Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 59)

Posts by Good Tidings Editor (Page 59)

Carnarvon Missionary Trip

  On the long weekend of the January 27, the youth from the Perth church all made the long and tiring trip to Carnarvon, a town approximately 10 hours drive from Perth, to respond to an invitation to sing and take the services at the Adventist and Church of Christ congregations there. We had originally planned to leave by 1 pm on Friday afternoon from the church, the agreed meeting place, but after a delay of an hour and a…

Missionary Stall at the Maddington Markets

  The day started at 5:30 am for a few Perth young people on 10 January 2002, as a missionary stall at the Maddington Markets had been organised for that day. We very artistically arranged both health books and pamphlets onto a little table we had obtained for the occasion, only to have a very strong wind roar up and sweep some of our little arrangements away. Fortunately, we managed to retrieve most of the runaway pamphlets. We thank God…

Stratham Church Building Dedication

  On Sunday, 2 December 2001, the Stratham Church was dedicated.  After much preparation, and many invitations, the little church was completely full as the congregation rose to sing Samuel Wesley’s great hymn, “The Church has One Foundation”. The Bible reading was taken from John 4:5-15, and Br. Southwell gave his address based on that incident in Jesus’ life where He met the woman at the well and discussed many great things with her. After being questioned on the best place to…

New South Wales Field Missionary Report

  Dear Friends, Greetings with “Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength…”  Isaiah 45:24 The Lord’s work here in NSW is progressing steadily and it often seems that there are not enough hours in a day or days in a week to accomplish the tasks and needs that arise in this field.  The Lord has greatly blessed and interest is continually arising from unexpected places and from a variety of sources. Our field missionary leader, Br. John…

Encouraging News from the Victorian-Tasmanian Field

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings with Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” Yes, every single moment we have to be joyful and full of praises and thanksgiving for the great salvation provided for us on the cross of Calvary. I would like to tell you about a great joyful event, which took place in heaven as well as among God’s people here on this earth in a small Victorian town on the…