Pacific Islands Leaders Meetings – Port Vila, Vanuatu

Pacific Islands Leaders Meetings – Port Vila, Vanuatu


The Word of God is clear that the Gospel will be preached in all nations before the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven. It is of interest that the work of God in the island regions gets a special mention in Isaiah. 42:10-12

 “Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.  . . . Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.”

 The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement first took the message of reformation to Papua New Guinea in 1998. Shortly after the Fiji mission field was established. Since that time the work has spread across many regions and countries of the pacific. We praise God for the many wonderful experiences gained as souls from all walks of life have given their hearts to God and many churches and groups have been established.

 As calls have come from the highlands and coastal areas of the island nations of the Pacific our workers, lay members and youth from Australia and New Zealand have answered the call and given time and energy to assist in many different ways. We have seen Isaiah 42:4 fulfilled in the lives of many:  The Lord is establishing “judgment in the earth, and the isles” do indeed “wait for his law.”

While we thank God for the great things He has done, we also realise that this is no time to be idle. We now have over two hundred members across the Pacific but we realise how great the work is and how many villages and islands are still untouched. We have a great responsibility. Our resources are small but God’s are great.  

During the Council meeting of the Australasian Union Conference in January 2012 the work in Pacific Islands was discussed at length. A great need for further consideration on how to best organise and support the work in the islands was realised. It was therefore decided to call a Pacific islands meeting of all field leaders in the Pacific islands within the territory of the Australasian Union Conference, and together with representatives from the General Conference and Australasian Union Conference, consider our methods of work, review our current structure in view of the needs of the Pacific island fields, and make plans to more effectively carry forward and organise the work in these areas.

The Pacific Islands meetings are scheduled to be held in Port Vila, Vanuatu, 23rd – 27th November 2012. Meetings on Friday, Sabbath and Sunday the 23rd – 25th of November will be public meetings, and will include the dedication of the new church building in Bladiners Estate, Port Vila on Sunday. All are welcome to attend. Monday – Wednesday will be for Field Leaders only. Please pray for the leaders at this time and the Lord's work in the various fields of the Pacific islands.