Joe Voncina Executive Committee Ben Thiel, Alasdair Pow, John Ciric, Joe Voncina, Brian Jaksic, Peter Szabo, Nathan Tyler AUC Council Exec. Comm Dept Leaders, Field Leaders Ministerial Committee B. Thiel (chair) P. Chapman, J. Ciric, P. Lausevic, A. Pow M. Thiel, N. Tyler Advisors: Retired Ministers Ministerial Council All Credentialed Ministers in the AUC Missionary…

Missionary Training Program 2010

Sunday, February 7 marked the beginning of a new experience for the nine enthusiastic students who enrolled in the Australasian Union Conference Missionary Training Program 2010.  This four-month missionary training course was held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. For the first month, all students and teachers resided at the Elim Heights Youth Camp, located about one hour’s drive from the AUC headquarters.  This time was rather intense as the students went through the book “Gospel Workers” by E. G.…

New Children’s Building at Elim Heights

Elim Heights Youth Camp is a magnificent rural property situated on the Putty Road near Mellong, NSW, about 45 minutes north-west of Windsor. At this venue we hold many of our conferences, youth camps, seminars, quarterly combined Sabbath meetings, etc. Brother Neville and Sr Elizabeth Brittain and Keith Brittain are the current caretakers; we thank them for the endless amount of work they do on a day to day basis. Sister Elaine Weymark has always had a soft spot for…

Queensland Field Conference 2009

  Event: QLD Field Annual Conference 2009 Theme: God’s Final Work – The Holy Spirit And You When: 2-4 October, 2009   The Conference was held in the beautiful surroundings of Somerset Dam located 1.5 hours north of Brisbane city. Worship meetings and the youth meeting titles included, ‘Growing Under the Early Rain’, ‘What the Holy Spirit Does’ and ‘The Latter Rain – Who’s Holding it Back?’. These were taken by Br. Lotsi Honti, Sr. Sandra Barnett and Br. Anton…